Blizzard, we want new map

Any duelist would be completely insane on a map that forced a 1v1


Yup, and In my experience Qhira and Imperius are at the top or at least top 5 in that. Category

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Real quick, the setting of this map is The Ruins of Iresia, but there are two giant mechas for cores. The people in these mechs hold fragments of Iresia’s shattered singularity.

Ok, so it’s a two lane map (with a third gate in the middle, like Braxis Holdout) but you have no direct access to the core (either one). You do have access to the forts and keeps however, of which there is two forts and one keep (where the core normally would be, in front of the respawn anchor)

These two lanes are highly separate, with one-way gates being the only thing that connect them (there’s a gate that goes south to north on the east side of the map, and another gate that goes north to south on the west side of the map). The middle gates lead to a small cliff outcropping that has a boss merc on each side

There are a variety of mercs that are scattered along the sides of the lanes, including two siege camps per lane and one bruiser camp. There is a boss camp right in front of the middle gate of each spawn, only attackable by the team that DOSEN’T spawn on that side.

  • Siege camps are a group of four Iresian soldiers (same type of people as Qhira). They attack with flaming arrows, dealing decent damage, and attacking at ~4 range. They also occasionally throw a “molotov” or whatever, which is an small AOE that deals high damage to buildings and non-heroics and mediocre damage to heroes

  • Bruiser camps appear as a lone Iresian medic, who acts like a healing totem (1% of health restored every two seconds to all friendly targets (5% to non-heroic units) around the medic, same AOE as normal bruiser mages) and three stetalthed Iresian Assassins (who deal poison damage and can teleport to heroes within a medium radius.) These assassins focus on heroes, while the medic dosen’t attack at all, instead healing the most injured allied unit (prioritizing heroes) for a small amount (4% max health on allies, 8% on non-heroic).

  • finally, the “Boss” merc is more of an allied building than anything. A large mech that blasts similarly to the Braxis Holdout boss, but upon dying, the core on that side of the map permanently loses its shields.

Now, you’ll be asking, how do you damage cores? Well, once at the 3:00 mark, 7:00 mark, once at the 12:00 mark, and every 5 minutes after, the Cores teleport everyone to an island in the middle of the map (inaccessible otherwise) and begin to attack each other. The Cores DO DAMAGE EACH OTHER. After one of the Cores takes either 20% of their hitpoints, or their shields are broken (which are lowered compared to normal cores to 20% of the Core health, on in this case 4000 hitpoints out of the Cores 20000 health) for 5 -> 8 -> 11 seconds (5 seconds on the 3:00 mark, 8 seconds on the 7:00 mark, and and 11 seconds for all the others, or if the shield generator boss is broken.) After this stun expires, both Cores retreat into the sky where they originally spawned, and all characters on the island are transported to their keep (or the ruins of their keep)

These Cores have much more advanced attack patterns due to the fact that they never actually directly attack enemies, with a large amount of circular aoe stuns every 5-8 seconds and a large aoe stun around the core–it’s literally the battlefield of eternity angel attacks, but much faster.

Each fort and keep that are destroyed decreases that sides’ Core’s damage dealt by 5%, for a total of 15%.

Mercs that reach the destroyed keep are temporarily put into a wormhole that transports them to the next Core Fight!

did I miss anything?


Wait someone not name Melke trying to do something with Iresa

That’s illegal.

On a serious note though I don’t mind this idea though From a thematic lore section I personally would rather do something more beastial then Iresian soldiers for the camps mainly because given what we know about the realm without a singularity, we’re dealing with a realm that is in the active process of collapsing into literal nothingness (hence why my variant is based on the idea of a salvage mission to kick another salvage team off of your loot rther then a quest for dominance.

Why though?

I’m fine with no new map. They couldn’t keep adding maps forever.

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no more bad map, brush up existing map

I seek to have a newer map (Battlegrounds) which can see their offshoots I have to bring back Haunted Mines & Trial Grounds to this ranked or unranked.

I would love to see a 5 lane map. No forts, just keeps in every lane and the more keeps down the easier the core is to hit. Maybe core is invincible until at least 2 keeps are dead. I don’t know what the mechanic would be but the choice between ganking and soaking would be really interesting IMHO.

I want blizzard to utilise ressources elsewhere than something people will dislike and complain non stop despite all those efforts.

