Stormleague Issue - Why am I Bronze? (moved - as it turns out to be a bug)

Hi at all. Here’s the deal:
I am playing regularly with a group of 3-5, all of my friends. As we started playing today after patch release (group of 3) we went straight into the ranked matches as always. After 3 games we got placed and I didn’t understand what just happened.
One of them got ranked Gold 5 (Playername: Jakkarr#2946) and the other
Silver 1 (Playername: schnaetzler#2921).
And me? I am proudly Bronze 5!!! ???
What the hell is going on? Really frustrated I still played another round and it became worse:
Now I finished as MVP, we won LvL20 to 16 and dominated the game.
And here it comes: 26 rank points.
So really what is the deal?
Please help to solve this, as I wont continue playing until fixed.

I have proof of all the things mentioned, can show u replays and images of the game. Thx


What rank were you before?

You mean like last season? Finished Bronze 3, had the same thing last season, friend of mine started playing with me, same matches, I got ranked Bronze 5, he Silver 5. Was already wondering back then, but did not bother as we did not really focus on climbing. Recently I engaged in a group and we kind of left the bottom ranks and started climbing, nevertheless a bit late in the season to make a difference. Anyways I always felt from that point on, that this system is somehow not fair and transparent. But today was brutal… so I choose to contact support as I now would like to climb with a good team. Being a hard way from Bronze 5 to Gold thx to Blizzard. Not because of my worse (irony) gameplay. And receiving 26 rank points for a dominating and MVP result game is actually ??? :confused:

You got bronze this season because you were bronze last one. You won’t do a big jump in rank after placements. Also your friends’ rank doesn’t do anything to your rank, so even if you play with a full group of masters and win against full group of masters, you still get to place in bronze because that’s where your mmr is.

Your friend got silver last season because his mmr was seeded from another gamemode (like AI, QM, UR) where he was around silver, while you were bronze when you did your placements for the first time ever.


It wouldn’t matter. Storm League is now 100% determined by MMR.

One of the best changes they could have ever made.

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But it makes no sense, why did the MMR at all say I am Bronze? And it doesn’t explain 26 (!) rank points !?

If the enemy team’s MMR is much lower than yours, you get less points for beating them. It’s like If Lebron won a game of basketball against me.

Placements can’t make you jump very far in rank. Bronze 3 to bronze 5 isn’t a huge gap. The game simply adjusted your MMR.


It was your MMR before your placements. When you queued with other players, you don’t assume their MMR. Instead, they will be ranked based on their MMR.

If you truly are better than your current MMR, just play and it will correct itself. You don’t have to worry about promotion and demotion games anymore artificially keeping you where you are.

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Let’s say I am worse than my mate. Why, if I have a constant uprank in my last games of last season, am I ranked under it, if I now won 2 out of 3!? Playing against Silver ranked player today and having the same game as all the others. How is this calculated. I play different competetive games with similar MMR methods and none of them treat it this way. (e.g. Rainbow Six Siege)

Still matters a lot because most players had MMR close to Rank. If you were getting that PRA after every match, than they were a little bit different and the PRA thing was trying to put your mmr and rank together again.

Now mmr and rank are the same, we don’t have both.

Because that’s where it put you when you started playing the game.

When you first start playing hots, the game doesn’t know where you belong so your mmr can go up and down like crazy until it settles somewhere according to your wins/losses and the teams you played with/against.

This would imply that my friend Jakkarr (see above) as a Gold 5 ranked player would even got less points than me, but this did not happen (it was the same game). He got a normal shot of 200 (as usual) points for winning the game… o.O

You sure you got only 26 and not 260?

This also doesn’t approve. Last Season around 250 matches, overall nearly 830, and Level 311. This is not like just started…

Which is how it should have been to begin with. They implemented PRA because Rank was deviating too far from MMR in the first place. They had two competing metric systems, one was internally hidden and reflected your actual skill level, the other was external and could wildly deviate from your actual skill level.

The fact that they even needed to implement PRA in the first place spells out how badly it was designed.

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Then I have no idea. It’s weird. Need to research this. The lowest I ever had was 198. 26 sounds really low.

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I have proof. And two people with me.
Can not post a link here…other ideas? Got the images on “imgur”.

Post the link with ` surrounding it.

It will come through like this.

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You should have not been placed lower than you were last season… When I place my smurf (new account, placed silver 5 last season, 70% win rate to plat 3), I will let you know what the system does for me. I was getting a positive 25 PRA so I am thinking it will move me up, but I may be wrong. Based on what I have been reading, I think they need to tinker the system a bit.

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Proof: `´
German, hope u still get the details…

Thanks. I’m fully saying this is a calculating problem from Blizzard side. Let’s even call it a bug. As I said, I was really wondering last season too. And the friend who got ranked Silver, wasn’t better or different from me. Also winrate was lower. I don’t get it…sorry… :confused:

Yeah, it looks like either a bug or the system is broken like always lmao.

Hope they fix it soon.

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