The basis of concern you’ve commonly expressed is based on both personal issues and making non-personal issues personal to you. If an issue is personal, then only the person themselves can really resolve it, and in so choosing to react to forms of disagreement as an ‘attack’ or ‘demonizing’ of a person, then that comes from personalized interpretation as it is significantly easier for people to both assume disagreement is a form of “attack” and to just complain in the hopes someone else fixes whatever problem is perceived to ail one in a way that… well, people can’t actually so do.
Problem being, is that they pretty much make themselves miserable from it.
Here’s a weighted question for the particulars on those that post dates regarding hero changes:
What is that supposed to accomplish?
From whatI see, Its a negative fixation for the sake of fixating on the negative that spiral’s people in a negative way to fixate on more negative aspects that rile themselves up with perpetual negativity. Simply put: it doesn’t fix the personally-afflicted concern and it doesn’t alleviate the point of concern for someone else to try to address it.
Its a zero-sum action that could be offset by… personal perspective.
The point of concern in choosing to victimize oneself as being ‘attacked’ can commonly be a misconception esp if said ‘attackers’ provide suggested means to try to improve as a means to offset the personalized misery.