Ok is being good at Ranked REALLY something to brag about?

You were literally asking what skills were needed and complaining to Karabars that he is unable to resort to anything but “shallow” interpretations of what to do. You weren’t asking to receive an answer were you. You were just looking to fight for whatever reason. Your argument that the mm system is broken seems flimsy if you haven’t even tried to better yourself with help from the forums and other online resources.


i made a post just like everyone else did. Because I dared to deviate from a few players divine orthodoxy the conversation devolves into a clownfiesta of Heroes Profile circle jerking.

My comments about how the match maker, rating, and ranking system work under the hood (to many players detriment) is spot on.

Dude, that’s not me, that’s the guy who literally designed the system and his analysis of what “skills” are relevant in winning games based on the overwhelming data they collected about it. I have no skin in that game.

I have no skin in that game nor the person either. You’re the one who is using it in your argument. And that’s my response.

I only played one FPS game in my years (enough to call it playing), and in that game, I can point out several pointers in how to get better, not just ‘shoot better’ nonsense. Knowing the map, position in the map, good place to hide, ambush, siege, grenade tactics against those places, how to shoot different type of guns (that game was different to say the least), which guns are A type (just random alphabet, not actually called that type), B type etc.

That’s how you do it. And regarding HotS, that can take quite a time for someone to spend just to appease someone in the forum. You shouldn’t expect anyone to do it.

So again, if you want to get better, upload a game you feel unsatisfied (usually it’s a lost game) and ask for advice.

The person who made the match making system FOR HEROES OF THE STORM. The system that governs your rating and your rank IN HEROES OF THE STORM.

You don’t see how that person’s statements about the very system you are talking about has any baring on the context of this conversation?

That beeing said by someone who’s peak was Gold 2 in June 2019 with an MMR of 2621 while 2620 is the cap to break.

Since then always had been more or less lower then that.

You are misunderstanding the statement.

Your individual skills as a player are irrelevant to the rating system. All it uses to calculate your rating and rank are you wins. Therefore, if you win all your games because you cheese some game play againsts unsuspecting opponents, the system registers that as a win, and as a result moves your rating/rank higher.

Our subjective opinions on what is “skillful” are irrelevant to the system.

Come on guys, this isn’t rocket science.

It really gets absurd. All that talking but in the end if you are not able to see the difference between bronze games and such in higher ranks, then you probably just belong to bronze. I mean come on, in bronze it is so bad you really have to lose on purpose even as high silver or gold player


In bronze it is probably possible to win games without doing any hero damage

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Some people here are acting as if there was no way to make progress. I mean HOTS was my first and only MOBA, i once started in bronze and after some years I was able to get all my accounts to low diamond, mostly by playing stukov. When I started my smurf account i could still climb easily with heroes I am bad with, just because of better positioning and doing the better calls, having map awareness and awareness about cool downs etc. There are many aspects in this game where you can improve. How could you deny this…

I can make progress on a new account. It’s fairly easy to get into Platinum.

That’s the problem.

And not, it’s not that “you’ll drop down to where you belong”. There is NO “where you belong”.

The system doesn’t care about any players subjective feelings on where someone “belongs”.

Since Storm League was introduced I’ve been on record on these forums frequently calling out the lack of ladder integrity. This is simply because it allows players to team up two groups apart, which can often force heavy MMR averaging and it more easily allows for a higher ranked player to game the system with smurfs who on their main accounts are highly ranked, but low ranked on their alts.

Just like the assumption of this very thread, I don’t see anybody telling you that the ladder system is perfect, just like nobody is bragging about their rank. The simple fact is if you are a true master player, you will rise up the ranks, even with the current system that is in place.

Again, it really doesn’t matter what rank you are, it’s just a game. Rank is only important as you imbue it with import. At this point in Hots lifecycle, it’s probably best just to enjoy the game flaws and all, but not take it too seriously.

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This thread still alive ?

I could watch the entire dragonball series before any of you gets back on topic and find an agreement.

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This guy does not look for agreements, he is teaching us how it is impossible to climb (except for smurf accounts).


Yup, I’m not sure if this thread was ever on topic TBH.


I’m explaining how your preconceived notions about how the system works under the hood are incorrect.

The one who doesn’t understand anything is you.

In FPS your skill doesn’t matter as well, what matters is the outcome: win or loose.

But most likely the one who is fragging headshot after headshot, will be the x-factor in the lobby and lead to the win.

But for the rating, the only thing that matters is win or loose.
So is every moba, and every other pvp game. Even 1v1 games like hearthstone.

Yes. That is right. But the question is how consistent can you pull off the plays, that will lead to a win or how often will you pull off the misplays that will lead to a loss.


Statistically there are more assassins because there are more spots on a team for them lol. I mean come on now. Considering they’re not exactly popular, you can absolutely rank with them if you are good at them. And the great thing is you don’t even have to really flex a lot because people will gladly let you pick it.

It’s not edge, there are healer mains at all ranks because healers are important, and the better you are at them, the better you will advance.


So could you sum up for me, because I didnt feel like reading the reams you are writing. What is the conclusion? Everything is random? System matches only bad players with you and the opponent team gets the good players? As solo player you only face premades?

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Basically Zena’s whole thesis in most of his posts is that the ladder is a farce because of matchmaking. Only wins matter. Skill is an illusion. And any kind system that tries to match you is BS, because obviously if Steph Curry goes into a boy’s YMCA match and beats them, that win is still legitimate.

So of course people will give the critique that skill obviously matters, but that would actually require deep introspection on his own failings, which he refuses to do.

And the circle of arguing goes on.