Honestly, I’m pretty upset that everyone is this angry about another Nexus Original. I like the Nexus Lore, and even a shoddily made intro still reveals quite a bit more about the IP than we knew before. Not to mention Qhira is quite fun (if not busted).
If it makes you feel any better, I’m not upset about Qhira herself - her kit seems neat (although far too overloaded for my tastes, especially the fact that she’s completely invulnerable during her E), her sword is cool, her animations are amazing, and she’s really pretty.
What I’m upset about is everything else. For example, outside of “Iresia is where Qhira is from” and “Iresia was a cool place before someone busted it”, we didn’t learn anything new. There’s so much that we could have been told that we weren’t:
- Why does Qhira miss Iresia outside of “I used to live somewhere nice and now I have to murder people with a sword to get by”?
- Who was Qhira before the collapse? Was she royalty? A soldier? A common citizen?
- Did Qhira have friends in Iresia? What kind of bonds did they have?
- What about Qhira’s family? Who were they? Did she have a lover?
- Did Qhira grow up in Iresia, or did she emigrate there for a better life?
- What made Iresia unique? Did it have specific food, technology, monuments?
- What about the people of Iresia? Are the majority of the residents vaguely fantasy-African like Qhira, or is it a multi-faceted culture?
Blizzard didn’t give us the chance to get to know Qhira or Iresia before announcing her. Regardless of how you feel about the idea on the whole, literally every other Hero in the game existed as a story or gameplay element before they were made playable in HOTS. Instead, Qhira just comes out of nowhere and we’re supposed to empathize with her right off the bat, which isn’t how it works.
woah I missed that
Yep. Up to 2.75 seconds of complete immunity, including currently active damage effects like Lunara’s Poison.
This is the thing you have to get past. You can’t be upset because of the way others feel. This will only make you angry and depressed all the time. Let them disagree and let it go. Don’t internalize their opinions and resent them. This is like drinking poison and will only bring you down.
Does Qhira is gay?!?! The rumor come out!!
Overwatch followers will get this joke.
Qhira is pretty good and doesn’t afraid!
The neat thing about logical fallacies is that there are a bunch of different types, all of which happen to have specific names and structures. I’m eager to hear which one you think applies.
Since we’re on the topic of logical fallacies, this is what is called a “false equivalence” - you are drawing a comparison between two things that are tangentially related yet fundamentally different. In this case, because both things are communication, you’re suggesting that there’s no difference between a conversation and a forum thread, implying that they are the same thing.
They are not.
Bors’ comic depicts a conversation between two people that happens over the span of a few seconds. Peasant makes a comment, Wellguy makes a rebuttal, and that’s the end of the exchange.
Forums, however, do not work that way. Every time a new comment is added to a topic, the conversation is effectively restarted because the topic is sent to the top of the line: fresh eyes get to see it anew and old eyes get to see it again. Posting in a topic to complain about the content of the topic directly contributes to the topic’s longevity and exposure, which is a self-defeating action if your goal is specifically to not contribute.
Now, if you (or anyone else) was genuinely interested in stifling a topic, the easiest way to do that would be to make a thread that generates more activity and has better longevity than the one you’re trying to get rid of. However, “post better” is hard for a lot of people, so it’s understandable why it doesn’t happen often.
So what? He / She / It is supposed to say nothing? Your argument holds no water, you aren’t attacking their argument, you’re attacking the fact that they are a forum poster critiquing the forum thread YOU created.
It’s a Catch 22. If they say nothing, you get no one criticizing you. If they say something you attack the fact they bumped your thread.
This is at best a measly debate tactic.
If their specific goal is to not contribute? Yes.
There was no argument or critique presented. To prove that, let’s break down the source:
“I’m going to go back to enjoying her” - The poster has been playing and enjoying Qhira despite her incredibly bare-bones backstory. Which… that’s fine? It’s not like her story has any impact on her gameplay. However, her gameplay isn’t the focus of my critique, so ultimately this doesn’t matter to the discussion at hand despite being a valid stance.
“instead of contributing to the dozen whine threads about this already on the forums.” - This is where things get counter-productive. If the poster’s goal is very specifically to not contribute to “whine threads”, they should avoid posting in “whine threads” because each reply bumps the “whine thread” in question. Instead, they chose to post anyways and show everyone how much they opposed the “whine thread”, ultimately helping it by bumping it and bringing more attention to it.
So, no, there’s no attacking going on. At least, not from me.
Here’s the thing: I love critique. I enjoy correcting myself and being made into a better person, or a better designer, or a better artist, or a better writer.
This was not critique.
I’m going to quote myself from a previous reply:
It’s not an attack. It’s just pointing out that dropping by to say that you aren’t going to contribute is, in fact, contributing.
I’d say it’s a pretty effective debate tactic considering that you gave up on the “logical fallacy” angle of attack and tried to disparage my integrity instead (which is called “ad hominem”, by the way).
Let me know when you come up with a new plan. I will be here.
