That’s a positive attitude for anything internet related. These forums don’t affect my mood either, but some the the limited social media I use can be, well, make me lose faith in humanity.
This is mostly likely a troll thread, or being generous, the OP really doesn’t have any basic understanding of The Butcher. These threads seem more common now as forum traffic has dropped so significantly that threads like this one stand out and last for longer than they should.
I take your point too that sometimes (I’ve been guilty of it) posts such as this one are assumed to be a “troll” post and are dismissed with a lack of tact. I guess after you’ve seen 800k “Delete Blackheart’s Bay” posts, it can be easy to just dismiss someone as posting in bad faith.
However you’re very correct that any argument is between you and Kara, so I will mind my own business in the future.
Most discussions on the majority of social media is echo chambers. This forum is no different. Go with the status quo or get labeled as toxic or a troll. I’ll take the label with pride if it means I can be me.
It probably is, but stating so, complaining about it, yet continuing to post about how its a troll post and such is also kind of spammy, a troll trait.
I’ve seen this more often than I should have. Someone with 0 posts probably comes from a match that made them angry, they post about it here for whatever reason, and then they’re called out because “its just another 0 post troll”. Funnily enough, the people who say that have thousands of posts, almost like they want to bring attention to their high post count as a flex. There are lots of troll threads, but there are also threads that are not. Falsely labeling because they have the same issue as someone else, low post count, or use some more aggressive words is toxic. Then again, if you feel like its a troll post, no need to post about it being a troll post and how they wish humanity was better than that. (impersonal you, I’m not calling you out Minky).
You have every right to reply to my posts, even if they’re about someone else. It is not a private matter. I want people to see Karabars as he truly is. People won’t though. He became to “beloved” due to his decent advice at times and his comics. Take off the rose colored glasses and you’ll see him as I do.
I’ve seen that too, but I’ve also very often been on the other side of that coin where my high post count has been used to discredit me, when not just used as an outright excuse to insult me. I’m not the only one, almost everyone with a high post count has been singled out and abused in some way or another due solely by virtue of high post counts.
I disagree. A decent majority of the regulars are pretty much happy with the report system as is, but I’ve always been vocal about my disdain for it and I haven’t (yet) been shunned by the regulars here.
I’ve also had disagreements when the Devs announced Storm League. Many disagreed with me when I said allowing players to group up 2 ranks apart and of any party size on a competitive ladder would lead to more uneven match quality. I stand by those comments despite many regulars here preferring SL over HL.
I’ll take that criticism on the chin, it’s deserved. My only real post here about the issue at hand was to point out this was a copy pasted thread and one of many. You do have a point though.
Yea, I also only pointed out that it’s a spammed thread because it was shared twice(?) by this account already (easy to check this), and then when I saw many ppl commenting as if this was a genuine thread, I told them that it’s not, because it’s not about @Op, it’s a stolen, old topic, and I know its poster, which was Hailfall’s alt (and purposefully) troll acc (confirmed by Hail who liked to troll even on its main acc).
So a troll’s troll acc made a troll thread and got shared twice by a new acc, to troll.
I don’t mind if this thread is on the top, this forum is dying. I just wanted ppl to know what it is and act accordingly (not by my standards, but how they themselves would act if they have full knowledge of the subject).
Not to you personally, but again, it should make you think about how your behavior is. Many people who have gotten into heated disagreements with high post count users are not trolls, but angry at the fact these high post users seem to think their word is law when it isn’t, and use that to make themselves seem above others. Its trashy elitist behavior.
I think you’re wrong on the last part. Its their arrogant narcissistic behavior. “I’m well known here so I’m right, and others will back me up, and I will fight you about it until you agree with me or ignore you when I don’t feel like being wrong”. That’s how these posters are. They don’t let other’s ideas be discussed because they don’t agree on it, and they’ll name you a troll, or a mentally unstable person for doing so. I have seen it here for a long time. Not you, per se, but there are others I am specifically speaking of.
They know you and like you that’s why.
You see, that’s exactly where I have the issue. They don’t tell you anything about it, not to the same extent at least, yet anyone else who says the same thing gets flamed. They can’t explain why they do that, because its hypocritical. And they just bully you or call you a troll because they don’t want that label. Its what they are and maybe one day they’ll accept it.
I know it is. I’m not saying it isn’t… but what would be the mature thing to do here (since people here seem to know a lot about maturity)? My guess would to be ignore it and let it fall down the general discussion feed. Do these “more mature than others” individuals do that? Hell no. That’s my point, and that’s why I call these parasites hypocrites.
These are two other examples of where Mr. Karabars complained about trolls, yet fed the fire by replying. Yet now he claims he doesn’t mind it being at the top of the feed… idk… if you can’t see my point on this person now… idk what will. These posts are not too far back. I’m sure if I spent hours I could find many more. This is the behavior I dislike from someone who claims to despise trolls and “immature” behavior.
Just watch this forum continue to defend his behavior.
