I cannot gain ranks and get really famous and have tons of followers since my team mates make me lost a lot of games
Games I win, I carried the team with my great valla and anub skills.
If I can get some 1/2 intelligent team mates, I would be Grand masters super platinum #1.
Most people who cry/complain/make tons of posts about MM issues.
It’s not the matchmaking. It’s the lack of solo carry potential
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10 people blay hearthstone battlegrounds and yet I can slowly climb due to my personal skill. Skill in this game should be based upon your performance and not someone else’s performance. Rank should have nothing to do with whether or not your side won the match.
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Rank means nothing when you got 4 others to help you reach your desired rank.
You yourself said diamonds can’t carry the worst silver games but master/GM can.
Therefore there is solo carry potential in HotS. It just requires the player to be of an extremely high skill compared to the enemy (otherwise it’s very difficult). Probably 3-4 leagues or more.
Plat/diamond can probably carry the lowest B5 games alone, even with a disconnector.
It’s a 50% win rate match making (that averages to 50.1 over time). It’s a good system because you know when to just relax and play something else and run and die to avoid afk timer as you know when you should expect a loss.
What does it mean for a game to have a lack of carry potential?
People wants to have the ability to not be jailed with his team and be able to win games on his own. Thats why LOL is so popular.
I cannot gain rank either : (
I find that you usually need at least one other competent teammate, usually two. Most assassins can reliably drop someone 75% of their hp. To pick people off successfully, you need a partner to set it up. And I include that 3rd person because someone’s got to be playing the macro game, soaking lanes, and clearing camps.
The idea of a solo carry even at gold level IMHO is ridiculous. At gold, most players can rapidly identify who the smurfs are and at least talk/strategize about focusing them and killing them. Those are games where you watch 2 people coordinate a dive on whoever the linchpin player happens to be and just maul them the rest of the game. Even if it costs one of them in a 1 for 1 trade, the rest of the team can usually take advantage of the opening in time to make opportunities happen. But they won’t just let that smurf run wild. If that smurf is behind a competent front line… they’re not carrying anymore. They’ve got proper teamwork.
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That effectively means there’s no carrying. Master/GM is less than 1% of the playerbase just blindly estimating.
It means if your team gets the potato teammate… you lost. And if the enemy team gets the potato… you won (yay).
How you play has little to do with it. Most games are decided at the loading screen. How anyone takes this game seriously is beyond me.
it would help the MM if we could just purge all these disgusting smurfs, like those certain parties who insist on doing Bronze to diamond challenges cus reasonsand all those “want to relax” creatures
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How come I have a 30% chance of getting MVP this season while you have 5%?
Is it luck?
Only 6% of my games I was on assassins.
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What point are you trying to make here? We know you’re good not just from the rank you displace but from the tips you also give, but here, you sound like you spend a lot of your time padding stats with this comment…
If you don’t like the MVP analogy, I have plenty of other examples to prove that potato team mates can be carried. I used the quickest one.
Did you know that 76% of all percentages are made up on the spot?
For every 1 example you have where you carried a teammate… I have 100 where a potato sunk his team.
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Gill, love your stuff as always. If you decide to become a streamer, let me know! 
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As much as some games can absolutely be carried, there are some teammates that are quite literally too heavy to ever win a game with.
In quickmatch, I (4.8k masters) get matched with 4 bronze-silver players versus a bunch of plat-diamonds. It happens fairly and those games are literally impossible to win, even if i’m part of the 0.5% best players on NA. So althought most people dont realize you can actually carry quite a bit, there is definitely a “buddy-mentor” system in place. It’s not forced 50% but the best player gets more often placed with worst players on his team to mentor newer players. You can still get a good winrate but some games are impossible to win from the start (and thats fine, its part of a team game).
We’re going from “How you play has little to do with it.” to “some games are impossible to win from the start” which I agree.
Having 60% with rate at 3,050 mmr is hard to keep up if I’m not on my mains, but I the only game mode that I’ll pick otherwise is aram, so I don’t have problem to keep it up.
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