I just don't care about Qhira

The big “pull” of Heroes of the Storm that set it apart from other MOBAs is that the featured characters have outside relevance. Even Orphea, the first genuine Nexus Original, had a comic series and some pretty cool cinematics to show off her personality and build interest in her character.

Qhira does not have relevance outside of Heroes of the Storm. Even worse, nothing about her is really unique - her homeland and culture are very familiar and many aspects of her design are very close to a character from another (competing) game (up to and including a nearly identical ability that’s an improved version of an existing ability on another HOTS character).

It’s not like this is the first Hero release that hasn’t wowed me and I’m certainly not quitting HOTS forever because of it, but I’m actually surprised by how little I care about the new addition.


I found orphea more interesting concept wise.
I have to say it but not having kevin’s voice to explain things to me made me just not care about her even more.


Yeah, the loss of Kevin didn’t help either.


I may also not care much about Qhira, but it’s not because of the lack of lore, but because of the reduced hero release rate. Before, when we were getting 14-15 heroes per year, even if the hero on your list doesn’t hit the game this time, they still have a chance to come in just 4 weeks. And the constant release rate was keeping things interesting, and people could enjoy new heroes, even if they were not on their “wish lists”.
But now, with the 3-4 months between hero releases, the disappointment of not getting a hero from your wish list is much bigger.

As for the hero herself… well, her kit seems interesting. Even if some of her abilities are similar to others, she is still a unique hero as whole. I just think she needs more interesting skins.


Agree, I was very confused on what (W) Blood Rage did according to the video (I had to look it up) and there was little “to get pumped” for without an announcer. Can’t hype a new hero with poor communication - no matter how rehashed or fresh the abilities are.


Yeep I caught a few of those similar vibes. They likely should have just plopped her down into the nexus with no story at all. The only thing we actually know about her is ~she hunts~ everything else falls on the story of her world.


This right here. Pretty much everything about her kit just stood there in the spotlight without much cohesion.


Honestly, I would’ve loved a character that was tight-lipped about their origins. That would’ve been a neat change of pace and, done properly, very cool.

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Than don’t care. It is as easy as that lol.


Blizz was certainly right about one thing: we wouldve never guessed who she was.


Yeah, that’s the other thing that really bothers me: why even have teasers in the first place if there’s no chance for the community to guess the answer?


Q: Shadow waltz

W: Malthael reaper mark + soul rip

R1: Samuro Bladestorm with a stun

R2: Hinterland blast but better in every conceivable way

Trait: Sonya spear but better

Her E is pretty cool though.


How is her Q = Shadow waltz?
Only it’s AoE is similar. It deals more damage to enemies who stay longer in its AoE, which is quite unique. And it’s not just some zoning tool, as it happens fairly fast. You don’t get the blink afterwards either.

Her W is actually closer to Ana’s trait, without the self-sustain. And she has an unlimited range soul rip.
Yeah, sure, some of the elements are the same, but they are combined in a unique way. You do know that the more heroes you have, the harder it is to come up with unique abilities, right?

R1 is indeed similar to Samamuro Bladestorm, but doesn’t grant you unstoppable and has a smaller AoE, that is growing over time. Unlike Bladestorm, this is easily interrupted.

R2 doesn’t get cdr upon hitting enemy heroes, and it deals extra damage to low HP enemies.

Trait is indeed similar to Sonya’s spear, but it doesn’t stun. And you can use it on obstacles to pull yourself towards them, not just heroes, and it doesn’t pull you if you miss (as the talented version of Sonya’s Q). It also has longer range. So while similar, it is also different.


I think this character is a class/character from Titan being resurrected.


I would be about ten thousand percent more enthusiastic about Qhira if that’s what her backstory was. The Nexus is supposed to be the focal point of all of Blizzard’s universes, so it would be insanely cool to cast her as hailing from a canceled one. Maybe toss in some characterization about cruel and uncaring gods or throw some jabs at Capitalism’s focus on profitable work over creative work - there’s a lot of potential in the idea.

I wish it’s what we got.


Hence the comparisons.

k. thanks for sharing!
I’m going to go back to enjoying her instead of contributing to the dozen whine threads about this already on the forums.


Just as everybody. Nothing new!

I’m surprised you missed this detail. Perhaps they will build up on her more in the future.

Because… straightline skillshot? Orphea’s Q comes with free CDR and a dash. Did you just forget Orphea’s main gimmick? Besides, Qhira’s thing is that you can use it to apply multiple DoT stacks with careful aim since it lingers.

OMG Lion’s Maw is just Spirit Swoop Varian total Rexxar ripoff RIP ACTIBLIZZ OUT OF IDEAS RIP.

It’s much closer to Nature’s Toxin. C’mon, stacking poison, activated through W, did you even think when you were making this?

It grows in range and also she can be stunned or silenced to interrupt it. It deals its damage faster and has more payoff, but is a lot riskier.

Some heroics are going to be similar, that’s for sure. Comes with the territory of adding two per character.

Much shorter range, less damage to high-health heroes, longer cast time.

Also, Final Strike is Sundering but worse in every way. Thrall gets similar damage but can also use his as a really powerful engagement tool or CC that splits teams apart. And Final Strike still has a longer cast time! It has a shorter cooldown, but it’s still a garbo Heroic.

Can’t argue with that one. Her trait is OP OP.

This is the crux of her entire kit. It’s the main reason you want to be playing as Qhira. This is like complaining that Rexxar’s kit is boring if you ignore Misha.