It's been 4 months since Mei was released

How I wish Azshara would enter the Nexus…

I would also love to see Mannoroth or Yogg as well as some others that were mentioned here in this thread. I have found it a little strange that Azshara isn’t a playable hero though especially since she is a huge part of the WoW lore and one of the major contributing forces throughout most of the story.

I would love to see a Protoss Sentry as a new Support (but as Blizz in Summer mentioned, they are not working on a new support).
Alternatively would be a new Zerg Hero nice. Zerg don’t have a tank, so that should be a high Place in the List


Ulti the Ultralisk when :expressionless:

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The old Torrasque would be neat

They have ultralisk’arak isn’t it enough? :joy: And also Dehaka, who is pretty tanky. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’ll be the jailor. With the pushback on Shadowlands release, HotS will fill the space by incorporating expansion spoilers into a new event :smiley:

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I’m not even sure how would Mengsk work. Would he be another summoner type mage? Support could also fit but we know the devs don’t plan to release a new support like, ever. Although my personal favorite is to incorporate Mengsk as a Healer role hero for maximal irony. I mean they managed it with Stukov even though all they had just the infection shenanigans to use. So who knows?

He’s probably throwing Kerrigan’s from his Battlecruiser at the enemy


They have stated multiple times there are issues with designing summoner heroes. The coding is tougher because more can go wrong, balancing is also harder because the more a unit summons the less stats it should have and then You get in to balance against spike damage heroes and such.

I will always die on the hill of the Overmind. We need more SC and I want it so much.

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What are “summoner heroes”? Like Abathur, who can control forts and keeps? Because when I read “Summoner” I think about heroes like Zagara, Xul or Azmo with their marsh of minions. :joy:

You can add also Gazlowe, Probius, Kerrigan and Jaina to the list

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well pardon me friend but i happen to notice there is onE NAME CONSPICUOUSLY ABSENT FROM THIS LIST???


He’s never getting in, I know. I just keep praying.


If we get a new hero “Soon™”, it will almost certainly be after the current SL season ends, but before the next SL season starts.

Wat, no Blackthorne?


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I’ll Keep saying Andariel.

Actually, the full quote implies the opposite: “Oh my, how did I not expect this to be asked…who would have guessed that so many people are in love with Kyle Blackthorne! His name is brought up to me almost every day – at this point it has become a meme around the (virtual) office. While I would be super excited to see him enter the Nexus, I am holding strong picket-lines for a few other crowd-favorites first.

He’s not next, but he’s bouncing around their team all the time. Maybe we’ll get him soon.


If he’s released, will be my first direct hero bought.

Well. They already planned on bringing an Overwatch tank in that time. so they started developing Reinhardt (Tbh Rein’s kit is very boring to me but if others like it, it’s fine). Unfortunately they met so many issues with which abilities should be blocked by his barrier and which shouldn’t. Also his kit being similar to existing heroes. So they brought Mei in as the first Overwatch tank.


Yeah I don’t like Reinhard’s kit either, his skills are mostly already in the game… he isn’t new like Mei.

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Exactly. As the devs themselves mentioned, he’s gonna take a long time to be fully developed with the stated issues.

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