Dinosaur Map Idea

I thought this up in another thread but here is the full idea.

Mercs: 2 3-velociraptor bruisers, 2 2-triceratops siege, and one t-Rex boss
Objective: Fill 5 vents to let off a rain of meteors to the enemy from a volcano.
I don’t know spawn intervals for objectives so maybe you can help me with that and other things!


Is it part of any universe though?

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No, it is not, we can make a new one though!


Could easily be a Warcraft map. They have dinos and volcanos.

You could have each core be a volcano and winning the objective fires it off kinda like towers of doom. You mentioned vents for objective so perhaps it’s controlling a point makes the vent go in to your volcano and the team that “fills” theirs first activates it.

Kind of like Un’goro?

I get that.

My idea was to have vents pop up every so often that you channel to seal and once you have enough meteors or lava waves attack your enemy.

The volcano would be a map feature.

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That sounds neat and could help with some uniqueness to the map. Basically make it a multi objective but only one up at a time so that the map macro is more about knowing how to properly rotate lanes in with the objective.

Each objective win fires a couple meteors at nearest opponent base structure. Every third or fifth objective fires a mini lava wave down a lane that wipes minions but gives no xp.

That was exactly what I was thinking!

Plus, this is an excuse to mix 2 awesome things: HotS and Dinosaurs!

They’re Thunder Lizards…

Un’goro crater and Zandalar both have dinosaurs.


Hmm. I actually didn’t know that.

I played WC3 and there are Stegosaurus looking creatures called Thunder Lizards. Didn’t know there were actual dinosaurs though. I haven’t played WoW, only WC 2-3 so that’s all I know really. Everything else I’ve either read or seen videos of.

It’s ok.

Do you have any ideas or do you like it?

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I like it, they could even fit some skin in there for heroes like Dehaka (Spinosaurus), Diablo (T-Rex), Anub’arak (Styracosaurus). Just examples. Still I think it would be cool.

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Dehaka already has a Dino skin but those could work!

That’s a toy though, it could be a legit dinosaur this time around. Its just an idea. :smile:

Thanks for the clarification.

Maybe more Dino mounts too?

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Ah yes! I was going to mention that but I forgot. Yes mounts are needed as well. Usually a map would come with an event. I have no idea what that could be though.

Why not just an entire event?

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You mentioned making volcano a map feature but this seems complicated. For obvious pathing issues lanes have to remain straightforward on the map. If you want to put them between lanes you probably need more than one for map balance.

I think the best thing for it is to make them cores.

Well that’s what I mean. A new map, which is something pretty big for the game, wouldn’t just come out of nowhere. It would come as an event. But some events have quests and unlockables. That’s what would need to be set up. What type of event? What quests? And which heroes would be featured in this event? That kind of stuff.

I was thinking a map feature like the statue on DS

Cores are still a great idea.