I don’t know what to say anymore. I give up. I have been asking for so long. And blizzard has just left her to rot.
I’m sure this thread will be filled with “valeera isn’t that bad” or “valeera killed me in quick match so she is op” or “at least valeera isnt [insert undertuned hero]” but i don’t really care anymore. Blizzard doesn’t care about her. They have had more than enough time to work on some changes if they are ever coming.
I have waited with baited breath for every balance patch praying, hoping against hope that maybe there will be changes to help my main be a little more viable. For over a year I have been waiting. But blizzard finally broke me. I accept it. She will never be anything other than a mediocre silence bot. Expecting any changes for her at this point is foolish of me. Blizzard is clearly so worried about making her “unfun” that they wont even make an effort with her.
Valeera isn’t that bad tbh. Once, she killed me in quick match, so she is definitely worth something. Even if she is not that good, at least she isn’t Vikings.
I completely agree that her talent tree needs a look at–or Blizzard needs to give out the actual winrates if the talents are indeed close together–but don’t cry over how bad your main hero is. You are proving she’s viable.
Hailfall’s winrate with Valeera over the last 360 days per hotslogs… 64.7% over 167 games.
Hailfall’s winrate with Valeera over all games per hotslogs… 60% over 380 games
calculated winrate excluding the last 360 days… 56.3%
So, your winrate has gone up, and she’s less viable, and in need to changes, in the forum of buffs to underpicked (per hotslogs) talents as I undestand it.
This, if anything, counters your whole arguement. The issue becomes not one of her being weak, but her being niche and difficult to use. Often mispicked which results in lower winrates.
using all the data hotslogs has currently (as many weeks as can be selected):
She’s in the upper half of storm league data for Master+Diamond
She’s in the 90th percentile if you just do masters.
She’s around the middle in QM for masters. and Masters+Diamond
She’s about 35th percentile for URD Diamond+Master, in the top half for just masters.
She’s fine–apart from her talent tree being janky. She doesn’t need buffs, she needs to have her power kept the same with more interesting talent choices–maybe that means nerfing the best ones a little and buffing the rest.
But if you just buffed all her underperforming talents up to “par” right now, you would probably see her lead winrates.
You said this at the 25th, 75th, 100th, 200th, any’th day as well…
Then you come here and treat the forums as a diary, (like sadly so many others).
And you don’t even care what others have to say, you just want to spam out your feelings.
They work on a lot of Heroes, and a good rework takes time, but despite how many times ppl say this to you, you keep ignoring it and demand changes now because you’re impatient.
And I don’t know why you hype up yourself for Valeera changes for no reason then being sad and frustrated since reality didn’t bend like you’d like it to.
The only hero who has been waiting longer than valeera is tassadar, and we at least know he’s got a rework coming soon. Valeera is just typical radio silence
TLV, Chen both waiting longer.
Tass (and Chen) rework got hinted/confirmed, but it’s not even here yet and you want them to have, and confirm a Valeera rework on top of that? How egocentric are you? Can’t you at least wait for the already promised reworks to come out before you get dissapointed from the “no Val change yet in regular patches” nonsense?
I think having some comments on why some heroes haven’t had any meaningful balance changes (do note, Valeera technically was last changed about 6 months ago, btw).
If only just a “we feel these heroes are in a good spot and their winrates and talent pickrates reflect that”
Chen got buffs recently and has a rework coming soon.
TLV got talent tweaks recently as well (which i would be happy with for valeera). TLV does what they were intended to do, which is be soak bots. Its not particularly glamorous, but they have plenty of viability (assuming you are in a premade) and they dont have clear flaws in how they currently work like Valeera does. All the vikings are useful in their own way, they have some talent choices (though not a ton), and they are doing what they were intended to do unlike valeera who clicks E on whoever the tank isolates, and she has done her job.
5 more armor is not a meaningful change. If we go by this logic tass got balance changes too (and his was more impactful since its on an ability you use much more frequently too)
Chen and TLV got changes because unlike Valeera, they’re not as viable.
Plus Val needs a rework.
And reworks don’t happen before already promised reworks.
So calm your
I used the word technically for a reason, and if you read my words in context it should be obvious what I meant.
But just selectively quote me, cool!
The last time TLV got a changes that was not:
made due to game mechanics changing
generic talents being changed
a buff due to being clearly underpowered
Was over 1000 days ago
Valeera clearly isn’t underpowered, no generic talents have been changed, she did get a change due to mechanics changing.
She’s performing near the top at high level play in SL, and around the middle for QM and URD per the best (or perhaps the worst?) data we can get–hotslogs.
I did get a reply from inquiering about talking about why heroes have not been touched and I got this response, while I was writing this post.
Valeera, per hotslogs, could easily fall into that.
Point out what discussion your thread brought up which wasn’t discussed by your ton of previous threads about the exact same topic (do I need to link all your Val threads to make you realise your spam? Or should I show a picture about you admitting on discord that even yourself feel that you’re too spammy about the Valeera threads?)
Or are you fine with the description of the CoC alone?:
there is an obvious exception for when a thread has fallen far off the main page and the discussion has died out. You are deliberately missing the point.
Would you prefer i necro month old threads? Because that is actually against the rules. You can keep on trying to get me banned for having an opinion you don’t like if you really want though. Just don’t pretend you have an open mind.
It wasn’t about valeera it was about a variety of heroes including valeera. Not the same thing.
You’re harassing me over “acceptable forum conduct” which falls under minimodding but okay. How about you just stop talking to me? You aren’t bothering to discuss the thread, you’re just talking about whether it was acceptable to make the thread in the first place which is not your job. Please mind your own business and stop derailing the thread. You are not a mod.
It’s about Valeera (and other heroes) not having got changes.
That’s pretty much what this is about, except you specify a date.
now I think given it does focus on one hero breaking this out into a separate thread is perfectly reasonable. but it would not look or feel out of place in the other thread either.