Why do cards like yogg box exist

hey guys so I was just playing a nice game of arena, basically winning, actually using my brain to play around popular arena draft cards when suddenly this guy drops a yogg box he discovered from arcane breath

I was laughing the entire time because it was so randumb and funny and epic, I almost recorded it and uploaded it to my funny videos channel for da likes and the memes but accidentally misclicked and clicked the uninstall button on the battle.net player

can you just imagine if hearthstone became some professional e-sports game a player ran this card and won solely based on this card, now that would be epic!

(oops forgot to add, my board got cleard, he got three 5/6 elementals with resummon, and mirror’s entity.)


People have won thousands of dollars with Yogg Saron, the puzzle box is just a watered down version of it. Thank God the power level of Wild is so high that Yogg himself is just a fun card at best. It’s still powerful enough for some Jade lists to run though.

Back when that trash was in standard, people used that card as their only win condition because, more often than not, it won games alone. Puzzle Box is nothing compared to the OG Yogg.


People think random is fun in a competitive mode. Like others said yogg is balanced in wild due to so many bad spells like astral communion whereas box has far less bad spells. There’s some meh or do nothing but not many that will hurt you.


It’s like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get! :grinning:


690 options in wild 320 in standard. However some of these I think cannot be cast like legendary quests.

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I hate the rng effects, along with anything that plays for you.
Yog box, amaz reno, Zephrys, etc.


Amazing Reno is probably to balance the battlecry

It’s really awesome if you don’t care much for winning and just want to have some fun.

But yes, if you want this game to be more like chess cards like that shouldn’t exist.

This is why we need custom game modes!

It fits the casual theme of HS.

If HS would be serious competitive game, cards like that wouldnt be printed.

I do not see a problem with that.

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Zephrys is neither of those things.

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Zephrys is the worst card in the game and a large amount of players think so.


Doesn’t change the fact that Zephrys is neither an RNG effect card, nor a card that “plays for you.”

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He plays for you if you’re new to the game but any decent player knows what to expect when they play Zephrys.

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Pot, meet kettle.

It’s a casual children’s card game. It will never be seriously competitive.


Why do cards like yogg box exist?

For the lulz


Actually if I would describe Zephrys it would be something close to “card that plays for you”.

Its so consistent that it definitely plays for you. Unless you are new to a game, you can master zephrys on pro level in 1 day of casual play (remember what cards are being offered and how to dump mana to increase the chance of desired card).

Do you want a tech card you havent deemed worthy to slot in your deck? Here you go. What about some finisher? Here ya go. And maybe some removal? Why not. And what about some tempo play for a change? Sure, sure, here it is. …


I’d argue that if your skill (or game knowledge) influences how effective a card is, then the card doesn’t really play the game for you. Which is why I disagree that Zephrys does it.

I never said Zephrys wasn’t flexible, or powerful. But I don’t think it plays the game for you.


Because Blizzard doesn’t want to give Mages solid, consistent Tempo tools without goofball restrictions (I like Apexis Blast, but c’mon) or good defense/recovery cards, so they settle with LULSORANDOM stuff that tends to cause blowouts one way or the other.

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Sure, if there is (or if there would be) a card that can be either horrible-bad-good-awesome depending on the skill/knowledge of the player, I wouldnt even dare to call the card to “play the game for you”.

But if the skill/knowledge factor is fulfilled even by casual player in no time, then I do not think that card deserves any praise at all.

But thats just my personal opinion. For me the delicate art of playing Zephrys is even less “skill/knowledge intensive” than playing Netherspite Historian or Secret Plan (for example)

I do not like that card :smiley:
I do play that card :smiley: