Just want to add this here again

This game is not competitive, you know too little if this is what you thought the game was.

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Everything can be competitive.

It’s why eating contests and cup stacking is a thing.

If humans can empirically measure a way to give points, they will make a competition out of it.


Theoretically it can, in reality tho for HotS? absolutely not. This game is only competitive for 1% of the playerbase. That means that 99% of this games entierty is not competitive. No No Sir. Back to square 1, I.E This game is not competitive.

Whether the competition is good or bad to your liking changes nothing to the fact it is competition.


Didn’t mention whether or not i like it. Even if i did, it wouldn’t change the fact that this game is not competitive.
Just using the same argument against you if you didn’t notice it.



Correction it is a super competitive game that no one takes competitively :face_with_monocle:


Almost correct, it’s a non-competitive game that some takes competitively AND non-competitively.

Not explicitly. The thread’s title plus the first post (the next one as well, in fact), not to mention your posts in other threads, make it clear.

That’s more like it.

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Yea like: you call heads and flip a coin far up in the air and it lands on Tails and you’re like “Dammit, i need to flip this coin better, i’m gonna master the arts of coin flipping! Just you wait… i will”.
‘Presses Ready’

I will leave you content with that interpretation of yours and let’s leave it at that.

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Jumping into your shoes… Painting the perspective of a person that thinks it’s competitive…

It is. Any game that is Humans vs Human is competitive.

You’re still in the delusion that the game is heavily luck based just because you can’t climb higher?..


Human vs human is competitive, not a false statement yes. But if you’ve played since first release, Im positive you know exactly what i mean.
This is just word play.

I was impersonating Kveld when i said it :laughing:
Personally i believe the game can be competitive but as i said above, saying “it’s competitive” is not true most of the matches. It’s word play if you say it is.

It’s a grindy game where the “grind” is your time spent hoping for a solidly functioning team.
Like Mario Kart you know when you pick up a [ ? ] cube to get a tool. In this case that [ ? ] cube is a random teammate, done for each player.
This is the case most of the time… key words “Most of the time”. the rest are minority… there of… the game is not competitive. It CAN be competitive but it’s not.

I’m playing since Closed Beta and yea, I don’t get what you mean, not really an argument or point.
The game is as competitive as it can get.


I would never have started playing if it wasn’t for the peer pressure from my friend, because frankly the games that have this kind of a progression are the worst out of all multiplayer options on the market. We all just had a lot of faith in the company based on previous experiences, which can’t be said anymore.

The sad thing is how many of this things haven’t improved in the past five years. You could argue that new players are put at a significant disadvantage, first when it comes to experience and game knowledge and second to the availability of characters.

You’d think that the individual’s ability to carry the team isn’t as significant as in competitor titles, but then again you have a number of players climbing from bronze to top of ladder on fresh accounts with 70% and above winrates while the majority of population has problems improving within their own division over 100 games or more. You can’t do this on just about any hero.

You could allow new players to pick from a free selection of gifted heroes, but they’ll make all the wrong choices in competitive terms without investing a significant number of hours into personal research. I much more prefer games where all players are allowed same options at beginning. It’s much easier to accept the fact you’ve been bested that way.

If there are winners and losers in each match then it is competitive.

Everytime you win on a slot machine you skillfully outplay the slot machine. Which in other words makes the slot machine a competitive machine. It should enter the Olympics.

Since you didn’t reply to me but to someone else, can I ask you to clarify this? Like I shouldn’t be the one who guesses what you might thought, but you should explain your thinking and reasoning.

Humans are random (the enviroment can contain random factors as well). Skill is complex. Therefore every Human vs Human game has some “luck” (randomness) involved, be it a MOBA, a Cardgame, Fifa, real footbal, baseketball, chess, F1 and rock-paper-scissor.
This doesn’t mean you can compare it to a coin toss, because it indicates that you has no influence. Which is 100% false. You do. If you wouldn’t have an influence, you’d see Bronze-to-‘Whatever that is Higher Rank’ challenges to fail from time to time despite the person doing it already. Which is not the case.
Ppl who can climb will climb.

Be honest with yourself. It’s only “luck” if you barely play and if you’re average on your rank/mmr, thus you can’t flip the match either way.

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So if I can hold my own at every rank until diamond BUT cannot carry at any rank (including bronze), ???