New Map Ideas :D

Hi guys, new heroes and balance patches are always exciting but what kind of map would make you guys the most excited?

Theme wise there’s tons to pick from, some kinda Amon vs Xel’Naga Kerrigan Map.
Or a map featuring all the Dragon Aspects fighting Deathwing, or a Molten Core vs Onyxia, or maybe a Rift between worlds mixing universes in which we could get the Armies of Hell invading August Grad or the Burning Legion advancing upon Char ;D
I’ll describe 2 of my own ideas here. I hope you have some of your own to share as well. Enjoy ;D

The Amon vs Xel’Naga Kerrigan idea
would have 3 lanes one for Amon controlled Terrans, Taldarim and Zerg basically recreating the final 3 levels of the SC2 Prologue in a way. We could have Kerrigan on one side and Amon on the other firing cliche laser beams at one another in a kind of duel.
You could have a Marine, Marauder, Ghost squad with a Cyclone Catapult just like on Brachis, the Zerg could be 2 Melee Roaches, 2 Hydras, a mini infestor and a Ravager Catapult, the Protoss would just be 2 Zealots, 2 Stalkers or Dragoons, and a High Templar with an Immortal Catapult.
We could then also have all the defense structures from all the races, spine controllers on the zerg lane and ones a hatchery (keep) has bee destroyed a nydus worm spawns spewing out ravagers periodically, the terrans could just have bunkers that release some marines each when they’re destroyed, the Protoss could have shield batteries, not exactly sure how those would operate yet.
And the objective would either be a payload or a control point which when obtained would send a psionic shockwave across the whole map turning all enemy minions and structures to your side for a limited time. Structures would all start firing at their own team or at each other.
Having Spinecrawlers poke at their own hatcheries would be funny to see ;D
You could then also have Duran or any kind of lesser Xel’Naga be a boss to fight and bring to your side.

Dragon Aspects
would also be cool. You could then have all the minions and mercenaries be Dragons of the different Dragon Clans. And there’s could be different objectives to fight over to gain different effects. In my mind you’d have to collect them kind of like garden of terror. It would basically be an effigy or a scale of the various aspects. I wouldn’t want it to become to complicated and convoluted as many people would prbly step out.
If you required 3 scales of a certain dragon to get a certain effect it would be too much. So I think just getting 3 scales of any dragon will give you a random effect would be good.
The Ysera effect is the easiest, it would just put all enemy minions to sleep and turn off all defensive structures. The Norzdormu effect would turn back time for enemy minions and make them walk backwards until they despawn and friendly minions that have died recently would come back to life and flood the enemy gates.
The Alexstrasza buff would just give all your minions more health and heal all your structures maybe and Malygos would drastically increase the dmg output for all friendly dragons.
I admit this needs experimenting and figuring out just like the other idea. ;D
Maybe we can do it without Alexstrasza actually. And just have 3 lanes, one for the Emerald Dragons, one for the Blue Dragons and one for the Sand Dragons.
While the other side would all be his Black DragonFlight or Goblins or whatever Deathwing controls these days ;D
Could maybe add Netherdrakes to Deathwing’s side since they’re originally from his clan.

I’m sure there’s much better ideas out there. Please let me hear 'em. It’s been so long since we had a new map. I’d love to get more.

There’s tons more maps you could do. A right of Rak’Shir map, a Kerrigan vs Narud map, one on Dreanor with Ner’Zhul opening all the Portals to other worlds slowly ripping the planet apart. We don’t have a map on Sanctuary yet, there’s tons of places to explore there too.
A WorldStone Map.


I really like the mechanics of the Dragon Aspects map!
Though I do think having control over which bonus your team is getting is important. if multiple scales appear at the same time around the map making you choose which bonus you want, and which you don’t want the enemy to have.

i would suggest having to collect only one scale to get different small bonuses that can add up and empower your team like:

  • increase ability power and cd recharge rate for your team.
  • empower minions (dragons).
  • grant your team aa speed and lifesteal.
  • reduce all healing effects of the enemy team.
  • make a lane fall a sleep

For the Amon vs Xel’Naga Kerrigan idea, i think it can be an interesting twist if the minions of each lane weren’t only different in appearance but in function also. like having tankyer minions in one lane and siege minions in another. creating an asymmetric map that favors different heroes for each lane.


