Lol. So you comment on my immaturity, yet you’re the same. Got it. Go back to your rat hole.
on the rat hole topic, im already playing hots, n ure the one with 3 digit posts on a forums thats barely alive nowadays :v
Yeah I read it. Its you who should read what I said.
Commenting on someone’s “immaturity” when you admit you’re the same is textbook.
Yet you took the extra time to reply on a forum you say is barely alive.
You’re attacking me for the sake of attacking me and you look stupid doing it. Lol what a joke.
yes, i enjoy seeing the salt, dont mind spending time on it . it’s also ironic that ure attacking karabars for the sake of it. me, on the other hand, have mostly just been posting quotes made by u to point out the hypocrisy in wut ure doing.
You’d be better off watching from the sidelines because you are just making a fool of yourself.
I’m not attacking him for the sake of it. There are reasons as to why I am, but I couldn’t expect someone like yourself you have the mental capacity to understand, or read.
Ah yes and now 10% of your posts show how much of a douchebag you are.
I have only recently been calling out Kara for the same thing. In previous altercations between him and myself (if you really lurked as much as you say, you’d know what I’m talking about) I have defended OP’s because of his dismissive attitude towards them. Many times Karabars criticizes OP’s and says their problems aren’t problems and calls them trolls even though their intention was not to troll. He can’t take the fact he’s wrong so he tries to gaslight and deflect any accusations towards himself. I called him out about that too and gotten attacked for that as well. Seems like they’re blind to any sense of self accountability, and instead, call me delusional. They just can’t see it. Can’t help that.
You on the other hand, came out of your rat hole just to spit on someone who’s already been spat on a lot this thread. Simply posting quotes or not, there was merit as to why I confronted Karabars, yours is simply to hate on me.
Join the party friend, many already do dislike/hate me. I don’t care. Perhaps you can spend the holidays with them too. I’m sure they’d love that.
hey man, 10% of 35 posts. damn, i may just be way too nice. thanks for taking the time to read my past posts lmao. good to see ure taking that extra time. i may lurk but i really dont check all that often. im just here to get a kick at laughing at ppl fighting. but if u dont like it, y dont u…-
That’s what I thought. You having nothing of merit to say.
What is this the official Hots forum or the WWE? A question, if you had to team up two forum member’s for a showdown Godzilla vs King Kong style, which two and who are you betting on to win?
I’m only being goofy, no answer is really advised, the forums are cranky with no new content updates!
Because you reject what people say that doesn’t suit what you want to claim, act like you ‘never’ do something and then actually do it over and over again. You create a narrative that people, like myself, ‘can’t accept’ something and remove the possibility that your claim is wrong. I’m “stupid” because I notice an incongruity in your claim and conduct, but I’m at fault for not accepting a falsehood you perpetuate. In a ‘defense’ you make of yourself to see the capacity for ‘the forum’ to react in a way and assume it is to hold up your claim, and not for other reasons for explain the same conduct. Posting loaded positions and making double-standards doesn’t make the fault you claim true; if anything it’s more the case that you’re faulting others for the things you blame of others.
“I made the same argument as someone else, but got treated different for it”
You have a post-history of combining “similar” things to be the “same thing” and disregard the differences between those. By having a history of being abrasive, uncooperative, and grandstanding unsubstantiated claims, people are not going to react toward ‘the same argument’ made, so expecting the ‘same’ reaction is disingenuous and is just looking for something else to blame instead of realizing incongruities.
“Can’t seem” doesn’t mean much because you “can’t seem” to comprehend that people are more prone to be honest about what they’re doing than you’re willing to accept. You’ve created a pretense that select people conform to a cohesive plot in their conduct and stick to that assertion by overgeneralizing the actions and statements of others, rather than getting into particulars of what a person actually does. It is dishonest conduct and relies on you not reading what people counter-claim in favor of just repeating that your say-so has to be ‘correct’ – the very thing that you fault other people doing.
While it’s more understandable to lump things together if multiple people are posting against you, esp when reacting on the impulse to each-and-every post as quickly as you can, even with broader passages of time, you generally do not make distinctions between what one person has done/said compared to another that is replying to you on the observation of being ‘against’ your position. I can point at the karabars/narha thread again when the distinction between the two did not occur to you, or I can point to the reference in that thread where I pointed out how you effectively disregarded previously conclusions with narha in favor of just going back to repeating to what you has said about them prior to that topic.
I could point at similar examples of conflation of expression to suit the “anti-forum” narrative you impose, but I don’t see much value in repeating that even with fresh examples. The pointing at ‘hypocrisies’ is easy for someone to lump the faults of others and disregard if a) that’s actually the case b) the implications of demonstrable ‘hypocrisy’ and c) usually revels in self-delusion to do it.
