It's been 4 months since Mei was released

Another nexus original would be a suicide.


Not really suicide, if it’s fun to play and well introduced, but I agree it wouldn’t be smart from an economic perspective. I mean would you leave the game, autobusik, if we get another Nexus hero? I wouldn’t, at least not for that. There are other reasons to quit with Blizzard than Hots and personally this game is actually mostly the only game that keeps me on bnet. :joy:

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Then give me a non-original nexus hero.

My money is on an Overwatch hero to coincide with OW2 release.

I doubt. We just got an Overwatch hero (As much as I want another Overwatch hero next).


Pretty sure they mentioned that Reinhardt wasn’t to come out in the near future due to the issues they have with his kit, mainly is barrier, which was also one of the motives that made them turn Mei into a tank. So, to my dismay, I don’t see him being an option in the next year.

As for who’s coming, no idea tbh. None whatsoever.


Hope it will be sc or diablo this time.

The devs already stated that the development of Mei as a Tank was determined from the beginning.


if not StarCraft or Diablo heroes I see that more Overwatch heroes will have expected them.

An Ultralisk with Adaptive Armor (gaining armor whenever it’s damaged) would be awesome.


An ultralisk would be so awesome. I’d pick it up immediately.

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So basically you want an Anub’arak skin for Garrosh? :joy:

I’ve always wanted a Protoss Carrier in this game somehow. It would’ve been cool to see it implemented in a map as an objective reward or something if we couldn’t get it as an actual hero heroic.

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The armor increases for every instance of damage it takes, but decays after not taking damage.

So more like a weird mix of Li Li and Cassia?
(Li Li increases movespeed when hit; Cassia increases Armor when moving… So this Ultralisk gets increased move speed when moving! Wait… That’s not it :crazy_face:)

The next hero was likely planned for Blizzcon - so I would say about now was when we’d start seeing hints.

However, Blizzcon was pushed to Feb for a virtual event? So…We might not see a new one until then.

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I don’t think that’s the case. I think they’ll release stuff at the planned time, and Blizzconline is just going to be the deep dive panels. Hearthstone didn’t change its release schedule, and I’m guessing neither did WoW.

It’s more likely that HotS wasn’t going to have anything at Blizzcon anyway based on last year, sadly. I expect a hero in early December.

Technically WoW changed the release date of Shadowlands, but it had nothing to do with Blizzcon and everything to do with the expansion being bugged to hell.

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A Shadowlands Trailer dated the 10/29/2020 shows the release date 11/23‌/2020.

The original release date was last week.