Disable ARAM same Hero (people leave games too oftend)

The morale of playing same hero in ARAM is always low, people get bored and leave the game too often, it’s ruining Aram which is a mod I do enjoy.


You never know. If the Devs receive enough negative feedback, they might just flip the off switch and disable mirror games.

Poll created lol

But it’s reddit, not these forums or in-game or non-reddit users so the will be skewed. Wish I can get a poll here as well.

But I am certain reddit users want it because reddit is mostly meme people and all-same-hero-mirror matches is a meme match, so it’s only naturally reddit users want it.


Thanks for posting this. It might be a good idea to make a new thread, so people here can find the poll with more ease.

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Aram is mostly meme ppl. It was never meant to be a serious mode.
Random Heroes? Single lane? No mmr? No objectives? Sometimes not even camps? You cannot heal at base, not even use hearthstones?
Like if it doesn’t shout meme, not sure what does.

But thx for the poll.

I mean saying “all random, all mid” then introducing all same heroes, isn’t random…

just put in all tanks mode, all damage mode, all ranged damage mode, all melee damage mode, all healer mode, all support mode…

You can all roll the same, it is still random.

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