Why do cards like yogg box exist

Crazy random effects generate a lot of highlights. Plus many casual players like these.


I’ve seen enough people complain that Zephrys didn’t give them Nomi/Platebreaker/some other expansion card to wonder whether a casual player can really figure out Zephrys in no time at all. Other than that, no real disagreements here.


Why does Yogg Box exist? Silly child, for the RNGs. If Team Five had their way, every single set would just be 130 variations of Yogg Puzzle Box.


LOL my kid’s name is Alexis, “Alexis Blast” would be an awesome HS username when she’s old enough.

Lol, thanks autocorrect.

I think you answered your question yourself:

I don’t think the devs want us to take the game too seriously. Whole game revolves around RNG into RNG into even more RNG which then creates a lot of these ‘randumb and funny and epic moments’.

It’s also great for show in e-sports. One guy is completely crushing his opponent, but then suddenly the tides turn completely and the other guy wins thanks to some randumb RNG like it was in the case with Pavel for example. It’s a great show and fun for the audience.


People get really, really mad whenever they lose as Mage, they think it’s some kind of crime against humanity to have just “okay” so they keep printing off cards like this for them

American football has the hail mary play which works sometimes if the game is close. Hearthstone has the yogg box which works sometimes if the mage lives long enough to use it.

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Paveling book made people rage enough.

The problem is in football, the line still has to block, the QB still has to throw and the receiver still has to catch the ball.

In Hearthstone it’s dumb to be playing better all game long and then one card does literally random stuff and suddenly you lose the game.

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The question is…

If you’re so better why you did you not close an game against an class that has an RNG bomb before it actually happened?

Or actually prepared yourself the best you can for an big board swing?

While 3 pyroblast to your face can be a result it isn’t an likely result.

I not saying that play puzzlebox takes skill but vision that you not know what am puzzlebox gonna do and count on it putting the opponent again at the game is.

After all it is an 10 Mana spell and 10 Mana cards are supposed to atleast return someone to the game if not winning on the spot.

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Blizzard has every motivation to inject randomness into their games (not just hearthstone, but especially hearthstone) for two main reasons:

  1. The well known law of large numbers guarantees that over many trials/games, a player’s performance will converge to it’s expected value. What is less known, is that the rate of convergence is directly affected by the amount of variance present in the trials/process/game. The more variance, the slower the convergence, to the delight of the less skilled player and the chagrin of the skilled player. Recall that the vast majority of headstone players can be categorized in the less skilled bucket. This directly gives blizzard access to a much broader base of payers that will engage with the game longer due to the higher uncertainty they have in how well they perform. Once they realize their abysmal performance, they are unlikely to continue with the game.

  2. There is some established research on connecting random rewards with fostering addiction [1]. Ever wondered why do many people have gambling addiction?

[1] Haw, John. “Random-ratio schedules of reinforcement: The role of early wins and unreinforced trials.” Journal of Gambling Issues 21 (2008): 56-67.

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So I was going to respond then I realized that some things are so dumb they are not really worth responding to. If you can’t figure out why every deck should not have closed out a game by turn 10, it’s not really worth responding to. If your response is you should be prepared for 10 random things that neither player can foresee or has control over, then your really not worth responding to.


Every yogg’s box I’ve seen is skewed in favor of the mage. If they made it true rng, it would be fine, but this blizzard fudging rng is the problem. They are more concerned with epic highlights than legit games.