Hence the need for a rework, which takes a lot of time.
And we’re back to the problem what @Darak said: when last asked, the devs had no idea what to do with Valeera. (“But I listed things to do with her, so they don’t lsiten!” Ever considered that your suggestions just weren’t good enough?)
Devs: * doing a lot of stuff which was asked for or had to be done *
Hail: those are not about Valeera, the devs don’t listen!
They don’t. There’s no clear indication if any dev has ever seen any valeera thread of mine. And let’s be honest. They probably haven’t. Especially recently what little developer activity we’ve seen has been on reddit.
I just want communication. To KNOW they are listening and changes are coming. But we don’t have that. I need to make a case for valeera because if I don’t no one will. Nobody else on the forums seems to give a damn about her except for the “nerf valeera” threads here or there.
Since they’re trying to come up with something for Valeera, they 100% sure read some Valeera threads. Were any of them from yours? Dunno? Matters? So this is about you?
As said by others: that’s probably one of the reason why no one wants to talk about Valeera.
Welp, I am not sure, but people can talk about her on other places? Like, Dev team doesn’t use forums so much, unlike Reddit. Maybe some people talk about her there.
It is a fact, that the devs do changes seen first on the forums (or reddit, I don’t care, the point is that it was brought up before official Blizz release or statement, so the idea didn’t come from themselves).
It is a fact, that they even make changes “nO oNe AsKEd FOr!”, which changes were probably due to their own data showing the need for a change.
Valeera needs some changes backed up by her talent pickrates.
So ofc they want to change her, it is their interest.
It is known, that when last asked, Blizz said they don’t know what to do with Valeera.
It is stated by Blizz that when they don’t know what to do, they search for ideas on the forums as well.
I hope you can finish this puzzle on your own from here.
See, they know she needs something, they already have some opinions on her, they talk about her, they just weren’t able to deliver the changes and actually get the work done. That is probably the case for a lot of heroes, not just her. The team has so much work to do that some things will actually fall behind.
“which unfortunately reminds me that we haven’t been able to get changes for Valeera out to you all in a timely manor”
Just have patience. They listen, they know, they work on it. I know it sucks having only 1 build to play and being forced to pick some talents because the others suck, but at least she has a balanced winrate and is still used in the higher levels.
I should have made it stand out far more, I got way to snarky.
But, the important part is that Hailfall’s winrate with Valeera increased despite claims that Valeera in niche and his post essentially says that he believes Valeera is bad/underpowered.
The act of increasing winrate with this “weak hero” is what I should have focused on.
And, maybe your winrate has increased on Tassadar since large changes to him–I don’t know. but unlike Valeera Tassadar has had many more changes and reworks and it is harder to easily get data out.
There will always be people that “click” with certain heroes and can pilot them to high winrates. Just when you claim your hero needs buffs, yet you start winning more with them… that’s where we have a disconnect.
So is that all this forum is. Every person grasping, clawing, and baiting responses from “Insert this character” hasn’t been touched, reworked, under powered, HOTS Logs says “X”, etc. No wonder Blizzard stays on Reddit for feedback, the majority of the community here is nothing but Troll baiters. (Now I understand there are a great number of you that contribute and I thank you for that effort)
I really hope you learn to be a decent human being who does not attack others.
I don’t go into your rework threads and point out everything I don’t like then accuse you of spamming rework ideas. Apparently returning the favor is too much to ask.
Blizzard doesn’t care either way. They don’t listen. Reddit is just a “game is perfect and if you say otherwise you will be downvoted into Oblivion” sparkles and pony parade
They already think they know better than their dedicated player base with the wildly our of touch “ana is fine” statements. It is truly beyond moronic of them.
I blame the new team (Kaeo Miller) for this new direction of “we are the only ones who have a valid opinion on our game, our players are all morons and the pro players banning ana every game just need to l2p”
I would be extremely happy if you did, actually - I love dissenting opinions because they foster discussion. If you’d like, I can Invite you to the threads in question.
So far I’ve posted rework concepts for four characters: Valla, Gazlowe, Tychus, and D.Va, over the course of many months. At a glance - and I may be wrong, there might be others - you’ve postedfourValeera-relatedtopics in 20 days, and I would probably find more if I cared to look deeper.
Spam is categorized as the same content being reposted constantly. One of us is guilty of it, and it isn’t me.
This right here proves that you never went there. If only you knew how much people complain about the game there lol. Probably much more than here.
They already talked about Valeera and it was showed to you. I’m sorry, but now it just seems you want to insist they don’t listen because “mommy didn’t buy me icecream today”. You’re being too needy right now just because Blizzard said they will do something to Valeera when they have an idea of what to do. Just stop. It’s really embarrassing.
They might not be right all the time, but they do know better than 1 person who keeps spamming threads about how Blizzard doesn’t listen and just needs to rework Valeera asap.
You really didn’t read anything, did you? They said they won’t make huge balance changes, they will do small ones until everything is perfect. They did a small nerf to Ana last patch and they will keep nerfing her if it is necessary. They just don’t want to nerf her too much that she becomes unplayable somehow. They also have a smaller crew now, so everyone just need to have patience because they can’t do 9283749 reworks and deliver 58 new heroes per year.
“Forum drama”. You’re the one doing all the drama here xD
Everyone is saying relax, one day Blizzard will get an idea on what to do with her, right now enjoy because she is still viable and has a good winrate.
The entire thread is just people showing how much they hate me with the extremely hostile tone of their posts… I don’t even know why I tried to change into a “better poster” anyways…the instant I do something that is unpopular I am back to public enemy no. 1