Yay thanks for the comment ;D

Dragon Aspect Map
hmm I’m hesitant to get onboard with the idea of empowering your team with an objective. No other map does this and it reminds me too much of Baron in League of Legends. It never felt justified to me that someone could just get a buff and be stronger than other people.
It also would skew the advantage from having Specialist heroes and tanks to be more favored towards assassins with high dps and lifesteal.
I’d be very careful with that.
Maybe if the objective itself would somehow be easier to be acquired for specialists. Like if destroying a keep would give you a scale for example. That could promote more lane pushing plays vs constant 5v5 assassin brawls.
Maybe that’s how you select the scales you want. The scales appear randomly on the map but and if you get 3 of a kind you get the effect so you want to get as many scales as possible of any kind. But you will prioritize getting the same scales or prevent the enemy from getting the 3rd of a kind that they need.
And destroying a Keep in the Sand Dragon Lane would give you a Norzdormu Scale so teams would start prioritizing which keeps to defend more depending on what scales they want to keep from their opponents.
That could be cool. And not too complicated I think.

Kerrigan vs Amon Map
With the Kerrigan vs Amon map having different units in the lanes with different functions. I thought about that too but I couldn’t think of any interesting ideas for the minions to do differently, so instead I thought the Nydus, the Bunker and the Shieldbattery would provide a bit of difference in how the lanes operate.
Other than that the catapults might be able to function a bit differently, like the Immortals could get a temp shield if they’re hit, the Ravagers could have a greater splash radius and the Cyclone could have more range. Or since Cyclones are already in use on Brachis we could replace them with siege tanks that first have to go into siegemode maybe…
Other than that u could make the Terran units all have more range but be more squishy, the Zerg units be more numerous, maybe they’re just 4-6 zerglings with 2 roaches with range one of which drops a health globe maybe, and the Protoss units all have shield and can tank a bit more but there’s only 2 Zealots, 1 Stalker and a HT.
That’s something you gotta test out to see if it actually makes anything more interesting.

Objective wise it should affect the battlefield but it should also affect the stalemate between Kerrigan and Amon. You could make a healthpoint system for the cores kinda like Towers of Doom. Except instead of counting both cores down from 40, where the first core to reach 0 loses. Instead you could make a system where you power up your own core from 0. What makes one core beat the other is if their power differential reaches a certain amount. Like if Amon has 3 more power than Kerrigan then he defeats her.
But the longer the game continues the greater the steaks become. Eventually you will reach an objective that will definitely power up one core to the point where they can defeat the other.

The lasers that Kerrigan and Amon fire at each other horizontally across the map could shift once in a while so that they fire at each other vertically accross the map and then the beams can damage enemy minions. Depending where the beam center is at that time.
For example if both cores have the same amount of power then the minion at the top closer to Amon will damage Kerrigan’s minions while the opposite is happening at the bottom where Kerrigan is firing her laser from.

I can see this map becoming very snowbally but maybe it’d be fun with a few tweaks ;D

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Like the ideas! I also wish for more SC maps at best some Aiur/Protoss inspired jungle map. Oh and also a WC Naga map which is mostly under water (I mean you still can walk just like big puddles) and many old Naga ruins. A giant turtle or salamander could be the map boss and for the SC map you also could make a frozen map as long as it’s Protoss inspired with this massive yeti gorillas monsters from that ice planet as map boss (forgot their name ) or an old colossus who you can control like in dragon shire.

Heroes for their release cool be Selendis for SC and Azhara or Vashj for WC map.

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Oh yeah I remember that level. A map with these giant blizzards that freeze all minions, disable all turrets and slow all heroes could be funny.
You could then also have a mission objective where you have to Thaw a giant Colossus out of the thick ice by attacking it while the Yeti’s who are immune to the Blizzard attack you ;D

You could make one base Protoss and the other Zerg in that case like it was in that level too.
Any excuse to get spinecrawler turrets into the game finally ;D

WC Underwater map with Naga… I feel like if you make such a map you’d have to include the Eye of Sargaras in the Tomb of Sargaras.
You could put the map on the island with the tomb. And when the mission objective comes up the whole island sinks below the sea and you have to get to the Eye of Sargaras to raise the island up again or something ;D
The middle of the map could be a constantly fluctuating maze with water currents that slow down your movement.
The minions would prbly be Nightelfs lead by Maiev on one side and Naga lead by Lady Vashj on the other. And both want to control the Eye.
Everytime your team collects the Eye of Sargaras a tsunami or an earthquake damages the front most structures of the enemy.
You could shape the objective many ways. But it’d be a cool map too.

Love those ideas, thanks for sharing ^^

I know Blizz has said they aren’t working on any maps ATM but I would really like a new one. I like the idea of the dragon map where the scales collected give you team a buff.

Running off this idea, I think a map where instead of camps you capture and they push lanes, they are bounties you can collect and turn in at the center and “buy” a buff for your team to have for a limited time. You can buy buffs one at a time or wait to have multiple stack.

Oh and also, rework and bring back Haunted Mines!!!


