I do remember that thread where zenas tried to lie about me, accused me of doing it, lie about what he said, but god dang~ what I said back then still holds true for him even now , especially in regards of putting words in other people’s mouth, missing the point, making assumptions. He doesn’t change, he didn’t improve, does, did he? Instead, he seemed to have gotten more bitter.
It doesn’t measure skill. No MMR system measure skill. That it’s being used as a stand in for a competitive ladder rank is part of what breaks that paradigm.
No system measures “skill”. It’s not something you can see nor touch. What we can do it derive the frame of it from numbers, experiences. You’re trying to bs your way out of it with nonsense semantics.
A player’s MMR is based on their performance. Thus if my performance on one account is better than that on another account, there were be a MMR ( and thus a players rank ) discrepency.
Strictly by what you’re saying? Yes. Nonsensical for anyone who looks into the meaning of what you said. Why would your performance for each accounts differ that much? Don’t go with the obvious bs way with ‘playing different heroes, roles, worse internet connection, with different mindset, mood’ nonsense. When you’re playing normally and putting as much effort in the other, why would there be that much discrepancy?
If I am the worst player in the world but somehow manage to win all of my games, I am a Rank 1 player that season.
Is this one of your semantics nonsesne? Generally, when considering “skill”, worst player can’t be winning all games. What kind of delusion are you living in?
FFS the fact that players can cheese the game and gain rank while failing miserably outside of the cheese context should be absolute proof that that…
How would one cheese the game?