If being a ‘hypocrite’ is bad, then people should strive to avoid it, should strive to do better, and avoid doing the things the fault of others. People are fallible and have times where it is easy to highlight incongruities that thus make Everyone a hypocrite. From many of these arguments, you can have a virtue of holding your ground and ‘not betray’ a potential ideal you’re expressing, but your conduct just looks to make everyone else seem some sort of “stupid” or “lying” person to not then agree with incongruities, over-generalizations and apparent ‘hypocrisy’.
“Benjamin Rossi and Fritz and Miller–have defined hypocrisy in terms of dispositions to blame others or to avow commitment to certain norms together with an unwillingness to accept blame from others or to blame themselves” (Hypocrisy - Wikipedia)
On the one hand, when people do not agree with your claims, you could take that to thus mean they can’t accept ‘criticism’ but you also seem to neglect the reality that “not all criticism is valid” or that you yourself are often doing the very thing you blame of others. Yea, you can acknowledge you’re abrasive, but that also doesn’t excuse it, esp when you derail topics and make bad-faith replies on things unrelated to your vendetta and forced narrative for things to try to conform to what you’ve claimed.
That is what I do, and you disregard that. That is what others have done, but you still assert they’re acting on a “cuz I said so” authority. What you explain of your conduct is usually over-generalizations, conflations, and backfire. You respond to me with exaggerations that do not hold up – "nothing opposes what you say can ever be right – or “I literally did that once”: it’s been more than once, and your use of ‘literally’ has “literally” been shown to not be “literal”.
Things that ‘oppose’ what I say can be ‘right’ but hard-end conclusions to fixate on tl;dr assertion tend to neglect the process that got them to that point.
This is an exaggeration. I have not said “everything you say”; by not reading the whole of what is actually posted, you try conclusions apart of what people have posted for ‘defending’ your position to then turn this on other people. The ‘narrative’ of what you claim is backed by evidence you have fabricated by drawing apart what is there in favor of something you want to attack instead.
When you essentially have to make a ‘liar’ out of everyone else that doesn’t agree with you, you’re selling yourself lies to prod up the claims that don’t hold up to specific scrutiny. You keep blaming others for dishonesty, do the things you’re blaming, and then ‘surprise pikachu face’ when someone doesn’t agree with a claim you’ve made that is “literally” not what they posted.
For someone concerned about the appearances of being “stupid” it is odd that you reject a lot of possible alternatives to the stuff you fault when you run off on imposed claims based on overgeneralization, misattribution, cherry-picking, and strawmanning.
That’s what you keep doing.
Or you’re ‘blind’ to noticing that I have faulted, try to improve on things, or ya know, notice things that don’t suit the narrative you keep trying to profess because you assert how keen you are at observing things, and then neglect to not do the things you accuse other people of doing.
Part of the issue of ‘hypocrite’ perspectives is they effectively burn all other bridges to grandstand about it, and then it tend to come out that they were ‘wrong’ about particulars, but don’t own up to it since it’s much easier to repeat the same things than to adapt and do better.
You miss particulars on my end because you don’t want to see them, and you won’t notice particulars on your end because you’re missing the difference between the incentive others have that do not conform to your accusations of them.
An early step for reading comprehension is to ascertain the motive behind the writer. Time and again you assert something of someone else, they disagree, and then you fault then for not conforming to your claims. The inability to believe others over the vitriol you spew is a form of dishonesty Xiv. Tossing out loaded statements to try to deflect any counter-statement someone puts out isn’t a win-win-win, it’s self delusion that denies possibilities you wont’ consider.
All of what you say is the same thing over and over. Not once have you admitted to anything. Its all just “you create things in your head” and “you didn’t read”.
Its always the same thing with you. By trying to psychoanalyze me with your expansive rhetoric you are deflecting that you have failed to read my posts and jump over any accusations while trying to open me up like a book as if teaching a class on my behavior. Until you admit that you do not read and you cherry pick, strawman, and such as well don’t even bother to reply, hypocrite.
(Just want to add, that they did make an alt account and acted as two separate entities who happen to support each other, till they accidentally blew it. Talking about honesty and accountability…)
Except it’s not. I tell jokes, that you fail to consider, i offer advise for characters I play, I make suggestion topics; I do more than just ‘say the same thing over and over’. Yes there are many occasions of my repeating similar phrases to several posters, but they all tend to be obstinate people that do not see it’s problematic for themselves that they create contradictions to impose on others, and then get upset that people don’t conform to the demands they impose. They neglect when things are ‘different’ and just see length they don’t want to read, regardless of form, function, or fun.
“You need to admit you don’t read my stuff”.
