I see this as one of your problem. Sure, HeroesProfile doesn’t track every game unless you uploaded them all yourself, but just a glimpse of it seems to suggest you did nothing but pick heroes/roles you’re not fully comfortable with. As in, you seemed to have gone full opposite of what fill supposed to mean, got out your way to do that even (one extreme to another).
Fill means you mainly go for your main role/hero you’re comfortable with first, but if map/draft/comp don’t allow you to pick early and your other team snatches that role away, you pick other roles or even healer/tank if no one on your team is willing to do so. It was an advice given to you when you were the person who picked Xul in an unfavorable map and when solo laner role was already filled because you were ma OTP.
And btw, your last quote is a lie. Last season was really long. And I’m pretty sure your OTP days were part of it.
Such a close-minded response, flexing your education as some sort of argument over a video game forum where I would expect people to acknowledge their limits without making gymnastics over why they deserve more in ranked just because they did XYZ, this stuff is even taught when working for some of these degrees!!!
And since we are all anonymous, well most of us, I expect people to acknowledge that even though you do know something, you (or anyone) absolutely know nothing to who you are (or anyone is) talking with.
There are baby boomers playing this game and writing here for crying out loud.
On the other hand, the faster people accept their limits the better it is, instead, we have this thread of an OP ego-filled trip over a few ranked games that lacks even enough data to even reach this conclusion, 4/2 win/loss games and then proceed to brag, if only I would do the same when I had an unironic 73.5% on Lucio during my climb, now that’s worth bragging .
And for clarity, that was before they even started buffing Lucio, or anyone you are looking at in this pic
Had you bothered to look at the stats on Heroes Profile in detail (and not just for the few games that verified your pre-established internal narrative) you would clearly see that I wasn’t just playing Xul.
In fact, I played significantly more Rexxar than Xul since 2019. You would also see that I was hardly OTP and that I played a variety of heroes over the past three years in SL.
And no, I didn’t just pick the heroes that I was uncomfortable with. I picked the heroes that I felt I was confident enough with that I could fill/flex/whatever you want to call playing the role that’s needed (usually because nobody else would play that role, even if it meant nobody played it, which is usually the case).
For a group of players obsessed with holding stats from Heroes Profile over everyone you disagree with’s heads, you don’t actually look at the data past where you think “gottem!” don’t ya.
Here’s the truth of why you all think I OTP Xul: because I had Xul as my forum avatar during that One Tricking topic post I made a few months back. Sure, at that time I had played a bunch of games as Xul and I have a sihtton of Xul games under my belt, but I hadn’t actually been predominately playing a lot of Xul for years at that point. We’re talking about a few dozen games where I played exclusively Xul (because why not, if the ladder was going to be the broken mess that it was, I might as well have some fun with it).
Rexxar was the hero I was OTP with for a short while, and even then I was just trolling games by that point because it was clear that the ladder was a broken mess that never went anywere within a reasonable amount of time. Even when I was mostly just trolling with Rexxar, I would play a lot of games with Azmodan, Gazlow, and Tassadar. Had any of you actually looked at my (less than representational) match history on Heroes Profile, you would easily be able to verify all of this.
… That’s not what that quote was about. Context matters.
Bro. We’ve been through this (if you can remember. it was couple of months ago iirc). When having a conversation/debate, there are bound to be assumptions going on. Problem with you is, you often make statement from guess/assumption of how I (in a debate between you and me) came with my assumption. Almost all of them are wrong (I’ll explain below). This makes me have to refute your assumption about my assumption, wasting both of our time and breath going over it, when you could’ve just asked, “why do/would you think that?”
No, I was never going for the ‘gottem’ moment, and this is how you are wrong and how I come to my conclusion with what I said, from data and stats,
I think you’re Xul OTP (or, were, if that’s what makes you comfortable) because when I checked your HeroesProfile back when you made that OTP topic, your Storm league matches were mostly Xul (not because of your forum avatar and stuff). You still have bunch of Xul in the front and your most played hero is still Xul on the stats (129 games played, 63.2% of all your Storm league games). I’m fully aware HeroesProfile is not always/fully accurate, but it’s enough for anyone to base their assumption that you were Xul OTP.
It’s just me stating as-a-matter-of-factly. But weirdly enough, you get so defensive when people bring out your Xul OTP days (are you ashamed of playing Xul or what?).
…No (as in, you’re wrong)…as I explained above. Seriously, am I looking at different HeroesProfile or what?
Good for you. As you may already know, HeroesProfile doesn’t have all the stats unless the player uploads all himself. That’s how I came to my assumption.
