Aram mirrors reduced yay


  • Reduced the chance of everyone being forced to select the same Hero from 5% to 2%.

Yet somehow two in a row will probly persist lol

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you failed math class.


I think it was a good compromise from whatever Dev is working on Hots. It’s also a demonstration that the Dev’s do listen to community complaints.


Clearly the dev got sick of getting so many aram mirrors on their own account and only happened to have made a change people requested without reading anywhere for community feedback :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh Xen, now you’ve given perfectly crafted material for the “ded game” posters to copypasta.

Tin foil hats away!

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Funny how all these forum warriors told me I was wrong saying mirror matches produced toxicity and AFK nearly 100% of the games

At least someone at Blizzard came to their senses.

Mirror matches need to go, some of us actually like Aram mod and we want an RNG choice, not RNG win


I’m going on a limb here to guess you’re the sort who runs multiple accounts so “you” may have claimed that but… there’s not much evidence to actually support what you claim as “Madcat”

You have two posts regarding aram mirrors so the only one that has you saying its [implied] ‘toxic’ is your own topic requesting the removal. Only one person replied to you. “all these forum warriors telling me” :+1:

‘Forum warriors’ is a flag you’re not really reading anything people actually post and are just feeling it out on impulse. That probably happens in other things you’re doing too :shushing_face:

I doubt you could find anyone that actually told someone “you’re wrong” about “aram toxicity” from mirror matches. What you could find is people saying that their experiences aren’t “Every game” – as hyperbole is the obvious norm – or that they don’t distinguish any toxicity from their regular games from mirror. I can point at that as that has been my own experiences that I’ve shared: when I get games with the same people, the ones that were problematic in my mirrors were also problematic outside of it.

Mirror aram is easy to blame and people tend to neglect actual comparisons to their other modes because they’re just looking for something to fault. Feel free to dislike it, but “rng win” is just as applicable to standard aram. Did you rng the players that aren’t trolling; did you rng a better healer/tank, did you rng duplicates of top-tier aram picks? Did you rng a hero you know how to play, or did you get murky/butcher/valeera against a team of mass sieging mages?

Some of us like actually like people that are willing to read and we want discussions, not mindless digression.

Sure there are posts regarding ‘toxicity’ but they aren’t by [you] or to [you]. If you’re going to make assumptions by bad lumping, then that’s probably also the case for your aram games too: you aren’t making distinctions to suit the complaints because that’s not the thing you’re looking to find.


Man dont act like you ARAM players are any better lol. When I was still playing this game I had alot of people that would leave normal ARAM games just because player with only healer option did not pick it or someone got mad his team had no tank while enemy has.
Or best of all. People leaving cause they are facing 3x KT combo and his own team has no healer.

You are still going to leave any ARAM games that dont suit you should it be a mirror or not just like anyone has done since day 1. And that is a fact !

Complaining about mirrors but still leaves normal ARAMS. The Irony.

Regardless of your option you are still the minority in this case. For every two players like you who want it removed there are 8 others who want it to stay.

And btw. Calling everyone who disagree with you for forum warriors just proves right off the bat that you are a troll.

Even if devs cared enough to remove it you would just find something new to cry about in ARAM.

If your claim would be true… wouldn’t they remove it completely? If it creates toxicity and afk ppl.

But ofc, everybody can claim that change happened for their reasons, and not because of something else entirely.

But at least you think the devs did something smart (which obviously only happens if they at least partially listen to something aligning with your own vague reasoning).
And you showed it to the “forum warriors”!.. who also said the devs prob should lower its frequency, as a good compromise…

Alternatively they could introduce mirror matches with a significantly higher occurrence rate for player parties of three and more to make them think twice about how much they’re ruining the game for others.

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hey now, my request was to remove select heroes, so clearly the devs don’t listen to me.

Gosh Karabaraba, it’s almost like my sardonic post is just rephrasing what you posted, but sardonically.

this post has been sponsored by the “not everything is sarcasm” committee as clearly my shill content has patrons /kappa


Hi Madcat, My avatar is named “Xenterex”.

You are at the point where you’re going to start asserting that “forum warriors” are ganging up on you because more than one person has now replied to you, and they aren’t agreeing with what you have said.

You have made an accusation that someone “kept telling you” something that is inconsistent with what they actually post. You are demonstrating cognitive dissonance.

Here’s an example of the contradiction you are trying to impose:

QueenB has held that stance that a minority of players keep complaining about things and will do so until ‘everything’ is removed from the game. They do not have a stance that such change will “never come” because they’re of the opinion that the devs listen too much to those sort of complaints.

Now there is something that has been said about ‘never’ for HotS and that’s regarding the “surrender” request.

Your flag for falling back on calling a “forum warrior” is a bad crutch that causes you to excuse poor reading habbits. You have tired to claim things that are not true under scrutiny. Part of why “Forum warriors” may speak out against particular complaints is due to the tendency for complainers to believe incorrect information and then fault others for their own inaccuracy.

Now, I’m posting this, not to “Defend” a “Forum Warrior” but to act on my own philosophy/conviction. I have been of the opinion that people that frequency complain about something – when using incorrect information – are hiding the realization that they are creating the unwanted experience for themselves. I am hoping that pointing out moments of people lacking self-awareness could have some magical realization when they notice that they are the ones creating the incongruity they project at others. Hopefully, when anyone reduces the weight of their “cognitive dissonance” they’ve made, they’ll be able to function better, and be more likely to enjoy things that they’ve otherwise associated with a bad time.

And while this is a ‘needlessly long post’, I do so hope that occasionally someone else will bother to read through all the “word salad” I posted and realize how little moments like these happen in all the rest of their day, and then learn to be a little more cognizant of perspective and actions in life and apply the realization to other moments.

The more you know! :rainbow: :star:


Finally someone gets me!

Y’know going from 5% to 2% is not that huge of a leap. RNG win was and still a thing.


No kidding bro. Me, The Lockness Monster, Sasquatch, and some weird bald guy with eye problems that claimed to be from Area 51 were getting cheesed off from all the mirror matches we were getting. Completely ruined the mood when we were trying to relax, throw back some beers, while simultaneously playing long distance ouiji board shenanigans (it was the weird guy’s idea).

So glad they reduced it. Now, I just need to figure out how to get out of where I am at. Lots of fire everywhere, excessive amounts of screaming, and some weird guy who looks to have been out in the sun way too long keeps trying to get me to sign a contract with my blood.


This thread took an amusing turn, I approve.


In 7 years or so of HOTS, never once I have play an Aram. And I don’t intend to, it just doesn’t speak to me.

As so it’s a kind of mystical land for me, and all those passionate debates about same heroes fuel my imagination !


What I consider an argument is when 2 sides have a valid point

Defending this awful feature never had any good arguments. We all knew it was wrong, you guys just wanted an argument for the sake of it - forum warriors.

My last 20 mirror matches had at least 1 AFK at the start, actually some games would instantly stop because entire team would bail.

And then you clowns have the nerve to say it didn’t happen.

Well excuse me, I don’t live in your imaginary world, I say it like it is.

You were wrong to defend it, you were wrong to attack people that didn’t want it. (that would be 99% of us)

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Do I have to point out the obvious

It’s one thing for 5 people to get Genji and not have the mechanics for it, or pick one of 3 heroes you actually know how to play instead of being at the mercy of who actually knows these niche heros.

Don’t even get me started on that shuriken siege

There is a difference between calculated risk and just creating unplayable matches where your team may or may not know how to use tracer.

Still waiting for one good argument - but it’s always the sky is purple with you guys

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