Whitemane is beyond broken

Oh my god, Ok…
My ENTIRE freaking team, 2 towers, a fort, a minion wave, jhon cena and god him self all on top of this STUPID STITCHES.
Your probably thinking “oh hes so dead” but no. literaly no. like not even close to correct because this overextending square of a player has a whitemane on his team and all the sudden hes just got god mode or something. Literal hacking.

As someone whos got gold rings on every hero except ana cuz her healing is bad, I cant think of a more broken healer when played by anyone whos even a little bit less dumb then that stitches. Oh and how the eef does she do this? I dont freaking know. Shes supposed to heal by doing damage but the numbers on her abilities are so freaking low. she has to be completely broken because theres no way 82 damage becomes an ANCESTRAL.

The moment any of her drones of a teammates gets even a little glowey its OVER. Just a flash of absolute black magic and boom. fully healed.

Even if you try to focus her she just doesn’t give a flying truck cuz shes immune to damage to. Shell just laugh at your face and chuck those tiny yellow ribbons at you and theres nothing you can do.

Somehow literally the perfect healer. and tank. and dps. broken…

Her mana thing is stupid. I try her and i literally have ZERO mana the entire game but everyone else just cheats and heals as much as they want. You cant even dive her. She can actually 1v1 everyone. like her health bar just straight up lies to you.

No healer should be allowed to 1v1 a dps and especially not when shes alone.

Its not like you can just run away either when her laser beam has the range of the entire lane AND it slows you. Also that -15 armor she supposedly gives her self means nothing. Still just immune to damage.

Yeah, between absolutely broken performance and the least correct stats of all time its obvious whitemane needs to be nerfed in to oblivion. and dont talk to me about heroes profile winrates cuz just like the rest of her kit, thats broken to. If i catch any of you playing her on ladder thats an instant report for cheating from me.

If the devs ever decide give a hoot they better fix this stain.


I wish ppl wouldn’t keep a bad troll attempt alive for even more days… :frowning:

Waterlong OP pls nerf.


that sounds like something a whitemane main would say. you cant hide from me.

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But Tyrande and Rehgar and Kharazim can. And sometimes Lili too.

It’s called a WhiteMain.


Yeah well they dont count

I hear you want whitemain
so I thought I’d be like blingwing
and share with you one to visit your dreams

Your lack of faith will not impede her victory
her goals are beyond your comprehension


whitemane is garbage. after this rework, where she doesnt have mana replenishment, she is real **** trash

Whitemane is still overpowered, but is the worst healer in the game right now just because Blizzard has buffed everything else 150 times in a row.

I wish lili got that many buffs : s

Brah, when lili get a little talent shift - from level to other level, and so, when her W on lvl 13 got nice boost- crybabies starts a drama, that she is OP… after this she got nerfed.

Idiot logic, coz for this community, this devolopers and this people in general, some absurds are OK, and some little things are so so bad. Best example - UTHER :

  • Uther 25 armor - BAAD, lets nerf / Cassia 30 perma armor + protected when talented OOOKK
  • Uther HP too high, lets NEEERF low it / Murky Low HP- lets buff. Murky does not scale his respawn timer with HP Incrasing - OK

And so on

Cassia have zero stuns and got low self healing.

Only people that cry about LILI are bronze players with zero game knowledge. Try and play LILI in master league and you get owned fast.


psst, cassia isn’t played as a main tank. Uther, however, is.


I actually legit think wm is slightly op but most people either think shes to hard to play and are unwilling to try or just dont know how she works in the first place.

Do you know what ult she used? Based on what you said, ny guess is she used the damage ult (Divine Reckoning). DR deals crazy good damage and good Whitemanes will typically pop their D trait for even more damage. If multiple people stand in this ult then WM will just Ancestral her whole team. Don’t stand in her ult. It’s even more exasperated if she hits multiple people with her W lash. Aka don’t be clumped up.

Here’s a trick: Pretend her Q is on a 4 second cooldown. Don’t press Q again until you here the “Ding” chime. Zeal lasts 8 seconds so you’re semi permanently healing two people for a very low mana cost.

Her damage ult “Divine Reckoning” has mana replenishment. Before a big fight spam Q on all your friends depleting your mana. Drop your ult on the enemy team and BOOM! Full mana bar again.

Use the Witch skin for maximum effect.