Then, if you are unable to climb further, you must’ve reached your peak. Every player has it different. But somehow you came to the conclusion that it’s because matchmaking, or the system is bs. Matchmaking isn’t perfect obviously, one way or the other. But what do you think your peak is I wonder. Do you think yourself as GM level player who are stuck because of the shenanigan matchmaking/system? And btw, stuck is meant as can’t climb higher, not stationary, so no 'you’re not stuck because you fluctuate in rank stuff, please.
edit: oh yeah. should add that if you’re asking someone for advice on how to climb, how to get better, instead of acting with hostility and arrogance, how then~, demanding someone to write a full guide or something with this game (have you have any idea how vast and time consuming that is?), you should ask for coaching. uploading a lost game (a game you feel unsatisfied with) and asking them to analyze it is a better way to improve on this game as better players will point out what not to do, how you could’ve done better. by not making those mistakes again, you have a higher chance to win and thus climb.
As Sami shows, you can climb with healers and tanks. I’d agree with you that it’s a little harder, but this also depends on your skill with the role.
If you are a healer main, you should chat with Sami and Volun, both have climbed to masters by playing mostly healers. If I recall correctly Volun attained that rank using mostly Tyrande.
I’m not volunteering their help, but you should know they probably won’t say no if you ask politely for some advice, both are very generous with sharing their time and knowledge on these forums.
Headshots are what matter, not arguing about it on the forums. Context does matter, and the context in question has nothing to do with maintaining positivity.
But they weren’t. You saw a dozen or so matches with Xul and MADE THE ASSUMPTION.
Had you actually taken the time to look at the match history you would clearly see that it’s not the case, even at the time of that post.
You thought, “I gottem!” and then didn’t bother to look any further. It’s pretty clear to see.
I haven’t played a significant number of Xul for years. We’re talking pre-2019. It’s all there for you to see. Why you can’t see it is pretty hilarious.
No duh!
Stop making a fool of yourself.
Edge cases do not make the rule.
Statistically, Tank and Healers are not favorable roles to take for climbing the ladder. That’s just a fact.
That’s probably why I didn’t make any such claims and put in the qualifier “it depends on your skill with the role.”
The point still remains that if you want advice from players who did climb to masters in the healer or tank roles, you have the unique opportunity to ask them questions here. Considering how generous folks are on these forums, many would probably be willing to personally coach you in game.
“Skill” doesn’t matter. Wins matter. That’s what the system measures. There are statistically relevant data points that describe what “skills” matter most in winning games. The subjective nature of what players consider “skillful” is mostly, if not completely, irrelevant in that context.
Dude. That was in regards of Skyi’s attitude towards Karabars. It has nothing to do with headshots, how to win games in HotS and all that.
Did you check your own HeroesProfile page? Or even Hotslog page?
Someone is pulling bs here and it’s not me unless both HeroesProfile and Hotslog got their site all screwed up. It may be that both pages are not you, zenasprime, but some other guy. If it were so, why the freak didn’t you say so? But chance of there being another zenasprime who mostly played Xul, feels slim, don’t you think?
Btw, I’m saying all this because both sites have you played Xul up to Sep, 2021.
So, no.
Again, no. Pre 2019, huh?
With higher skill, higher chance to win. Stop pulling nonsense, will ya?
You mean in FPS game? HotS is not FPS. False equivalence mean anything?
And are you seriously gonna put the bs you were trying to pull under the rug? If it weren’t bs, refute it. If it were bs, at least mention it so that we can put pass that.
I’ve recently looked up a guide that feels right and might help out (I hope I’ve got the tl3 for sharing links)
Anyway, depending on what heroes you play, I also recommend memorizing timings of when to do camps, or taking notes on what the right circumstances are to do boss. When can your hero solo a camp and how long does it take for them to do that? How worth it is the timing spent to do this camp than lane rotating or helping in another way? Timings are important in this game. In fact I think much of the reason why one team wins over another is how efficient their time management was during a match. Macro play is all about time management. Anyone is welcome to correct me if I’m wrong. I decided to focus on this in particular, because when I was new, it was a hard bit of knowledge to acquire because nobody mentions it.
He’s circling around the bush because he doesn’t want to admit it.
I remember even one of his post suggesting that bans are a waste of time, surely he was angry because he couldn’t play his OTP.
You mean to tell me someone should spend all that time and energy to you, which I’m sure you wouldn’t appreciate it and take it to heart?
And btw, do you really wanna bring headshot in FPS to the table? Cause that sounds classic case of correlation does not imply causation. Claiming get better at headshot is the kind of point you are looking for in HotS is same as saying play like Fan, just practice and git gud are good pointers in HotS.
Again seriously? No mention of shenanigan you were trying to pull?
What are you trying to achieve from here exactly? It sounds like you’re trying to cheat the system to be place above your normal MMR range instead of actually getting better and be place at that MMR range.
You should’ve. As your whole frustration, rant are based on your performance in Ranked. If you actually got better, who knows how things would’ve turned out.
Btw, I forgive you for trying to pull shenanigans against me and accuse me of whatever it was you were trying to accuse me of.