This reminds me of the whole town center map idea on another thread. With quest NPCs that you have to interact with. Not sure how that would work in teamfights. Is there a no fight zone? ;D Or do NPCs just start applauding if you starting fighting infront of them? ;D
It does make me wonder what goes through blackheart’s mind during certain matches xD

The whole bounty idea could be interesting tho.

And yes, Haunted Mines definitely had its competitive flaws but as a casual map it was really fun. If they reworked it and made it work competitively I’d love it.
Or maybe they should throw it into the map pool for really low ranking players in QM, as those wouldn’t know how to abuse it most of the time ;D

Another map idea

I’ve been thinking about the Ner’Zhul map idea some more.
I’ve just looked up the whole story of him in a few youtube videos. It’s definitely too complicated to all cram into a map.
But basically I’d want a map with portals that open and close that take you from one part of the map to another.

Haunted Mines Rant
This will probably sound a lot like the Haunted Mines map we used to have but the biggest issue with that map was that the caves were a separate zone from the rest of the map that had no significance to the match itself other than to feed your skull golem thing to make it stronger. But as long as no body collected all 100 skulls which involves beating the skull boss which you usually need at least 3 people for to defeat there was no repercussion to just ignoring the caves completely and nuking the lanes instead.
Removing the boss and/or adding a time limit to collecting the skulls would probably have made that map at least a bit more balanced.

Separate Dimensions Rant
I did play with the thought of having 3 lanes each in a different universe, you could have one on Dreanor, one on Shakuras and one on Sanctuary each would be significant since they all go to your core at the end so they all need to be fought over. But then how do you deal with global abilities, does Abathur tunnel between portal no prob, do Dragon’s Arrows and Pyroblasts just travel between dimensions? And what about Flastad’s flight ability? It’d be a bit goofy.

The actual map idea
So instead it’s just a simple map with 3 lanes. As big as the biggest current map. And there are portals connecting different parts of the map together but they are turned off at the beginning of the match. The objective will start appearing which is the Skull of Guldan on different parts of the map.
The Teams must then collect the 3 artifacts from around the map the Eye of Dalaran, the Book of Medivh and the Jeweled Scepter of Sargaras. They can be held by mercenaries which must be defeated to collect them. Every team member can only hold one of these items, kind of like you can only hold one turret or nuke. The more team members channel using one of the artifacts the more damage they do to the enemy bases.
The Skull of Guldan sinks into the ground after a while and will reappear somewhere else on the map at the next objective, but the Artifacts stay with whoever holds them and they will be dropped upon death.
Maybe if it’s not too overpowered you could even make it possible for players to push F which drops the Artifact on the ground for other team members who are not as mobile to carry them.

In order to win there are just 2 cores as per usual. You could make it a bit more interesting and make each core a Great Dark Portal which lead to different worlds which is where the minions spawn from. The minions then could really be anything from any time period or universe ;D
But I guess making them Orcs vs Draenei would make enough sense.

As the match progresses the skull of Guldan is being fed more and more power which seeps into the world around, opening more of these portals and mana currents which function basically like the conveyor belts on Volskaya.
Once one of the cores reaches 0 health the mana currents become more powerful and then rupture all of Dreanor and turn it into Outland.
The outcome would be the same no matter who wins ;D

I’m a huge StarCraft fan. Here’s my take on the idea you’ve spun

Protoss Lane: Keeps and Forts: Overcharged Nexus’.
Towers: Khaydarin Monoliths.
Fountain: Shield Battery.
Lane Specific Mercenaries: Immortals with a shield mechanic that increases mercenary armor by 50% for a short duration upon taking damage.
Lane Specific Minions: Three Zealots, one High Templar, three Adepts.

Zerg Lane: Keeps and Forts: Bile Launchers or a type of Hive that has a spit attack.
Towers: Spine Crawlers
Fountain: Spawning Pool.
Lane Specific Mercenaries: Lots of Zerglings.
Lane Specific Minions: Three melee Roaches, one Infestor, three Hydralisks.

Terran Lane: The Auto-Cannon Command Centers from Braxis.
Towers: Towers from Braxis.
Fountain: Fountain from Braxis.
Lane Specific Mercenaries: The Goliath/Raven Bruiser camp.
Lane Specific Mercenaries: Three melee Marauders, one Ghost, three Marines.

The objective could be to collect void shards to empower either Xel’Naga Kerrigan or Amon. This is also where the battles would begin. If the core ever becomes under attack. They begin using psionic shields while they begin to focus on the minions and enemy heroes.

