Remember, if you came to HotS thinkin

It’s always hard to tell who cost the match. Usually it’s not even a single player, or a single mistake. It’s a chainreaction that no one put an end to.
Like he failed to join quickly on the kill attempt, so because of his slow reactions or bad judgement his team lost potential momentum (that could help building up the Snowball).
He also failed to save allies that were within his reach to slow/stop enemy momentum.
He also died in situations that were all on him.
These all helped the Enemy.

And… the map was ToD. Their Core was at so low hp that a single Altar could deal the final shot. There were 2 active. Instead of helping his team in a 5v5 battle, he went for a single obj, as the Healer. Leaving his team 5v4. Like his team fought for not losing and he abandoned them. Putting the last nail in their coffins.

So we could say he cost the game because his decision decided the outcome. But that situation was already hard to turn. But he had a big role in letting the enemy building up momentum.

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That’s today.

No front line and you still stepped forward against E.T.C.
Your Poly was up, but you didn’t used it before E.T.C. pressed W.



Yea this i remember, we lost that match hard. Been facing that Cassia as opponent in some of the 10 win streaks i had with my buddy even then she was aggressive af and got SAT on… This is a more recent match with even more context throu voice chat. like me and my buddy saying “oh no we got the cassia”. and my buddy wanting me to ban chromie when i wanned to ban KT which they picked. Think kt actually got Mvp too.

If you have the replay, forget me doing polymorph 1 sec too late. Put the camera on Greymane and Cassia. Watch how again and again, they’re getting too aggressive… like mindlessly aggressive and you’ll know what i mean.

Just watch the match, watch how they play. how they constantly make bad calls, go in and die in vain. I think greymane tried to make a PR on death count. Cassia not too far behind him on death count aswell. They… the 2 baddies are drawing the path of the match.

In this match, i know why we lost. And while i could’ve done ALOT of things diffrently myself it still wouldn’t change the outcome. Everything was just downhill in this match, there was not a single chance of me no matter how perfectly timed skill-shots i did to turn this match to our favor, and i did some of those too only to see them go back out and die anyway… like NO chance. This was what you call a stomp loss. A complete miss-matching throu the MM. We might have been able to do something if we only got that Cassia, but we got that Greymane too.

There’s just alot more i could add, but text is getting too long. already made it 2 times shorter.

Why would I do that? We’re talking about your plays, not anyone else. Stop distracting yourself on how others play and concentrate on the actions that you can improve.
Watch your replays from your perspective and replays from actual GM player on the heroes that you want to be better at.
Who cares if Greymane died 9 times? You won’t see him again often.

The game isn’t 100% about winning. If it was, you might as well stop playing Hots and start gambling on slot machines. The best players have around 65% win rate in GM, they’re not winning every time, but they need to perform extremely well at that level to keep up that %.

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The point of this thread is his suggestion that bad luck in being assigned bad teammates is what drives a lot of losses. How can you not look at the play of his teammates in evaluating if that is true? Its literally the entire point!

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If you paid attention, other people already said that he was the weakest link in a game with example of plays.

Tell me how constructive it is to say to him “yeah man, you’re super unlucky, there’s nothing you can do about it in this daed gaem.”


Yes, I did see that. About one randomly selected replay…

I also saw you essentially say “your teammates play doesn’t matter” in a thread about how he is commonly dealt bad teammates… :man_facepalming:

I mean ya… are people who love this game are gonna deny that its based mostly on luck of the MMR? Shocking! Is there anything that isnt a learn to play issue? Didnt think so.

Those bad teammates will just as often be on the enemy team. More often, in fact, since there are five enemy slots and only four teammate slots. Seeing as the thread is about long-term matchmaking and not just one game, yeah, you shouldn’t be looking at your teammates.


That’s pitiful, to say the least.

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You’re right. Its the same problem in the other direction. It was nicely put in another thread.

40% of your games are unwinnable.
40% of your games are unlosable.
20% of your games come down to how well you played.

So whats the standard recommendation? Play lots of games so your luck balances out! Thats more of a philosophy for going into a casino… not playing a competitive game.

Try to make an argument… its makes conversations more interesting.

And the better you play, the more of that 20% you will win, so the point of that comment (it was from one of NotParadox’ videos) was that you can only control your own actions, so focusing on improving your play is the key to climbing.

If you win all of that 20%, that is a 60% win rate, and you will climb fast!


Considering you’re 20% of the team, I don’t really think this is all that terrible a scenario you’re painting.

It’s a team game, if you want to account for 100% of your success, you should just play solo games.

True. Which is why the more people play, the more their win rates gravitate to the 45-60% range (top 2% and bottom 2% of players excluded) :slight_smile:

I just dont like the idea that my play doesnt really matter in 70-80% of the game I play in. Especially the 40% unwinnable ones with no surrender button… that’ll get the blood boiling. :angry:

That is the reason I mostly play tanks or healers, in that I can often save a potato from themselves, meaning I have more impact than just 20%. I find that I do much better in matches where I can enable my team, rather than trying to do everything myself.


I dont doubt you have the skill to pull that off.

I would bet that if I had all the data available to me, I could predict the winning team at the loading screen with 90% accuracy.

I am primarily a QM player (I find the draft extremely boring) So I get 2 layers of MMR luck… one for player skill matchups… and another for whether or not there is some ridiculous team comp mismatch (half the time there is).

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The thing is, self-fulfilling prophecies are a thing for a reason. While sure, there are matches where you simply don’t have an answer for something, like the enemy having a Hammer, a lot of times even those are winnable by playing a different strategy.

Too many people look for excuses for losses, rather than opportunities for wins.

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hes not wrong though. the way the matches are balanced are mostly which team has the AFK.

you can technically win 4v5 if you outcomp and skill the other team by a VAST amount. But typically the chance is low unless you are a pro player.

im mainly a qm player myself as ranked is not even an option in asia. But half of the time the game is decided at loading screen unless some outliers.

i cannot count how many times our team has 0 cc, 0 front line, 0 heals vs greymane, butcher, and 3 others and its just a roflstomp the entire game because nobody can peel the butcher and grey

LoL, your logic isn’t even consistent. Do you know who is going to be afk at loading screen? If there’s one thing QM has taught me, it’s that almost anything can work.

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of course i dont know who’s going to be afk in a game, but i can guess with 90% accuracy, there will be atleast 1 afk almost every other match on either my team or theirs.

if you dont believe me come join me on korean server. We can play 3 aram 3 qm, i will guarantee you atleast 1 afk in aram and 1 afk in qm 100% guaranteed.