You’ve pretty much demonstrated you’d rather make up things for you to attack, and then refuse to use specifics despite claims that you could. A part of why people ask for that is that you tend to disregard context or qualified statements before going off on your “ye hypocrite” rants.
When someone replies to you it’s a “oh they’re defending someone” instead of the alternatives they propose for you to disregard. You’re imposing a double-standard on how you think someone has to reply, and then use that as fuel to cycle argumentation based on bad assumptions. That comes off as you being the ‘hypocrite’ that is then going off on hypocrisy hypocritically.
If someone would to try to address the incongruity of your claim and conduct, the conclusion is that it ‘defends kara’ instead of trying to address miscommunication. Of the occasions of disagreement with kara by ‘regulars’ they tend to either die off, or be taken away from the boards, so there’s not a glaring post history of long-winded posts getting bumped on genchat.
This isn’t about how good or bad a troll thread is, or whether or not effort was put into it. I simply wanted to address that you shouldn’t complain about troll posts, then feed the fire by posting. Which is what the person in question has done.
Another hypocrite. Read the whole post, like you say others should do. I have demonstrated why I claim Karabars is what he is. You refuse to read, and even then, refuse to accept. Or you’re simply blind.
And here you are, proving my point, defending your boy Karabars.
I can’t believe the posters on this forum are so tightly bound that they can’t seem to accept the reality before them.
Ok whatever though. I won’t draw this out any longer with people who refuse to look beyond their rose colored glasses. It’s just a waste of time.
As someone who does enjoy trolling, I can concur. Doesn’t matter what your saying, the moment you hit enter I’ve already got my high and have won.
If yall actually want a post to go away, do literally nothing. Maybe report if your so inclined.
I don’t care to report your post, I’m not like others on here. If I didn’t want to see something, I’d do the mature thing and ignore it and scroll on.
It wasn’t an attack against you, but an example proving Karabars says one thing, does another, and won’t accept that he’s wrong. It wasn’t to flame you for your thread.
If you take it personally, that’s another matter, but don’t be making it seem like I’m attacking you, because I specifically said I wasn’t.
You keep going off on the assumption I didn’t read, and then use that to rationalize that you shouldn’t, that you are somehow ‘better’ informed by being ignorant. My pointing out this conduct does not ‘defend kara’ as you claim, as you assume, it points out that you create issues and then fault others for it. This would be less a concern if it were consistent, but you have a two-faced propensity to ‘make amends’ and acknowledge something, only for a later topic for you to go back to repeating the previously complaint/assumption. The topic with which I pointed out your specific greviences with narha/kara pointed that out specifically.
In the other topic you derailed with this conduct, you assumed I had only one instance of you ‘not reading’ instead of it being a perpetual issue that you keep doing. My point of concern in that topic was that you were demonstrably doing it there and evidently that hasn’t occurred to you there, nor has it here. You’d probably have a better retention of this things if you bothered to read them through instead of assuming everyone else is a hypocrite for some fantasy you derive for your "us vs them’ delusion.
Communication isn’t ever a ‘waste of time’ but you self-delusion makes it that because you refuse to actually engage with anything that doesn’t suit your dishonest narrative.
Butcher is broken under the right circumstances. Butch is also perhaps the most easily countered character in the game. He really is only a problem when a try hard stack rotates as 4 or 5 to get him meated against a bunch of solo que players.
as someone who only lurks on the forum n doesnt join any hots community discords, therefore no biases on anyone, this guy sure knows how to make someone look good while making himself look bad.
Idk how you’re so stupid. I never said others shouldn’t read or justified not reading a post. I said you can’t call others out for not reading when you can’t seem to either. That’s hypocritical. But again, instead of reading what you reply to, you manufacture this nonsense accusations of what I do, when they’re clearly wrong and then tell me I’ve said things I’ve never said.
I did that once. Literally one time. In the discussion you referenced, that didn’t happen. Plus, I am consistent about my opinions on whatever it is I talk about so idk how you drew up that conclusion that I’m inconsistent.
You should take your own advice on that one. Oh wait? You’re incapable.
Ah yes so even when I explain what I’m talking about it still is something I fabricated in my own brain. Makes sense to me. I’ve explained why I say the things I say, but of course nothing that opposes what you say can ever be right. I called you out about things and you’ve deflected every one, because the know it all Xenterex thinks it’s impossible for him to be wrong. You’re so arrogant dude seriously.
It is in this case. You say everything I say is a delusion when I’ve explained why I think what I do then there’s no point. Not once have you ever admitted that you are wrong even when you are.
The difference between you and me, is the fact I can accept when I mess up. You? You are blind to your own actions and so unaware that you too have faults. It’s just whenever anyone brings it up you deflect. Deflecting something doesn’t make you right.
I don’t have a dishonest narrative. I have been here long enough to observe your behavior and everyone else’s I’ve criticized. And because I’m pointing out things you don’t want to hear I’m dishonest? I think it’s actually flipped. Deflection and gaslighting is dishonest… but you aren’t ever going to admit it.
And you came here just to say that huh? Is this worth one of your few posts? Shows what kind of person you are.