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I love Starcraft Maps, the two we have now isn’t really fun. This would be a great “Co-op” Map where we can have more than 5 heroes in one team but we go up against an A.I, (Amon) who sends wave after wave and we have to defend the 3 lanes (just like in the first mission of the Epilogue campaign). The heroes start with no Core and have to clear out an area to create a foothold for the Protoss, Terran, and Zerg (along with their main structures as Cores (a Nexus, the Hyperion, and a Hive)). Then the heroes will have to clear out the rest of the Map to reach Avatar of Amon (not Narud since maybe he can be a future hero) and as they do, the Protoss, Terran, and Zerg will advance their defenses. Each of them can have distinct strengths and weaknesses maybe.

Protoss will have a very slow expansion process and it will consist of an Overcharged Nexus as forts/keeps, the fountain will be a Restoration Battery (Shield, Health, and Mana), The towers could be Khaydarin Monoliths. The wave will consist of 2 melee Sentinels (with reconstruction), a Havoc (with the range buff and the enemy debuff laser), 2 Stalkers (blinks occasionally to avoid damage), and a Tempest (catapult). These minions and buildings are stronger but spawn slower. Occasionally, a probe will be sent out to construct Pylons and Photon Canons in between Forts/Keeps to slow down Amon’s minions if they breach the defenses.

Terrans can have a mediocre defense and weak pushing force, but the defenses will spawn quickly. The forts/keeps can be Planetary Fortresses, the walls are supply depot, only 1 bunker for towers, 1 siege tank, and the fountain can be an engineering bay (or something that grant armor). The minions are like the ones in the current Starcraft Maps with the occasional Goliaths, Hellbats, and Ravens.

Zerg will expand the quickest because of their aggressive and unending wave of minions but they will have little to no defenses in the lane (consisting of only a Hatchery, several Spine Crawlers, Swarm Hosts, and Impalers). Zerg will also spread creep down their lane and spawn drones from the Core Hive to morph into structures. The minion waves are small but is near constant, zerglings and banelings, Abberations, Hydralisks and Roaches, Queens, Ravagers.

The “Bonus Objective” can be to clear out landing zones to reinforce the existing lanes, just like in the campaign. By allowing your allies to land, you’ll get bonuses and reinforcements on your minions (Immortals, Archons, Ascendants, Colossi, Broodlords, Mutalisks, Ultralisks, Thors, and Medivacs).

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Yay, thx for the input ;D
I couldn’t choose between Warcraft and Starcraft. I’m a big fan of both of them ;D

A spawning pool Fountain would be hilarious xD If it could get voice lines it could be even funnier, like Raynor drinks from the pool and he’s all like:
“ech, I never thought I’d find myself craving this goo”
or Tychus would be all like: “Eh, Hell, this can’t sit right. burp
Dehaka: “Must adapt!”
ETC: “This stuff’ll get you ROCKIIIIN’”
D.Va: “Mmhh, I haven’t had soda since I got here!”
Murky: “Grlgrgl Blek”

The void shards are a brilliant idea. Kinda like in the final prologue mission they could just float around outside the map in the void.
(If there was a hole in the middle of the map like in that mission I think that would make the map a bit too big… Or maybe you could make it work. I’m not sure.)
To make this work gameplay wise (not necessarily lore wise) Kerrigan and Amon would both need their own Shards that empower them, the Amon team would want to destroy the Kerrigan Void Shards while the Kerrigan Team wants to destroy the Amon Void Shards.
They enter the stage at different intervals and depending on what kind of Shard it is the teams will either have to attack or defend the Shards while they slowly move through the map.
Might be interesting seeing how team fights develop as the shard is first closer to one base and then the other.
Once a Void Shard enters the field it can also begin summoning spawners for minions to spew out. So the defenders will always have a bit more minion pressure where ever the shard is at.

This could actually be a pretty nifty map. I’m liking it a lot more now ;D


I love the enthusiasm. And your ideas are great.
But I would prefer to keep this PvP. If we did something crazy like make a 7v3 map where the map just gives one team way more advantages then I’d love to give that a try too even if it likely would end in a disastrous design. It would need a ton of tweaking to be balanced, but it’d be fun.
The Heroes are all designed for PvP and with team comps in mind and I don’t want to go out of those binds too far. PvP would just give this map much more replayability.

With that out of the way, the idea that both sides slowly expand their territory and build additional structures is also a bit outlandish. Usually keeps and forts give you influence over more areas and focusing to destroy forts always helps you secure future objectives more easily.
But if both sides start off with only a few bases a lot of the map starts off being neutral territory then a lot of heroes will be very restricted at low levels. If there’s a level one Tassadar who wants to go top he can’t because he’ll get killed by a level 1 Valeera or Illidan. I don’t think this would be fun.
This would not favor specialists very much who excel at wave clearing.

But neat ideas, I enjoyed reading it ^^

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Here is one of my concepts : the Dinosaur Map Idea

Your maps look interesting and promising.

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