What do you think about solo carrying in Hots?

Hello everyone!

Based on Tooton’s statement:

I would like to discuss with you what do you think of the ability to solo carry in Heroes of the Storm? Is it possible to solo carry your team to victory or is it not as Tooton claims?

Sure we all know that Fan or other GM’s has proven they can solo their bad teammates, but is this knowledge enough for you to say it’s possible or not.

What do you think?

In my personal experience I would like to get more solo carry option as I also liked the idea of medallion, which gave every player a tool to show the difference, but only good players managed to use it wisely. So I wouldn’t mind seeing other gimmicks like that.

When you are several leagues above the other team in skill level (like Fan doing the b5-gm climbs) - yes.

When both teams are of equal skill (or if the player is barely half a league above the enemy in skill) - not a chance. In those matches the outcome largely depends on who had the weakest player, who had the afk or feeder, etc.

It takes tremendous feats of skill to merely push a SL winrate upwards 2-3% in the long grind towards upper ranks. You may need a gold or platinum player logging on a Bronze player’s account to push their win rate up from 49% to 53%.

Unlike in solo games where a 2100 rated chess player will win a 1900 rated one 95% of the time, and a 2300 rated one will win against a 1900 ~100% of the time (and it’s physically impossible for a top GM like Carlsen to lose against a 2100 unless he has a stroke during the match or dies during it).


That’s precisely it. If I’m gold and I get a troller or afk, could I still win?

Maybe, if a player like Hasuobs, Fan or Grubby is put on my keyboard and mouse. It is doable.

Could I do it? Nope, for me that’s a forced loss.
As a normal gold, I do not have the tools to make up for that players sabotage.

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I’d argue even a low master player can’t carry 4 v 5 in gold. Diamond for sure couldn’t carry consistently


I agree with that assessment. It might even need a middle to upper tier master, probably not a GM.

Also… If I could do it, I wouldn’t be in Gold in the first place. I’d have climbed out ages ago.

The only way to solo carry at low-level is to get experience with a good solo laner (kinda like Fan is doing). So it can be done, and I have done it myself quite few times. Games with a 38K xp Ragnaros, gave us 3 level advantage all alone,…
Won’t happen at high level. Will already be hard at high gold/low plat.

The other way would be to have a good hero that can counter most team comps, or a few heroes that do that. If you have diversified heroes you can play and you know how to pick those heroes you’re good at, it should be possible to somehow carry.
I think that the solo laner is still the most important role as he brings xp and everyone does not realize the importance of soaking (at almost all levels of play).

In this particular case I would say even GM’s could struggle and against this you can’t do nothing, except report the player, who sabotage the game. Shapeshifter’s entry is interesting in that matter:

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The best way to solo carry is to be good at shot calling.

And having people with good ears that actually listen to pings.

There’s quite a lot of to be done if your intel is overall superior to the enemy.

And this applies to any game, not just HotS.

Also solo Q heroes are more comfortable and can help tremendously in this situation of solo carry.


It’s just that in League, ADCs are designed to end the game in the late game, and contributions in your lane are more important. If your top lane loses hard, their jungle is gonna gank hard; if your team pushes top, your bot lane will be easier as pressure mounts for the enemy team up there.

“Solo carry” is a term typically used in error. It’s just that HotS, between mounts and objectives, means to inject more fluidity in the lane; in LoL, your top lane pick is in top lane because they’ll probably be smoked elsewhere or not not contribute as much, and your mid needs to be self sufficient with carry elements, and you won’t just mount up to rotate and no objective calls you all out of lane every four minutes.

Go ahead, “solo carry” in League with a crap jungle, mid, top lane, with a bum support in your lane… “solo carry” is the warcry of people who just don’t understand that teamwork can also involve everyone separate in their lanes.

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Wow, and he is a designer at Blizzard who plays at the highest ranks.

Makes me feel less bad about my 10+ loss streaks :smiley:

Seems like it can literally happen to anyone.

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Sure this sums everything up

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My winrate with Murky has been over 60 percent throughout my lifetime of playing HotS, over hundreds of games. I just can’t pick him in ranked because people would cry, even though the few games I have managed to play him in ranked I never lost.

I should just lock the murloc. I might not be carrying team fights solo but that 3+ level advantage I bring does.

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In these discussions, they often get pushed through a binary lens. You don’t have to be some gosu player to carry every awful game. Not every game has afk/troll/feeders you have to overcome. That’s not realistic.

You just have to be slightly better than those around you to make a difference where you win slightly more games on average than people who are worse than you. That might not mean winning every game, but it might mean one in every 10 games you win a game because you responded a little faster, picked a talent that was more appropriate.

Everyone contributes in their own way.


And someone feeds, indeed. :joy: Jokes aside, I get your point.

Wins and losses in this game are decided by who tilts first, exp gain and which team has the potato team mate.