I’m not going to say that I interpreted your original point properly because I obviously didn’t, but you’ve either skipped, forgotten, or ignored the part where the conversation shifted - which is strange, because that shift happened due to your clarification. You yourself admitted that you didn’t communicate yourself well:
And of course, this clarification helped me gain new understanding, which I admitted to:
And it should be obvious to you that I gained a better understanding, given that I didn’t bring up Attack Speed again after your clarification, but you’re suddenly acting like that part didn’t happen and I’m not sure why.
You’re missing information again. I brought up all of that stuff so my viewpoint (which has been enlarged for your convenience) would be in the proper context:
That said, the “fundamentals of game design” typically dictate that strengths should be balanced with weaknesses. Given that Artanis has an awful lot of Nice Things™, I happen to believe that his “limited” mobility options are those intended weaknesses - especially given how resistant Blizzard was to adding a baseline Zealot Charge to Twin Blades.
I understand exactly what you’re talking about: you feel that Artanis should have an easier time of milling the cooldown of Shield Surge and you feel that the way to accomplish that is to give him greater mobility. I just happen to disagree.
Whether or not they’re comparable depends on context, something you’ve (again, for the third time) left out. Let’s go back over what I said:
Here, I compare Blade Dash to Oil Spill as an ability that has multiple roles. In this sense they are similar, because they are indeed multi-role abilities.
Here I point out that, despite the fact that they are comparable as multi-role abilities, they serve very different purposes and are therefore not comparable in impact or role. I did this because you asserted the following:
Which, unless I’m reading it wrong, is an assertion that, because an ability has multiple uses, it should have multiple charges as well. This is something that I disagree with, because as I pointed out here:
There’s no contradiction because I compared them in different ways. If I was comparing the abilities in question in the same ways, then sure, that’d be a contradiction, but I wasn’t, so it isn’t.
I would love it if you didn’t argue, actually. You have a habit of disregarding important parts of the conversation, which makes you seem extremely forgetful or intentionally dishonest. Regardless of which it is, I don’t particularly enjoy dealing with either - especially when you condescendingly assume that I don’t understand you simply because I disagree.
On top of all that, you also have a very frustrating habit of avoiding questions or points that would undercut your argument, like this:
Or, if I’m reaching back in time to show that your avoidance is a pattern and not just confined to this topic:
I could dig up more examples if I put in some effort, but your behavior indicates that you won’t even look at them, so why waste the time?
The moral of the story is that you’re a chore to communicate with and I would not be unhappy if you decided to back out, so you are more than welcome to.