Who you want in the Nexus

Gimme Moira pls.


It’s funn how the less powerful of the two would be the psionics focused one. But I digress, That does sound like an interesting ability, it could also be an ultimate and then the storm talent could be to let him do reveals or something with it

I also see a hillarious wombo combo with this and that one ulti of Mephisto if you suspect someone like Varian is solo’ing a boss

Ah titanium, I’m glad he gave up, all that brilliant mind could be put to so much better use elsehwere then trying to fix the mistakes of a dumb team.

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Yeah I think the voodoo thing has to be in there. I also would like him collecting terrazine like Dehaka collects essence. Maybe it makes him more powerful, but he misses 1 out of every 10 shots, not sure how exactly it would work.

And that switchblade has got to be a selectable talent to do melee damage to be put on the “1” key.

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I assume you mean between Nova and Tosh?

He’s mainly on Twitter nowadays, still taking shots at the devs’ handling of Mercy. He got sick of false flags and getting suspended, only to shortly be unsuspended, on the forums. Lately he’s been bouncing back and forth between Overwatch, Apex Legends, and some personal projects.

I made a hero concept for him and gave him a quest talent called Terrazine Addiction. Regen globes effects are increased by 50% and collecting them increase mana regen by 0.1, up to 2, and health regen by 1, up to 20.

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I’ll keep saying Andariel.


Yeah I did, in the lore Nova is more potent, to my knowledge the only Terran to be stronger then her psionically is little miss CHosen one.

Ah, he’s still at it? Damn, I thought given what I’ve seen of him on his Discord server he gave up on Overwatch as I did. (Admittedly I lasted much longer then him lol))

Yeah, they’re both PI-10s, but Kerrigan ekes out ahead of her according to canon. Kind of odd in my eyes, considering that we’ve never really seen Kerrigan’s maximum output before she was “infested,” but we’ve seen Nova’s maximum potential multiple times, both pre- and post-Terrazine enhancement.

I think the choice to make Nova a “sniper” is to keep her more in line with the Ghost theme. Ghosts are supposed to be specialists in stealth; espionage, sabotage, and long-range assassination.
Spectres, on the other hand, are largely psionic warriors and are far more blunt-force focused than Ghosts.
If you’re a guard for someone or something targeted by a Ghost you might never know you were under attack even after the Ghost has done their damage.
But if you’re dealing with a Spectre, you will absolutely know you’re under attack (and maybe even by whom), but you won’t live to tell the tale. Or if you’re investigating the aftermath of a Spectre attack, you’ll probably be able to tell that it was an attack, but you likely won’t know who.

Easiest way to say this is Ghosts tend to snipe their targets from extreme range or set up “accidents.” Spectres have a tendency to just drop in, pop their target’s head or pulp their brain with either telekinesis or a telepathic spike, and then massacre their way out.

So yeah, Nova, the Ghost, gets the more subterfuge and single-target oriented playstyle, while Tosh, the Spectre, will likely get a more AoE and psionics oriented playstyle.

Eh. He said he’s “got something to prove,” but doesn’t want me saying any more than that.

He has pretty much given up on getting Mercy reverted, though he still will talk about it if someone else brings it up. Kinda like me with Malthael and Lucio.




Anyone from Starcraft or Overwatch at this point.

But let’s be real here, the next hero is gonna be either Warcraft or Nexus related yet again.


It’s not going to be nexus dude. Don’t get yourself reee’ing yet.

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Either way I’ve been wanting a SC or OW hero for a long time and waiting 3 months for a new characters isn’t really cutting it for me.


I’ll have to find the quote later but Lana on her way out mentioned that Qhira was in the pipeline since Orphea’s launch rior to seeing the lukewarm response. She was somewhere along being done when the team got downsized a few monthes later but by that point it wasn’t worth scrapping, So with the desire to keep up something of a schedule they launched her with her lore incomplete but the kit very much in tact because “gameplay first”


^ ^ Do you need a hug?


Maybe, but I’ll take a Mercy hug if I get to choose.


And to show that unique heroes can still be made, I’d make him a support-tank hybrid. I know the obvious choice is assassin, but let’s go through it.

  • Q Sundrop: Rather short range, heals the target enemy or ally and afflicts sundrop addiction.
    After 4 seconds allies with sundrop addiction that are near Ulrezaj gain a shield.
    After 4 seconds enemies with sundrop addiction that are NOT near Ulrezaj take damage and lose vision like Dehaka’s heroic but only for 1 second.

  • W Maelstrom: Small aoe on a 1 second cooldown. Does something like 5 damage and applies a stacking 5% damage and healing reduction for 3 seconds, capping at 75%. You need to dedicate focus on a target to suppress them.

  • E Void Blast: Targeted like Ragnaros Q (moves faster though), fires a blast toward the initial location then changes to the new path when it gets there. Silences and damages the first enemy hero hit, but continues along its path doing reduced damage to anything else it hits.

  • R1 Power Overwhelming: Gain 100 armor, decaying at 5 per second and creates a radius of low damage over time that creates corruption.

  • R2 Mass Hallucination: Create 6 clones of Ulrezaj that do a fraction of his damage and leave corruption.

Trait: Dark Presence. Anywhere Ulrezaj moves, or anywhere hit by Ulrezaj’s abilities is corrupted with darkness for 25 seconds. The corruption does 5 damage per second and reveals heroes on it, but doesn’t interrupt channeling objectives. Does reduced damage to structures.

Z Dark Teleport: 12 seconds. After 1 second teleport to a location marked with corruption within range.

Ulrezaj has 3 auto-attacks with a range of 3, using darkness tendrils. They prioritize heroes, but seek out different targets if able (so you want to position so only one enemy is in range if possible.)

He mostly does damage over time, but can do more considerable burst damage with focused auto-attacks and E.
He’s a battlefield manipulator that spreads corruption and isn’t afraid to step up and make his presence known while dominating the minds of his opponents.
I feel that fits his character.


This. I’m really curious to see what they do with him.

This one too for similar reasons.


Lord Godfrey.
He has a cool hat, why wouldn’t you want him in this game?

Only one Tal’darim in the Nexus? That is not enough!

Zoltun Kulle.
Yeah… I don’t have anything witty to put here, I just want him in the game.


Reinhardt! Reinhardt! Reinhardt!

Time for Rein! Time for Rein!

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