Probably Incorect amount of Ranking Points after patch

I am fairly new player in HotS however i have a question, is it ok that i gain 23-26 ranking points for win match, when my friends gained 110-130? Any reasons for that?


may i ask how many games you have played already? mostly won games not the losses

Same here:

Could u provide some details. How was your last season? What Lvl are u? Winrate, and so onā€¦ Comparing the cases. :slight_smile:

3 placing games (2 win/1 lose) and 4 ranking games ( 3 win/1 lose).

A friend of mine has the same issues. Last night we teamed up with four guys (Silver 2, Bronze 1, Bronze 2 and Bronze 5 after placements). We played 10 games and won 8. Now every game we all won or lost around 200 ranked points, except for the friend who placed Bronze 5. He consistently won or lost 23-26 ranked points.

This friend is not new to the game like OP, he won around 150 ranked games last season and had a win rate around 47%.

My guess would be it has to do with the difference in level, but a difference of 170 ranked points each game between high bronze (average) and low bronze is too much for this to make sense. My other guess would be that everybody who is placed in Bronze 5 is ****ed and has a really hard time getting out, but the moment you do you start getting more ā€œnormalā€ amounts of ranked point per game.

Can anybody give some transparency on how the new ranked system works when it comes to calculating ranked points?

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Rank point gain is based on MMR. If you are gaining ranked points slowly then either your opponents are too low MMR on average or your MMR has become well established and so is less flexible due to playing a lot.

On the other hand if you have not played a lot and are fighting high average MMR enemies then you will be gaining a ton of MMR points, as the game tries to drag your MMR up towards that of your average enemies.

Makes all sense, but this has never been like that. I do understand a slight adjustment. But 23-26 points is just not working to change anything being at the bottom.

i am bronze 5, just won the game on my own. 26 ranked points. i need 15 win in a row in order to go bronze 4. Awesome blizzard.
Upd/ previously played in team 4 gold/5 silver/me. Same rate 75% 6w/2l. No idea.

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The more games you win a row the more your MMR will change because it becomes statistically less clear that you are at the right MMR level.

A 50 game win streak will likely get you from Bronze 5 to Platinum or higher. However such win streaks are impossible.

What was your rank last season? Winrate?

Iā€™m not sure if i understood the MMR changes completly, thought they got wiped and the new ranking system was completly intertwined with it?

Anyways as this might be a problem now, all the wins you guys are getting will gradually increase if DrSuperGood is correct.
Meaning that the more you win now, the faster you will rank.
So end game this is not a problem, apart from the visuals of the rank ofcourse.
But if you guys are winning that much then keep it up!

Iā€™m thinking something is wrong with ranked points. I have a friend who won all 3 placements and got placed Bronze 5. Sucks, but ok. Sheā€™s then won the next 4 and is 7 and 0. Problem is she is only getting 6-13 points per win while I get 180 in the same game. Why??ā€¬

We played yesterday on a team of 3. Won all 3. I got Silver 2. Her husband got Gold 3 and she got Bronze 5. Now, thatā€™s about what we were last season so all good so far. Then today we were in a team of 5. Won 4 straight. The other two were in placements.

After each game we all compared our point gains and myself and her husband each gained 160-190 points. She only got 6-13. After the other two finished placement, they got Gold 4 and Plat 3. They then got about 150-180 points for the next win. And again she got 13.

She is now 7 and 0 on the season with only a total of 192 points. She still has 808 points to get to Bronze 4. At this rate sheā€™ll have to go 62 more consecutive wins with zero losses to even get to Bronze 4. How is that not broken?

Something is wrong.


You know whatā€™s it called bullying! Blizzard started hating on us for no reason! They better come with an appology and ranked every1 up to Silver with those issues (if they are really having those winstreaks)

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i m level 5 and play a lots of games in all seasons. since last version i win or loose 16 point for a match. i always be between level 3 and 5 bronze. And when i play with other level 5 gain 16 points. i win 3 games in a row and still winning 16 points. There is really a problem !!

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Similar problem. When winning I get, Attention! 4-6 points. How to get out of bronze 5, I can not imagine. And why silent support? Though as it is commentedā€¦

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Same issue, receiving 16 points per win, was receiving 200 then I accidentally DCā€™d a match and now iā€™m getting 16. Iā€™ve played for 3 years. Contacted support but they were absolutely useless and just told me to take my problems here (cause thatā€™ll fix it right, look at all the fixing going on in this thread). So here I am, waiting for someone with an actual answer as to why Iā€™m getting shafted in my rank points every single match. Support is the most useless thing Iā€™ve ever experienced, I hope devs actually do something about this unlike the support team that just tells you to piss off and have a nice day. I could literally start a fresh account today and get more rank points than I am now as a veteran, broken garbage.

HOTS team is a skeleton crew now, theyā€™d rather ignore problems than fix em

I played my placement matches yesterday with 2 friends. They where something in plat a few seasons ago and have a lvl around 550 and 900. I have a lower lvl (around 150) and was never placed (but we often play together since I play hots). We won 1 game and lost 2. They got placed platin 2 (whatā€˜s really strange because we lost 2 games against gold 1 dudes and they got placed higher than they where the season before?!) and I got placed Bronze 1. Is the lvl really that important??

No level has nothing to do with it. They carried over their MMR from previous season, which might have ended higher than their rank due to the two being decoupled before. You were placed Bronze 1 because you have no MMR and hence were Bronze 5 but did win 1 match against Gold players so must be better than Bronze 5.

Bronze 1 should still be carry territory due to how unskilled the average player is. If you are skilled and incorrectly placed in Bronze you will find yourself ranking out to Silver and Gold pretty quickly.

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Hello everyone,
I have been having the same issue in the last 3 games I receive or lost +18, -18, +20 points. I am bronze 5 with a win rate of 39%. I week ago I was getting + or - 180-200 points. Looks like a bug; I have other friends I played with who got a regular number of points ( between 180-210) in the same matches. Both of them are 3-4 bronze, with win-rates around 45%. Is this normal? I consider myself a noob at the game, however, this feels like a bit of a punishment. If blizzard is saying that this is the ā€œnew normalā€ I think esc-unistall is probably the right solutionā€¦

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