Unwarranted suspension. Please help

Issue ID: #93588294
Offense: Exploitation of game mechanics

I am currently spending my days off, playing hs mercenaries. I am a returning player from basically the launch day of hs, and have never had a ban or a suspension. Yesterday while leveling my mercs the game logged me out and got an e-mail with the above mentioned suspension notification.

I have since created a ticket to appeal, and the answer came fast. It was an empty one, providing no clarification on the basis for the suspension, it merely repeats “you violated terms, so you get suspended, be better” basically. I fully understand, (and acknowledge) that you have the right to ban or suspend anyone for anything, or even for nothing.

Since then i reviewed my account login history to rule out any third party interference (breach or hack), disconnected my device and relogged, and i read all your terms, conditions, even your code of conduct.

While i found no oddities in my account login history, your refusal to offer clarity contradicts your commitment to fairness and transparency, as outlined in “The Right Way2play.” This lack of transparency not only undermines trust but also prevents me from rectifying any perceived violation. You even state, that if one has questions about what is or isn’t acceptable, one should reach out to you.

Well i did. Now you put me in a situation, where i can not play, spend my off duty days on forums and waiting for your reply, and even if i can play again what is the point? To get suspended again for unknown reasons that i can not even avoid, because i dont have a way of knowing what was wrong? I am passionate about your game, and the reason i am reaching out is because i only want to play in a safe setting without constant fear. With all due respect, please think about what i said.

Best regards,

P.s. I did not afk farm, did not use any third party app, did not even use a computer for gameplay and my iPhone is up to the standards required for hs. My lvl is 56 or something, but i level my mercs systematically (and min-maxing to my knowledge is not an exploit) and aside from some Hearthstone matches for daily and weekly quest i only play mercenaries.


Here nobody can help you because no employee reads here.
There is a tendency of the “person” replying to you not being an actual person but only an automated answer. Be persistent and insist that the help/clarification provided is not enough, until they put your through to a human.

Best of luck.

I’ll link you to the most prominent thread of what’s happening if you want to check.

To be slightly off point: It’s the same with being banned from this forum …

They claim that they want this to be a safe space, except they are the ones making this all feel unsafe. I have to be very careful what I say, or I will be banned. How is that maintaining a safe place for me?

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Thank you, i have seen this thread before. I must say, that the amount of people trying to prove their inocence in a situation where they are not even told the substance of the accusation is disturbing.

The way i see it is if i violated their clear cut term knowingly or unknowingly i will be the first one to take responsibility. But since i dont know, i can not even tell. If they provide a basis for the suspension i will take the time to post it to stay true to my words.

The fact is that to my knowledge and understanding right now my issue is not a breach of policy but a conduct from Blizz that results in shady, mysterious suspensions.

In their notice they stated three things: 1) i exploited the game mechanics 2) they carefully reviewed the situation and 3) they decided to impose a penalty.

At this point i doubt that either statement has any merit, and only the third is true. Lifting my suspension thus only relieves the symptom and does not cure the problem of a system that flags normal gameplay and then a review process that is of no substance. To solve this, we need a collective effort and that requires dialogue.

And just to emphasize: the fact that they dont even tell the thing i did wrong, is in direct conflict with their code of conduct.


Ive seen elsewhere that ever since the report feature has been implemented that a lot of folk are abusing it by anyone they lose a match against they report them for hacking or botting etc. Enough people flag you like that eventually you get swept into the automatic filters they have in place to deal with those cases. If only they could foresee the obvious outcome of such a system that is ripe for abuse. If you play a mode that has very few players the likelihood of getting more flags consistently when in pvp matches.

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Thank you for your reply, and for raising avareness! In my case this problem with the report abusers is unlikely, since i play 99% (this is a made up number, But i believe i am close to being right) pve. But regardless, the truth of the matter is every accusation and handling there of should at least conform to norms like presumption of innocence. I never did and never will support any sort of automatic penalty. Every decisionmaking leading to a penalty should follow basic legal norms and principles.

Blizzard has the right to do anything. Excercising these rights and the manner in which they do it however is up to them, and consequently reflects on them. We can raise our voices, and hope they will listen (i believe ultimately they do).

I think its more akin to an automatic counter type scenario where it is unlikely a person would accumulate say 100 reports of botting/hacking/cheating in under a week. An understandable and justifiable wide net that almost no one innocent would get caught in normally. And if you do then they need to quarantine ya according to them. But I concede this isnt the likely case for you. But you can see that if a system on autopilot like i described were to be left fully on its own, it wouldnt take long for a salty group of bad actors to entangle a lot of innocent players into that wide net.

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Hi drainor2

Go to Community-Forums-BlizzTReker and write under the post GnomeSayin

maybe they will answer us faster there

Thanks for the advice, i will do it! :slight_smile: and to the other point: Yes i see the use of this system and i see the necessity to a certain point. But i fully agree with your statement on the auto pilot problem, i only add to it, that handling the appeal like this (auto pilot again?) leads to nowhere, and is contradictory to their code of conduct.

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