This sums up your erroneous debate tactics nicely. You apply Ad Hominem where there is none (I’m criticizing your actions, not you. Utter misuse of Ad Hominem.)
In addition I don’t have to continually spout the word “logical fallacy” (another logical fallacy of yours) in order to provide a critique that is in fact criticizing your fallacy.
Just because the phrase “logical fallacy” does not pop up does not mean you are not being criticized for one.
He/She/It IS making an argument though. You may not like the insinuation but the meaning is clear. They want you (and people like you) to stop making these threads. You instead attacked them for posting in your thread instead of defending the existence of your thread.
What you’re doing is criticizing the fact that they are criticizing you. This is not an Ad hominem, this is an analysis of what you’re doing.
This was my biggest problem with this character too. We used to be getting a new hero every 3-4 weeks and it was awesome. It kept me much more interested in the game. But now, releasing a character that has zero connection to anything in a game that was designed for nostalgia factor from 3 different franchises… It just doesn’t make sense. Especially when now we are only seeing a new hero once every 3-4 months, and there are literally hundreds of backed up requests.
Obviously they can do whatever they want and they never even need to release another story character again if they don’t want too. But it would behoove them to give there players and the fanbase the characters they come to expect and ask for, especially when their game is teetering on the brink of oblivion.
People’s understanding of things like logical fallacies is so bad I wish they wouldn’t even be brought up most of the time lol… A lot of them (ESPECIALLY ad hominem) are painfully misunderstood
This, this defines everything about the release of the new character.
From my experience, people conflate “this offends me” with “you’re doing ad hominem against me”. Just because something offends you does not make it untrue, and does not invalidate a criticism.
About that:
You more or less directly stated that my motive was to avoid criticism - which is, by definition, ad hominem:
Quoted directly from Wikipedia and bolded/italicized for your convenience.
You’re also constantly painting my actions as attacks when they’re not, which also counts.
I was talking about how you never actually stated which fallacy I was supposedly employing. This part here?
You never responded to it. The reason that you should is that there’s no such thing as a generic logical fallacy - if you’re going to accuse me of making one, then it’s best for you to actually provide evidence of which one I was using. It’s like saying someone “broke a rule” - it’s a useless statement without the context of which rule they broke.
If it was an attack, it would have included things like disparaging comments or an encouragement to stop posting. Neither happened - I just pointed out that their participation was counter-productive. That’s not an attack, that’s an observation.
That said, the thread does not need defending - it’s valid feedback with clear explanations and evidence backing up said feedback. I don’t need to justify anything further than I already have, although I can if you want me to.
Nah. If I’m criticizing anything, it’s that they’re actively working against their stated goal. Every time they - or you - post, the topic gets more exposure and has a high probability of gathering more Likes. Did you know that the topic went from less than 30 Likes to nearly 60 since they decided to drop by and voice their distaste? Their actions (and yours) have literally made the thread twice as popular as it once was.
All I was doing was trying to warn them that this exact thing would happen, and it’s not my fault that they (and you) decided to take offense to friendly advice.
I could not care less about something as meaningless as likes or views. I don’t care if your thread gets bumped or not. The thread is beating a dead horse and I am going to point that out even if it makes it stay on the main page for longer. I am also going to defend my right to do so.
Cut the crap. The tone of your post was obnoxious and childish.
I have difficulty believing that. You may have forgotten, but I still remember the posts that you deleted (or got deleted by Moderators) about how very upset you were that other people’s Hero effortposts got more Likes and Views than any of your countless Valeera threads. You were furious that the community (and possibly the development team) “ignored” your threads in favor of other discussions, and you even brought up my Review and Rework threads as examples.
Even if we decided to discount that piece of history (because if it’s deleted, that means it doesn’t count, right?), I’d still have the fact that you posted in this thread because of the many topics like it becoming popular discussions - something that happened because they gathered many Likes and Views.
It’s obvious that you care, and to the people that have interacted with you before, it’s obvious that you care very much. To quote Andrew Gillum, “a hit dog will holler, and it hollered through this room”.
That explains a lot.
As long as you’re aware that you’re joining in on beating the horse.
I never said that you shouldn’t, but I do have to say that you’re not doing a very good job of it - you’re defending against attacks that aren’t there. I have no problem with you posting here and, in fact, I welcome you doing so! Every time you post, the topic gets more exposure and traction, raising the chances that the HOTS team either:
A) Does something to address the lack of information on Iresia to make us empathize with Qhira and her plight, or
B) learns to avoid the mistake they made with Qhira’s release for future Heroes.
Maybe even both. A man can dream.
You joined the discussion for the twin purposes of disparaging those engaged in the discussion and saying that you weren’t going to contribute to the discussion, both of which are classic examples of attention-seeking actions. I’m sorry that you think that it’s obnoxious and childish to point out your obnoxious and childish behavior, but in reality I was being polite. I made no insults, I made no personal attacks, I didn’t even tell you to stop posting - I just pointed out what was obvious.