Why can't we report AFK bots?

I keep finding myself fighting bots that just press the hero power and nothing else, hoping I’ll quit. Considering most have gold portraits, this has happened to over 500 people and the not hasn’t been kicked from the game… Why can’t we report these accounts and get them deleted?


You can.

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Are you suggesting people report players on the forums? If that’s how it’s done it’s obviously not working. Gold afk bots are proof of that.

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They are not bots. People afk to get xp while doing something else in the background

No. I’m suggesting you read that thread to learn how to report suspected bots.

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If the opponent is roping every turn except for pressing the hero power then there is a decent chance they’re a bot. Either way, they can be reported.

I can tell they’re a not because they’re just hitting the hero power over and over, at a mechanical rythem. A human wouldn’t feel the need to do so.

As for the link it goes to the bug forums. What am I supposed to do with that?

Reported for what? Taking their time to use the time limit Blizzard has given us?


Read the thread I linked. It’s all explained in the very first post there.

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I did that this morning. Just used my priest thing and healed myself and uncorrupted corrupt minions. Finished all this weeks quests and my daily doing it. I didn’t rope though. I finished my turn quickly and emoted to let people know I wasn’t botting did the good game thing too once I was in kill range. If someone has the use your hero power 50 times quest they could be doing that. And they’re just roping to get the extra exp.

There’s a difference between taking your allotted time and having a bot click the hero power and rope every turn. The first is perfectly acceptable. The second is against the terms of use and, per Blizzard’s rules, a bannable offense.

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People just want to smash face and anything requiring thought or planning is seen as cheating/degenerate/trolling. I was actually initially really interested in priest but the forums turned me off from it.

What I’m talking about is a bot that takes as Long as physically possible on each turn and does nothing but use their hero power to prevent the game from kicking them for being afk. They’re hoping players will simply quit, which obviously people do people these bots have gold profiles.

i made a thread about this as well. legendary card back with gold profile. didn’t even cast anything. they just literally roped the entire game. winning it put me into silver though. XD it didn’t bother me cuz i had a quest to drop a 10 mana card. so i just did enough damage that once i dropped my 10 i killed them. i’m playing to finish quests and have fun though. not zerg 475938573485 games in an hour trying to push legend or whatever. even if the game both people roped every turn even if someone isn’t attacking it won’t take more than 15m or so to finish the game. i don’t have the attention span of a gnat so that doesn’t bother me. lol.

edit either that game or the one before it put me to silver. i can’t remember. lol

I doubt the two are related, though I’m sure they get some wins. This is mostly due to the new way XP works and gives you rewards just for being in a match. Botting wasn’t anywhere near as rampant before Blizzard incentivized it.

that’s the thing i don’t understand about HS. you can bypass needing exp at all by buying packs. so you’re risking your account for what? it’s not like in wow arena where you can get rewards botting you cannot get if you tried to play yourself. so there’s a risk/reward thing going on. with HS the only thing it seems like has any prestige at all is the legendary card back but i was informed yesterday that even people who are terrible can get it if they play the right deck one season. if you play any other blizz related game and lose access to it cuz you decided to bot HS to get a few gold worth of exp a day… doesn’t seem like a smart thing to do, to me. lol

I don’t get botting, either. If free XP is the goal then go AFK in battlegrounds. That said, “spend money” isn’t the answer most people are looking for.

i pay $15 a month for wow even if i don’t log in that month because… what if i want to play? spending a tiny bit of money. like $45 for an expansion bundle that gives like 50 or whatever packs gives you access to most cards, just not all the legendaries. i spent $80 for shadowlands and $15 a month since it’s been released. in that time i’ve also bought the blizzcon bundle and a few different packs of old cards and the $45 bundle for HS. HS is MUCH cheaper than wow is. and MUCH cheaper than actual collectible card things i played in my youth. the x-men cards i got in the 90s or whatever were $3-$5 a pack, with no bad luck protection or guaranteed super rare card after buying a certain number. this game seems super cheap to me just mostly buying basic stuff. HS will likely be ongoing for most of the time i’ll likely care about stuff like this so it’s a no brainer to drop a bit of money per expansion. if i don’t feel like doing a daily i don’t, either. i am not chained to the exp ladder to be able to play what i want. seems like some people create their own misery.

You’re lucky to be able to afford that. Not everyone can.

it’s a luxury, not a necessity. if you cannot afford it then make do with what you have. being mad at players, or blizz, because you can’t afford it isn’t right. the fact you can even be competitive in HS for free is amazing. the game wouldn’t exist without players paying though. so there’s no reason to be rude to people who aren’t in that situation. that’s my biggest gripe with these forums. not directed at you, just an in general comment.