Just use the time to make solo only queues and release assassins and a ragnaros skin.

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I just want ALL maps to be on rotation in QM/vsAI with the option for party lead to unselect a handful.

Haunted Mines (with suggested revisions of 1. Give the skull-collection objective a timer and 2. disable camps during objective) and a new map would be perfect.

I think another map in the same vein as Towers of Doom. Or a jungle-style map where the mercenaries come out and ambush you while in the jungle.

OH. A werewolf map where there’s a “dark forest” in the middle, and a werewolf NPC goes around and attacks you in the forest (boss damage level NPC) and if you beat him everyone on your team gets the “werewolf’s bite” and become a werewolf for 30 seconds.

Better yet, give the map a “Day/Night” cycle to make the werewolf more terrifying, as it only comes out at night.

I liked the sound of the 4 lane map the devs talked about in the last AMA. Then again, I think how bad people are at covering lanes I wouldn’t want to be forced to triple soak.

It would be nice to have a new map, but perhaps they can just bring back Haunted Mines first as they don’t have a huge team anymore.

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I have a question, though. What happens with people that dies and get quick respawns? Like Murk, or Kel’Thuzad, while they are at the island? Do they have to spawn in the island? Do they spawn normally?

Also, I’m getting that the Mecha-Cores fight alongside their team in the island? What’s the actual point of teleporting to the island? that no players can push away from the obj? (that’s what I think, but you tell me).

But I like your idea. GJ. :+1:

4 lane maps would essentially create double soaking as a necessity. Not that I’m against it, 4 lanes sounds great to me.

I would love to see a NEW MAP that incorporates the recently removed weather anomaly! And I would like the dev team to add a fourth type of weather.


  • A three lane map that is narrow from top to bottom, and longer between the two cores. Think of an elongated oval.

  • In the center of the map (and in the center of the middle lane) there will sit a Weather Station Camp. This camp will be guarded by Mercenaries that are stronger than a siege camp, but weaker than a boss camp.

  • Any team can capture this central camp at any time during the match (similar to Hanamura vision towers). Mercenaries will attack minions, but will not attack your team’s minions if you own the camp.

  • Once a team captures the Weather Station Camp, four levers will appear (right-click to use) that will correspond to one of four unique weather events. The FIRST lever that is clicked will change the weather to the one that the lever represented (choose wisely!). Certain team comps may benefit more from a specific weather pattern than others, so drafting towards the map becomes much more interesting!

  • Throughout the match, weather towers will spawn (spread across the battleground, 1 at a time), and will be considered as a Roaming King of the Hill objective. Whichever team channels and then holds the roaming objective will receive even stronger bonuses from the current weather pattern. The objective will change locations based on the eye of the storm, wherever it becomes the most intense (hence why the objective roams). Objective period will last for 3 minutes before it ends, returning the game back to the “laning” phase, if you will.

  • This battleground will offer more constant & consistent team fighting, with unique jungles and weather play to change up the pace of each battle.


  • Strong gusts periodically rip through the battle ground, pushing Heroes in a certain direction for 3 seconds, and then slowing them for 1.5 seconds. During this time, mana regeneration is increased by 250% for the 4.5 total seconds (Invigoration!).

  • The air will howl 2.5 seconds before the gust comes through, giving players a small window of preparation time.

  • This displacement will cancel spell casts and channeling of the objective.

  • This displacement will not push you along terrain. If you collide with terrain, you will remain there. As players get used to the STRONG WIND pattern, they will position themselves accordingly right before the event occurs.

Good question! I’d guess they would spawn outside of objective and they can tunnel back in with the tunnel between shield generator robot and island in the middle.

The Cores aren’t at all accessible outside of this objective.
However, this objective stuns the cores after shields are broken (or 20% of their health is gone) so your actually physically damaging the core. You can win/lose the game during the objective!

I made a thread about this here ;D

I have 3 ideas, one is a Dragon Aspects Map, one is a Xel’Naga Kerrigan vs Amon Laserbeam fight Map, and the last is a Ner’zhul Draenor Map where Ner’Zhul is creating more and more portals throughout the map until finally blowing up the planet to form Outland.
Some other people also had some great ideas, like an underwater map with Naga.

Bring back Haunted Mines in the mean time, things are getting boring.

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We have Alterac Valley, but yeah i’d like to see more of em.