Hi everyone,
what would you think about a rank reset every season that everyone stats from bronze again, but players in higher leagues get bonus points that let them climb faster to their usual rank.
For example:
GM/Master gets +500 to the usual 200 points = 700 points.
Diamonds gets +400
Platin gets 300+
Gold 200+
Silver 100+
Bronze 0
But only if the players were at their ranks last season that means your ranks can decay. This system wouldn’t solve the smurf problem that’s for sure, but since everyone is starting at bronze every season the other ranks were more valued and there were less frustrating games. For example there are players on this forum who complains about players on their rank, who has low winrate, low kda. This would be a non-issue in general. Another upside would be that players, who are higher than their friends could play together again, because everyone starts at bronze.
What do you think about my idea?
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Why would i want to play with bronze players again after already proving that im better than them?
Rank reset would kill the game
How would a rank reset kill the game? How is that worse than what we have already? Do you really think all silver/gold/plat players deserves their rank?
Since I played in mid gold already I can surely deny this, because I saw so many bad gold players, they were even worse than silver players I met. Silver - Gold are not really well settled.
Most of them, yes. Of course there are outliers, but pissing off all of the high ranks, and having Bronzes get crushed by GM for the first few weeks, would absolutely kill ranked. This would likely benefit a very small minority of the player base, and even that would be only temporary.
Edit: I would not use your personal evaluation of game play in gold as a benchmark. There are so many things that go into skill, that I am pretty sure you miss a lot of things. I have been called out as a tank fairly often for “not helping” when I am anchoring.
They get crushed in this system already, because there are enough smurfs in this low ground.
If you hate playing with smurfs wait until you get all of us diamond + players.
I don’t hate playing against smurfs? Where do you get this from? I like stronger opponents, but I am angry, if my team feeds hard and I can’t outsoak it.
I even would like to play against lucifer, Sadius or you. If I get beaten hard that I stand no chance? So be it. I have no problems with it.
I know that feeling Hoku it’s happening to me, when I refuse to support my team, when we are 3 level behind. I refuse to start fights, when I am 3 level behind.
Like Fan said when answering someone why he doesn’t want to stay in Silver more often on smurf accounts: “Because it gets really boring after awhile”.
Plus, it’s bad habits to keep playing with low elo players.
Lucifer, Sadius, and I worked very hard to not have to do that. Sorry but if you want to play with us you’ll have to work your way up. You’re fairly close to me in eu.
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Nevermind. Do you have other arguements against my proposal? Because now you don’t said sth. really that speaks against it. You just said “it would kill ranked”, but that’s just a claim, nothing else.
When you play in a tournament, you play against anyone who you’ve been seeded to play against. So if you get “bronze” level players, it’s up to you to win that game regardless.
Why do you think that you should get special treatment on a ranked ladder?
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Yearly reset. Absolutelly not bronze but around silver 1.
So your proposal to end smurfing is to just have all diamond + players in bronze? Its just illogical.
Hearthstone comparison doesn’t hold up either. Hearthstone games last 5-10 minutes and have no wait time. Hots tanked games take 20-40 minutes with a 5 minute wait time. To get from bronze-diamond itd be about 125 games won. 70 games with double the ranked points. With a solid 70% winrate that means you need to play 400+ games to get to gm. Nobody will make that effort especially when the games would be awful with bronzies on each team.
You all need to stop being obsessed with “smurfs” and just play the game. Use your games against “smurfs” as a learning opportunity.
If you cannot read the dang thread just dont respond to me. Idc about smurfing, op cares about smurfing, the whole point of thread is to reduce smurfing. I didnt make thread i just said idea was terribad
Back in the day ranked OW placed you slightly lower than it believed you should be, because, as Jeff said: “So you can enjoy the climbing experience better (or something to that effect)”. It wasn’t terribly well received to put it mildly and was dropped a few seasons after. Now imagine dropping all the way down to an absolute nightmare of melting pot of all ranks.
There’s a lot of ways Blizz could try to fix ranked but they don’t. Reset across the boards would help but unfortunately this game doesn’t have enough players to support the idea and Blizzard hasn’t done enough to make this a very effective choice. All this would do is piss off a lot of people and rightfully so because climbing in this game is beyond tedious and because too many players don’t deserve their rank. But until Blizzard actually attempts to fix Ranked, it will remain as QM in the form of Draft picks and you’ll have to deal with that.
Until Blizzard actually tries to fix ranked and not just apply band-aid solutions, a complete reset is purposeless at this moment.
Players who are “stuck” in Bronze, or Silver or any rank below Diamond, I’m convinced will be the first to come to the forums and complain if you reset to Bronze every season. The ladder will be in chaos for weeks while players work their way back to their true rank. If you’re Bronze or Silver you will be going up against lifetime GM and Master players. As a lowly Plat, I don’t want to face GM or Master players in my games.
At the start of every season the MMR confidence is slightly loosened, so in your first 10 or so matches, you have a chance to win or lose more points. This is already good enough. People who have worked hard to attain GM, Master and Diamond shouldn’t have to prove this every season. This will just result in more people quitting ranked mode.
*It should already be noted that GM’s/Master/Diamond players already have rank decay, they don’t need a Bronze reset every month too.
It gets worse the more you dwell into it.
So if everyone is bronze, then everyone is present, this means that the safest exploitation is grouped players in this case to solve the problem but also solo Q is just simply as put, a hell of a experience.
If everyone is bronze then the MMR balance is around bronze, NOT pre-season rank, so basically in this situation the Matchmaker until the next week is an unbalanced mess, sure the average MMR is is ok since there’s a pool to pick from but it doesn’t essentially understand anything of weither this person is skillful or not.
So in other words games are random mess of skill, with no actual balancing around what you are playing, so it ends with teams of actual diamonds/silver facing actual bronze tier of the bottomless pit of Bronze 5 hell, or all actual master players facing actual golds, you can clearly see how one sided it can get and it will result in making it unfair to everyone in this situation.
And if your argument is “well use pre-season stats before applying everyone as bronze for next few weeks at the start of a season” then your entire topic is meaningless and there’s literally no point in making everyone bronze.