I have played SL on 2 different accounts and... uhhh

Im talking about “the announcement”, mostly. The number of competetive players dropped massively. For example:
In order for GM from previous season to get on GM list again (assuming he had enough rank points) he had to play 10 games. Well they didnt even play that and people who never get GM before got one in 24h. Just because someone didnt play at all. GM list got full of nonames very fast.
Combine that with Blizzard increasing M from 1% to 2% of playerbase, semi-forced rank division and you get what is happening.
So Logan is right, you are right, but this discussion is long overdue. People reached M or what not shortly after for the first time ever, and while I dont want to diminish the value of this achievement, claiming that personal skill improvent is completely responsible for it is lying to yourself.

And that is exactly the opposite of what DrLogan is claiming in his OP. You are right, when the player base did noticeably and quantifiably dropp in quality, the more decent players of those who were left climbed to ranks they probably didn’t deserve. DrLogan is claiming that he, whose skill probably didn’t change, is losing rank because the player base is getting worse.

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And that doesn’t make sense ^^ Players get placed on the ladder relative to the other players. If everyone gets worse then he should come out on top of them, eventually. One can be unlucky and loose a few games in a row tho but why stop there?^^

Ive been thinking alot about this bc harb and i had similar difficulties in na. Where we should have had easy games but were not.

1 ping really hurts cross server . Especially when im fairly close to my main rank. I lose about 1/3 of my roster because i just cannot land skillshots.

2 neither of us play damage. I rewatched that infernal shrines game and you and i were doing pretty much everything right. When dva ignored objective we backed off and defended. There was a time when you got 3 in sleep and i followed up after with a blessed shield. Problem was damage completely ignored it and they all survived. Same with my entombs as leoric.

3 since we duo we get put against teams so we’re not facing uncoordinated plat players we’re facing coordinated ones. We still have 3 potatoes who will do the opposite of what we ask.


As a duo it’s hard if you are playing tank and heal. Your roles are there to support damage dealers so you put your trust into your random teammates. Supporting bad players is a waste of support, no?

From my experience it works much better when at least one of the duo can do some damage and the other one has a supporting role like tank/healer.

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Yeah, I wouldn’t say even 10, 15 straight losses is indicative of systemic changes within the game or community (though it is a fact a lot of the top of the ladder has been trimmed off, as hardcore players/HGC players have quit the game)

AZJackson made a forum post where he said he lost 16 ranked games in a row at the start of a season.

He is not just a random player or developer, he is a (high) Grand Master who has designed some of the heroes he’s playing and has intricate insider info of heroes and how they work.
Now imagine how far the rabbit hole could go for a regular gold player.

Any sample not counted in the thousands as far as wins/losses go is just random short term variance.

Like so many people here have already said over the years: Ranked is really nothing more than a grind.
Sometimes a very painful grind.

edit - added Jackson quote


Almost like peoples’ suppositions that players are being boosted in stacks has some water to float on.

But listen to me prattle on! Preposterous balderdash! Boosting has never been an issue even once.

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So you’re turning into me by crying “toxic” in that you can’t carry? Even worse if you were solo in this game. And I’d offer to help but you guys never accepted my offers so oh well

Game is ruined cause blizzard refuses to deal with all the trolling in this game. Players refusing to soak, ignoring objectives or just afking at base or in a bush. Everyone is quitting cause of this.

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I’ve only seen #16 yet. I can’t download #1 to #15.
#16 is the same as #17.

As Anduin, you could improve this:

  • 20% more AA.
  • More follow up on your tank, stick with him. Hooks means instant Chastise cast, even if it misses.
  • Use D more often.
  • Blessed Recovery means that you need to play more aggressively to get the full value.
  • Better comms with Blaze so he tells you when his E is ready for your ult.
  • Divine Star on minion waves whenever you can to speed up rotations.

Returning players.

You seem to have the same experienced I’m having, and the same badluck as having it consistently happening on your team rather then the enemy’s.

And this is why I wish rank decay applied to every rank. I can’t understand why they don’t want people to decay at all.


I will try to re-upload games later.

Blizzard can’t do anything about players being bad.

It’s why lower ranks exist. You can’t fault someone for not being good at the game, but you can create a rank for them.

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Considering I used to be holding my own in Platinum after playing almost exclusively Versus AI games, Platinum is still quite newbie.

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Understand that in a party with more then 1 smurf Harby plays one of his lesser heroes because he doesnt like to stomp with a party of smurfs

Also he told me that deckard never used ruby right. He didnt land his roots and he trowed his potions in the middle of the lane forcing people to pick them up with 99% health as they just moved
Muradin was never around so he had to solo tank as alarak vs a hanzo and a valla. In other words an horrible experience
The muradin and deckard were diamond and gold. The skillgap was too great between them and tbh he sucked as deckard

So this wasnt your fault

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I don’t understand why you reject players that would 5 man with you

Oh and I swear if I decayed to bronze I’d slap most bronze players down and no one would have fun. My teammates would still suck, I’d stomp, and it’d be a grind to get back up where I might just quit

I feel like all the toxicity is the reason why elo hell exists. Noone is willing to learn and everyone is the only one whos right.

It’s because there ARE horrible players in terms of gameplay. They shouldn’t be at my elo

But they are, so you have to ask yourself…

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