I don’t harass you, I just point out your spam, which provides zero discussion, isn’t even really about HotS tbh (it’s about your crushed hopes, how much time passed since your counting and “type x comments will come”) and has no actual points to talk about (like how should we fix her, or what’s her problems and where, backed up with sources and math).
You want me to talk about your topic? Don’t mind that I already did:
I say it again: Val needs a rework, it won’t happen before Tass’ rework nor closely after that. Be patient and don’t hype yourself up for no actual reason.
Sadly Valeera has joined the group of Heroes in need of a rework but completly left abandoned. They’re talking about Chen’s and Tassadar’s rework for so long but not a single thing has been shown (and they were in a terrible situation even before Valeera become “obsolete”).
The reduced Devs team is probably trying to do the best they can with the resources they’ve left but that means that lots of thing will probably never come soon enough.
i agree. in fact, i was in a game recently where i picked valeera. 3 of the team mates were like ‘gg’ and ‘troll pick’, etc. guess what though? i didnt die, had most of the kills, and was the MVP. we won the game as well. several ppl found themselves eating crow.
Valeera lost her niche when she couldn’t meaningfully setup, peel, and sustain damage in the same teamfight. She was never carry-levels of damage, but her ability to drop everything and peel for her healer or an actual carry was one of the best things about picking her.
All of that kind of died in the stealth rework when they shifted all of the focus on her opener and subsequent burst.
And yet she’s still got a fairly decent winrate that rises as the rank rises.
If she were bad as Hail claims(constantly) she would have a abnormally low winrate, not one well within the normal balanced variance. And while she does have a low pickrate, it’s not in the absolute bottom. She’s in with the other viable but niche heroes.
For all the whining about how she’s so weak and terrible, the known stats simply don’t back it. She’s a weaker than she was, but she also used to be THE noobstomp hero. Which, well, being great at beating on people who don’t know the game does not make a hero strong.
Man, you should just stop making threads asking for Valeera changes. You don’t even give space for other people to make threads about her if they feel like she needs something. Everyone is already so sick of these threads every single weak that no one wants to talk about her anymore. Just let it go. If more people feel like talking about her they will make threads, otherwise maybe it’s just how you feel about her when she is completely fine. Let people breathe! You can’t just try to force a rework or changes by yourself.
Also devs already said they know she needs something but they have no idea what to do with her without breaking her to the OP level or making her really weak. For now they will leave her like she is now because she is fine when looking at winrates.
Pros themselves pretty much disagreed with you and asked for the decrease of the silence duration. They called her OP (only because of that, but one strongly op aspect is enough on a powerlvl-wise fine Hero to make the whole op).
Her silence has been decreased by 0.25 seconds since then, and suddenly she goes from op to a mid tier hero at best? Her damage is just about the same as it used to be then, she just went from garrote build to Q build.
Her power wasn’t well distributed through her kit, but it was largely a l2p issue of learning to deal with her teleport being able to apply CC because people were used to her being a free kill. I think given time people would have adjusted to it and valeera would have gone back to just about where she currently is balance wise.
One less AA dmg on Tracer, one less range for Genji, and it did had an effect. It did make them weaker. Those small changes. So minus 0.25 sec silence is pretty noticable and makes a lot of difference.
0.25 seconds is actually a huge difference. In this game 0.5 seconds feels like 3 seconds when you are in the middle of a fight, so every single thing matter.
All I said is they don’t know what to do with her without breaking her to OP af or UP af. Even just small number changes can break her.
She needs at least a talent tree rework, but she could maybe even use a full rework. But as the devs said, they don’t know what to do and how to do that for now, so they won’t change anything for a while. It’s time to accept that and wait.
it was a 9% duration reduction on silence. As opposed to like 18% less range on genji’s safest way of dealing damage.
Tracer was not that different post nerf, i think it was jsut a matter of slight tuning. She got quite a few nerfs that took her down from OP territory.
7 seconds. For an equivalent time percentage.
And they just changed it, they weakened it’s HP. Reducing how long it lasts. And increased it’s cool down.
Also; all these threads, months of complaining, and it’s because you are upset that she’s balanced? Seriously? Why on earth would the dev team rework her solely to make her overpowered? That’s the exact opposite of what a balance team is supposed to do. By being a ‘mid tier’ hero, that means she is balanced. She’s in the middle of the pack, she’s not the objectively best pick for all situations. That’s how balance is supposed to work.
They’re not going to buff up a hero already at the desired win rate, that’s just silly. Because, at best, they wouldn’t change anything about how effective she is. At worst they’ll have to spend months trying to fix the fixes.
Guys, please, calm down.
You may be annoyed by Hail’s Vallera posts, but hey - did you forget how I spammed about Tassadar for two years from old forums and from the start of new one?
If you hate HailFall for Valeera spamming - hate me too. How am I better than him? He wants his hero be better as I do. He shows it.
About winrate, what Planar mentioned, I have almost 60% winrate on Tassadar, and you want to say that he is fine? High winrate doesn’t always mean that hero is fine.
I had to be banned for my spam long time ago. A lot of times. When I have 2.1k posts here and almost 1k on old forums, 50%-65% or even more were about Tassadar.
I don’t know If I am right or not. I said my point.
The point. It makes ppl banned, cuz it’s against the CoC (plus it’s annoying and have the opposite effect than what ppl would want: it makes ppl don’t want to talk about these Heroes).
And you know I hated your spam as well and asked you a lot of times to stop.
Not what I suggested. If she was over/underpowered simple nerfs or buffs would be enough. But she has massive talent tree problems, and problems with her base kit that warrant some deeper thought on how to fix them. But I would be happy if her talent tree got some love for a start. If they do that, we could move away from 1 build only and it would also show the developers are listening.
You and some people. And personal chat. But I didn’t see people said me to stop here. Maybe some did, but they did it before on personal chat too. Like you.
The difference is: You stopped. And forums rarely hold a grudge for that long.
We’re not still on Hail’s attempts to boost their rank with multiple pointless/repeated/just stupid topics posted and abandoned daily when the new forum still launched. Because they stopped, either on their own or through moderator action.
If you were still spamming Tassadar posts, you would receive the same reaction.
Plus: Tassadar is currently the worst hero in the game. Hail’s position is Valeera needs buffed because she isn’t one of the best. It’s a less palatable position. You called for balancing a bad hero, they’re calling for buffs to an already balanced hero because they like the hero. Calls to unbalance the game are rarely well recieved.