So i’ve been playing for three years with THOUSANDS of matches to my record. 100.00% of which were QM and i kicked butt. Recently i FINALLY decided to give ranked a shot. I’m 6 matches in (won 4/lost 2) and reached “Silver” rank. Not sure if that’s considered good or not.
Here’s the things about this mode that bugs me and, make me think it’s the “coddled” mode for those that want an “easier” and “controlled” experience:
#1- You know what stage you’re going to play on. WTF. That’s a big insight you don’t get with QM. So you can plan accordingly.
#2- You KNOW what characters the other team will be picking ahead of time! OMG. Aka: You can counter-pick to better stand a chance.
But the one that gets me most of all…
#3- You can ban the characters you don’t want to play against! What kind of wussifed garbage is this?! And i’m a Hammer main…i’m not sure if this is normal but, in my last match i got pick of ALL (3) bans.
So i just went and banned the most commonly played characters that could possibly stand up to my Hammer: Stiches, Artanis, and Li-Ming. Enemy team have a harder time counter-picking against my Hammer when some of the popular Hammer counters are off the board. And in the match i DOMINATED. Fools couldn’t touch me.
C’mon fellas. Is ranked really the “elite” mode, where the best players flock too, if such PATHETHIC leeways are granted to make matches easier? WTF.
Yes, Silver is pretty low, but Gold is the hard cap ppl can reach through Placements at first try.
(Good = Diamond+)
The Banhat is always a single person, the highest mmr of the team.
Banning 3 Hammer counters will be obvious for the enemy at higher ranks and they just ban your Hammer, making your bans kinda useless.
Also good not to use all 3 bans just for yourself.
And you won’t be the Banhat all the time.
You see the map and the enemy picks, but so do they, so I ask you, if it’s an advantage to you, and thus and advantage to the other side just as much… is it truly an advantage? Like isn’t the advantage should be against the other team? But you both have the same knowledge.
Also, ppl have the ability to Draft, but first, drafting properly is a skill, second, you will face random picks that make it just like QM.
Because it’s not that SL > QM, but high mmr SL > every other PvP. Ppl will coordinate more, work better as teams. And if you climb you’ll face higher mmr ppl guaranteed, unlike in QM, where maybe your mmr got higher but it’s just becoming the highest mmr of the team from the lowest, while in SL everyone will be close to you.
Also it’s just visibility for most part. Rank = mmr, so you know what skill lvl you beat unlike in QM, where you can think you’re having a blast but everyone except you is Silver.
I estimate your climb to hit a wall at Gold 1. Good luck!
The thing is Hammer can work in low MMR. Anything can work there. I wouldn’t say it qualifies as “she’s perfect for SL” though. I doubt people would even counterpick her in Silver or Bronze.
OP I replied to you in a different thread, so briefly, it’s great you’re trying ranked, but ranking into Silver based off your QM MMR is very easy and common.
My feeling (I could be wrong) is your post here is more grandstanding over a desire for true inquiry or feedback. In case I’m wrong, as I said to you in another thread, keep playing ranked if you enjoy it, don’t even bother to focus on “the climb”, focus on improving yourself and pay attention to how others play and approach ranked.
Azmodan and Hammer (less so) are strong picks in Silver mostly because they have strong PVE and many people in Silver often ignore lanes and split push heroes. As a warning, this strategy will be less effective if you move up in the ranks as better players will not leave you as Azmodan to free push forts uncontested, they will come and gank you.
well, as anyone should know, the constelations are the culmination of genuinely epic deeds that tracend mere mortality to cast one’s legacy for years on end.
Neither the sufferers of bronze hell nor the uppermost of grand masters have written a fable as so tremendeous as to stir the star stream.
Clearly the miniscule accolades of your feeble mortalities can rise above these petty displays of bravado that are less than the magesty of the bird’s mating dance. You may puff up your chest and seek to appeal to some mate, but your plumage and dewlap are but dismall dross degrading the true potential magesty mankind should be aspiring!
I’d assume it’s a troll, but they actually admit to being silver.
As someone who has played numerous games mildly competitively, and also thoroughly enjoyed QM, I’ll say there are certain challenges that are present in the unstructured methods of play that aren’t present in the competitive methods of play.
There are skills needed in QM that aren’t needed in ranked, that’s true.
But, ranked attempts to put you against opponents of greater and greater skill, where QM is a bit more unpredictable on whether you’ll be carried or whatever. And your opponents are an actual collection of heroes picked with a specific purpose, rather than a random group (well, sometimes)
So yeah, I’d say someone who has climbed to the top of ranked is better than someone who claims to be good at QM, because you don’t really know the quality of the opponents that were faced in QM.
