Which card back are you using?

I am mostly using the legion card back (rank reward from September 2016), since that was when I hit legend for the first time. What’s yours?


I’m using the legendary cardback. I find many other animated cardbacks kinda overdesigned. But then again I find non animated cardbacks boring. I’m weird I guess :grin: The legendary cardback has a simple design and subtle animation. I like that.


I’m using the card back of the current expansion as my default card back and for my decks I pick one which fits the class and the archetype.


Plain and simple. Reminds me of magic’s card back

Used to do that but the recent ones are pretty bad.

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Legend, because I heard it triggers some people.


Random, because I don’t care about prestige, I just exclude the backs I don’t like the appearance of.


They are jealous of your drip.


Black Temple, because it still looking cool.


Sergeras, Book of Evil, Tomb Invader, Card of Shadows, Legion, Shadowmoon Valley, Black Temple, Mecha Jaraxxus

All the Evil themed Warlock cardbacks


i use random. but yeah umm when i used to fight people who had legend card back before i ever made legend it did spook me a little so yeah you’re right Carnivore.


Which card back are you using?

Since you can pick many nowadays, it’s a list of several ‘favourite’ ones, and I don’t pick specific ones for a hero anymore (like I used to with Alleria and her own card back, for example, or Magni with that Heroic LoE one).

Even launched the game to check it out… My current list is: Classic (yeah!), Staff of Origination (LoE heroic), The Blue Portal (finally having done heroic Karazhan after many years), Gift of Elune (even worth doing a puzzle for it, perhaps :rofl: That is, if it still works), Tyrande (used to be the one after my return, when made available for all without extra ‘dancing’, but before they implemented multiple choices for heroes and card backs), Xuen (a recent acquisition), Exquisite Equinox (still not sure about that one, maybe I should remove it :grinning: ), Emerald Dream (ditto?), Legend (why not add it it the mix like the good old Classic one for the same reasons).

I haven’t bothered with buying some nice nature-themed ones, which I previously missed, since this isn’t Gwent, a card back doesn’t play such a big visual role, really, and I’ve had enough to choose from already (as said, specific ones for specific heroes or decks, Tyrande for everything else if I had to choose just one). Yeah, instead I’d blow gold on Mercs packs and such. :rofl:


All card backs which are related to Paladin class. I use real Paladin designed card backs mostly, but also added Legend when managed to hit it for the first time. Also using Varian from Ranked 2021 August because that was the month when I decided to start playing seriously for rank. (Returned in July to the game after many years and started to play with almoast zero experience) And because it looks awesome I think. :slight_smile:


oh, yeah, i do pick some backs for some decks i have. i don’t really feel like going through and listing them though lol sorry.


I´m using the Fireside back. Seems pretty neat to me. :slight_smile:


ah yes, the fireside back i had to get from a special event that gave it to people who didn’t do fireside gatherings because i have no real life or real life Hearthstone friends. :cry:


While chemical romance is playing in the background haha

Heroic karazhan… oof. A flex that wont be appreciated nowadays.

I am shocked hah.


I am still waiting for the Fireside card back because didn’t get it because of a bug when it was released as the very first card back. Maybe a year ago they promised us a way to get it with the Nemsy skin but they put only the Nemsy into the shop… heard no news about the card back since… :\

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It depends. I sometimes play more than 9 different collections, so I tend to use a lot of card backs.

Legend for intimidation value and fair warning that I am not a nub.

Pandaria because it’s from the first Ladder season, which signals that I have played HS for a long time.

Kabal to trigger seizures :wink:

Winter Veil Wreath as the OG holiday card back in December. And for it’s potential to cause seizures :wink:

I like to color match card back colors or themes to match heroes, like:

Secret Level with the OG Garrosh Hellscream or Maiev. I also use it a lot in Arena, because it’s one of my most favorite card backs.

VanCardback with Fire Mage Jaina

Fireside with Prince Arthas. I tend to like the stained glass style card backs (Secret Level, Tavern Trellis, Suramar, Frostfire, etc.).

Fortune’s Favor with Transcendence Anduin

Shoring up with Morgl the Oracle

Icecrown with Frost Lich Jaina

Exodar with Tyrande

Other card backs that I like and use:

The Blue Portal

Faire Play for the creepiness and nostalgia, because the group of friends that I did low level PVP liked to hang out at the fair to get buffs and do some fishing while we waited for BG queues to pop).


Raise the Roof

Year of the Kracken

Jade Lotus for Jade decks

Legion for DH

Hogger for Hunter beast decks

Pirates! For a pirate deck.

BTW, I noticed that the search option icon is now missing from the forums, but it still works while invisible, if you click where it used to be (just to the left of the three dots).

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I’m more of a Drake kind of guy. Can’t say I enjoy punk rock haha

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Well, what do you know: Heroic Karazhan --- Free Medivh! in August 2022 , as for apprecitation — for example: Nazra Wildaxe Heroic - 2024 .

Don’t get that ‘flex’ part, I’ve been mostly using or buying such things (card backs, hero portraits etc) to ‘celebrate’ or commemorate something; for example, even though I played only Classic a while ago, when it was still a thing, I purchased the Aranna portrait just because I liked her adventure (don’t remember, maybe I wrote this somewhere, too :rofl: PS Did some quick searching — maybe not?).

But if it’s difficulty or ‘fake difficulty’ that you speak of, then there’s been this problem: Heroic Chess in Karazhan . It still might be much harder than originally intended — dunno, haven’t tested in 2025.

Sounds more like ‘signalling low IQ’ to me. :grinning:

Oh, wait, the card back in question is on my list, too, maybe I should be more careful with such statements… :rofl: Well, no matter, I don’t care about my ‘opponents’ (mostly bots, morons or something like this anyway), really. :rofl: Although sometimes I do ‘troll’ them with emotes when winning if they’ve been doing it too much during the game — so maybe sometimes I don’t totally ignore them… Well, no matter, still don’t care what they think or feel. :grinning:

One I’m missing of those three gangs, I think, because that was when I was drifting off from HS…

Dunno about seizures, though.

I was about to say it was almost intended as an unofficial set, but I mixed it up with Tinyfin Beach.


Yeah, something like this — that’s how it is almost intended to be done, I think, and that’s what I was talking about.

If memory serves, many solo adventures have been using such thematic card backs for opponents — I really like such attention to details and care with which they’ve been crafted.

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