Except I read it, and because of the issues of perspective, I prioritize other concerns insteado of fixating on line-item addresses by people that are posting dishonest things to reinforce their dishonest claims. I’ve had this song-and-dance with other posters who demand that people say “I was wrong” about things unrelated to the concerns at hand. People, myself included, are “wrong” about things all the time; the point of life is to learn from it and move on. You fixate on my being ‘the same’ and neglect that I change structures of how I compose replies to people.
- I started using lists and bulletpoints to highlight specifics for people to skim
- I used tl;dr summations on longer posts but that didn’t seem to help, so I’ve been wrong about hoping that would mitigate communication kerfuffles.
- I use literary devices to assist with reading particulars, and I’ve since tried adding indicators on some of them because I was ‘wrong’ about how posters may respond to those.
- I post poems, use alliteration, make puns, include referential humor – though I tend to not allude to the references and just hope some people are ‘in on it’ already.
- I make links to terms/concepts people might not know as a means of ‘defining the terms of analysis’ or rather, ensuring there’s common ground in the topic and not just assume people do or don’t know something
If I list every deviation I’ve done on a post, tone used, or the like, then yea it can all seem “the same” but the typical gist is that these “xenterex is a hypocrite” replies boil down to people not noticing what I actually do, and not being happy that I don’t comply with incorrect claims that fault me for the things that they are doing instead. Repeating back what I said and disregarding the rationale I gave for it doesn’t make me the one not reading things through because it’s important distinctions on why I “deflect” some of the things posted my way. For someone keen to see it as “the same”, it’d go a long way of people would actually believe in what I write applying to the circumstances of my own conduct instead of pretending they know more and are better off for not reading things through themselves.
" Humans are very good at challenging the beliefs of other people, but when it comes to their own beliefs, they tend to protect them, not challenge them.[35] A consistent finding of psychological research is that humans are fairly accurate in their perceptions of others, but generally inaccurate in their perceptions of themselves.[36] Humans tend to judge others by their behavior, but think they have special information about themselves – that they know what they are “really like” inside – and thus effortlessly find ways to explain away selfish acts, and maintain the illusion that they are better than others."
Several posters post the same sort of replies at me to accuse me of being this arrogant monster that can’t be wrong. They don’t see me as depressed, constantly second-guessing myself, and particular about my conduct and phrasing because I am beset by doubts and mistakes. One of the tells for people being willing to read things through is how willing they are to consider that they don’t accurately appraise others and instead fixate on lambasting them with the assertion that things do not change. Yes, I have posted to others on how they keep repeating the same issues, and despite what people may think, many of the posts I make on here are for my sake, because if nothing else, I read my own posts as a much needed reminder to myself to keep trying, to keep trying, to keep trying.
Yea, that one’s been mentioned in previous spats. I don’t want to bring it up again in lieu of the previous conversation. The small + parenthesis just makes it seem more antagonizing than not imo.
I thought you were done? Or are you just a liar?
Not any less dishonest than complete deflection, but go off.
Hardly a joke in that artanis thread. You just failed to read the OP’s post and got mad because I called you out on it then claimed it was a joke to cover your own booty lol.
Shouldn’t that tell you something bud? If its not just me then hasn’t it occurred in your pea sized brain that its true?
The ability for more than one person to claim something doesn’t mean it is true.
That’s a double standard for how you revel in your resilience compared to what you then suggest that other people must therefore be onto something the other person missed. It doesn’t help your case that you’re not resulting to insults and then acting like it is the other people who is insulting others.
The massive self-ignorance and double-standards you post just create more issues to fault for others Xiv, but they are you own grievances. Posting more assumptions to lambast at others doesn’t make you, or any else that keeps posting them correct: it just indicates you’re dishonest and willing to revel in willful ignorance.
Blah blah blah same old deflection.
yes, what you posted is the same deflection.
Would you like a dank meme for it, or are you going to keep crossing your arms and using the faults you assert at others as excuse for you to do it? Typically, assertions regarding “hypocrisy” are supposed to deter the person claiming it from exemplifying the thing they decry.
Here we can clearly see that FRESH MEAT does not have a long shelf life; it is recommended to be consumed ASAP otherwise it will spoil quickly and become toxic.
dont know forum members well enough to for me to put 2 ppl to duke it out. but yeah, i was having fun reading the heated exchanges in the earlier comments lol
Solid advice as always from our local Butcher. Sometimes the meat has spoiled and needs to be disposed of ASAP.
Yo Netflix “The Crown” don’t steal these super amazing meat metaphors for your terrible next season, thank you.
Want something immensely fun on Netflix? Try the Dirk Gently show. Eliah Wood is main support in it. My fav series. Spoilers don’t really exist in it. Like I can say the cat is a shark but it’ll change nothing and you’ll be left amazed in the moment.