The high ranked player will do better in QM than a low ranked player will do in QM.
You can’t really know where you’re going to end up on ranked after just the placement matches though, especially if the system has no record of you playing previously.
You could actually be diamond, or you could be bronze, wouldn’t know without more games.
But if you think your 3 points are some kind of indication that ranked takes less skill… well I have a suspicion which end you belong toward.
*And I personally think Hammer is one of the worst designed heroes in the game.
I have played much, much, much less than you in AI and I got gold in ranked only playing my placement matches.
Lol, no. It’s called strategy.
The best players want to play in an arena that best suits their comp. It’s called, strategy.
Yes, because this game has counter picks where heroes do better against other heroes. It’s called strategy.
No, you’re the wuss for banning all the heroes that counter YOUR hero. You didn’t even bother to think about the rest of your teams picks. You ban heroes to weaken the opponent so that your comp can work it’s magic. It’s call strategy.
Consider yourself lucky they didn’t ban Hammer, one of the most boring and easiest heroes to play.
After 1000’s games in QM and this is the post you make:
If you’re making a funny…no…try harder.
If you’re serious, let me laugh harder.
If you’re trolling…stop.
I mean, both teams can use strats and heroes that are good based on the maps. Not sure how it really make games easier in ranked lol. More strats don’t make games easier.
Yea and they can counter pick you as well, and you can ban heroes that counter yours, and stuff
Welcome in 2021 I guess lol
? Are you ok?
Almost hammer one trick based on your history. One trick heroes are often banned, if that happen to you often maybe you won’t find ranked ‘‘that easy’’.
And you think no other heroes counter hammer? There are also meta strong heroes that are good to ban, and if you don’t, ennemy will get it and will ‘‘DOMINATE’’ you
You play a lot with words with ‘‘brag’’ and ‘‘elite mode’’. Yea it take skill to get diamond/master/gm league, sorry.
And can you even be a bit objective when you only played like 6 ranked games versus your THOUSAND games of qm?
Sound like you’re just insecure about the ranked players, maybe one of them made fun of you or whatever. Just play the mode you want. I play both and have fun.
You know what. I care less about the content of the OP. What I care is the part that he went Unstoppable on level 4 on one of his game. Enemy had Stitches, sure, but nevertheless, the dude never seemed to have went Unstoppable in any of his QM games. He is learning and adapting! That’s good enough for me, miles ahead of how he seemed to have started. That’s one step further into being a better player (and you know what they say, first step being important), despite of him still seemingly having an ego problem.
Now only if he learns that other 7 talents are usually the more tactical one.
So i’ve been playing for three years with THOUSANDS of matches to my record. 100.00% of which were RANKED and i kicked butt. Recently i FINALLY decided to give QM a shot. I’m 6 matches in (won 4/lost 2). Not sure if that’s considered good or not.
Here’s the things about this mode that bugs me and, make me think it’s the “coddled” mode for those that want an “easier” and “controlled” experience:
#1- Your enemies don’t know what stage they’re going to play on. WTF. That’s a big insight that enemies have in RANKED. So your enemies can plan accordingly in RANKED but not in QM.
#2- Your enemies DON’T KNOW what characters your team will be picking ahead of time! OMG. Aka: They cannot counter-pick to better stand a chance.
But the one that gets me most of all…
#3- The enemies cannot ban the characters they don’t want to play against! What kind of wussifed garbage is this?! And i’m a Hammer main…i’m not sure if this is normal but, in my last match, the enemies couldn’t ban any heroes as it was QM
So the enemies had no chance to counter-pick the most commonly played characters that could possibly stand up to my Hammer: Stiches, Artanis, and Li-Ming. Enemy team have a harder time counter-picking against my Hammer when some of the popular Hammer counters are off the board and they don’t know my pick. And in the match i DOMINATED. Fools couldn’t touch me.
C’mon fellas. Is QM really the “elite” mode, where the best players flock too, if such PATHETHIC disadvantages are forced upon your enemies to make matches easier? WTF.
You can brag about it, but do remember that HOTS players generally are players that isn’t good enough to play LoL or DotA, so they play the accesible version of it.
It’s like winning a wrestling match against kindergartener, yes it’s an achievement, but don’t get your rear flew too high for it.
League isn’t that hard. not when flash exists to instantly forgive a mistake every 5 min and comeback mechanics are arguably even more powerful there then in hots.