Next Hero After Deathwing?

Next hero after Next hero?

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Talandar, as a tank.

Karax or Swann, as support or healer.

I think that Selendis and Tosh are viable. Vorazun could be interesting too. But they can wait.


Would love to see a hero with another meta-breaking design. The Overmind as a backlines hero that plays more RTS-like, as if you’re controlling a faction of zerg rather than just one character? Now THAT would be cool. I imagine it as a combination of Abathur’s global awareness with Zagara’s ability to spawn zerg, except taken beyond minion-making skillshots and expanded into zerg structures and perhaps different zerg minions from both of those two.

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Overmind would be cool as a core replacement hero.


Diablo: Baal, Tal’rasha/Zoltun Kuul, Lilith

Starcraft: Salendis, Mira Han, The Overmind

Warcraft: Bwonsamdi

OW: Needs a tank, though I doubt Reinhardt would work very well considering OW is played in a 3d space and HOTS is played in a 2d space…


Were laking tanks right now, last one was Mal’ganis and he is very suceptible to stuns and silences wich leaves him out of the meta. If were going to have 4 heroes this year as well i hope that at least 2 of them are tanks, it’s the rol that becomes boring quickly with his laking heroes.
With that being said starcraft and overwatch haven’t been reciving enough love.
That’s why i think that Winston, Cenarius, Reinhardt, Cairne/Baine or Talandar fit for this year as tanks, hell even Hammond could work. Talandar in the Fenix spotlight from starcraft looks like a half made tank with those abilities. Speaking of the starcraft commanders, they showed a lot of interesting characters there, if the problem with starcraft character it’s to make them unique, not “Raynor, Tychus or Nova” like, in Tychus spothlight showed characters from the heaven devils Sam, James, Rob, Kev, etc. Or those protos commanders like Kaldalis, Talis or Taldarin, they even have a little bit of backstory.

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The most requested heroes right now i think they’re:
Warcraft: Vashj, Cairne/Baine, Cenarius, Mekkatorque, Archimonde/Jaraxxus, Alleria, Tirion, Vol’jin, Ysera, Kalecgos, Khadgar and Grommash.
Starcraft: Mengsk, Tosh, Swann, Egon, Karax, Talandar and The Overmind.
Diablo: Vaal, Belial, Itherael and Aidan.
Overwatch: Reinhardt, Zenyatta, Doomfist, Winston, McCree and Moira.
Others: Blackthorne.

For other inclutions i wouldn’t mind heroes like Millhouse Manastorm, Rokhan, Brann, Hammond, Brigitte, Hogger, Mercy, or C’thun.


Next hero is probably a tank from overwatch,or archimonde or maybe bolvar fordragon is new hero.
I think more about bolvar fordragon.also i think a rework for sylvanas espcialy on her main skin(face),these are because of wow shadow lands.

Everyone speaks of the lack of tanks, how about the lack of supports? Its the most under populated class in the game by far. There are over twice as many tanks in the game and even more bruisers. I feel this game needs more supports just to simply shake up the game play. I wan’t a full on support that’s about buffing your teammates outside of healing. Or a straight de-buffer of enemy heroes, possibly that causes their abilities to cost extra mana or something similar. Or someone who can manipulate the battlefield and buff friendly structures/Forts/Keeps.

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Oh my friend,i recently suggest a support hero (spell breaker)i know it is a very good support with his silence and spell reduction and shield.but i dont think next hero will be a support,sure we need more support to create a Dynamic game,but it seem that most ppl think for a tank.
But always i am a wanter of support and like your post.

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Would love to see Wilfred Fizzlebang as a hero.
First talent is to choose one of three demons which works similiar to Misha:

  • Felhutner with silence
  • Succubus with charm (like Deckards ult)
  • Imp which give armor for a short time

Possibly voidwalker with short taunt

One of two ults would be to summon Jaraxxus which wreaks havoc on everything regardless of side.

A hero which adapts according to the opponents and using cc and zoning to help the team.

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I would make the Jaraxxus heroic just a hero replacement. Jaraxxus kills Wilfred and you get to run around devastating everything until Wilfred respawns.

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I think we will see Mei myself.

That’s actually a great idea… but then we can’t have Jaraxxus as his own hero. Nah screw it, people will appreciate this much more xD

If Jaraxxus is his own hero, then Willfred wouldn’t be. Willfred exists as a lead up to Jaraxxus.

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You kno I would actually want professor putricide as a ranged assassin, or blood queen Lana-thel as a melee one, that’ll be awesome if they add one of these two as an epic.

They need an overwatch tank since they don’t have one yet.

Reinhardt or Winston

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Reinhardt would be the most logical choice in my opinion, except for the shield his kit is easy to do in the game, due to his “big human” looks he could fit any alternative skins like Paladin / Crusader etc.

My only issue with him is that he would be too similar to some already in game if he is a copy/paste from OW (Varian Q spell / Diablo like charge)

Maybe they’ll make Something original with him not copying his ow design tough

It seems (I think) that the OW2 campaign is gonna have something like Talents, that lets the player alter how abilities behave.
So maybe the HotS version of Rwinhardt could use some of those alterations baseline to make a more interesting kit for him?