My account got banned - how do i appeal this?

I just concedded a game and i got banned for botting i even made a post about this on forums about why im so frustated and me asking for me help.

But they banned for me this i have played since 2018 and if i have to start over il just be super casual i had over 50 000 dust from my own hard workd im in distress i am appealing this for sure.

Now i wil say sometimes im titled and just close the instead of conceding but good grief you need to be able to tell the diference.


They won’t ban you for quiting games, they banned you for botting most likely.


Listen here dude closing the appl after having warrior clear my boards is not botting i am appealing this they have no grounds zero.

I should have conceded but tbh i got rly tired of warrior and dk but you tell me is that botting i even made a post askingf for help on ladder that i just concede before games start i sometimes just close the game now that isnt botting thats me being tilted there is a massive difference.

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A lot of people are getting falsely banned for exploits. The same thing just happened to me. I just got an email saying I’m banned for a week for exploits! I have NEVER done that in my almost 10 years of playing the game! WTF is going on? I’m starting to really hate these loser Blizztard clowns. I’ve already long ago quit the other Blizzard games I was playing. If my week long ban doesn’t get overturned, I’ll probably quit this game too.


I’d find understandable to punish players that repeatdly just close the game instead of conceding, wasting the time of the other players. Depending on your device, it may not be detected before turns, if at all, resulting in your opponent having to wait an entire rope turn, then several short rope turns, before they can finally kill you, in their worst case scneario.
If it was the actual reason, and it was provided, I’d understand.

Then they need to ban ALL ropers. Simple as.


If they banned all ropers, the only games left in Wild would be against bots! I am pretty tired of being roped every turn of every game though.

You have time to play your turns. You are allowed to use that time as much as you want.
Quitting the game is not using your time, it’s just a rude behavior.

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Yes it is rude behavior. So is making your play within the first 10 seconds then letting the rope burn out instead of clicking end turn or not doing anything until the rope starts burning EVERY turn. Sadly this is now typical HS behavior.


So is conceding. By that “logic” they’ll ban conceders next.

The opponent who leaves its just “using their time as much as they want.” Just like a roper.

Precedent is set: ban ropers!

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I’m sorry that happened to you, bro. For how long is the ban? Not permanently, surely?

I also got silenced in game for some reason which I don’t know and the customer service refuses to tell me. They just said multiple times that I got reported, when I asked them why, so I can avoid repeating the mistakes, they just ignored me.

The silence still lasts.

They’ve lost the compass, I’m afraid.

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You are allowed to use all your time the way you want. If you want to think about future turns with your remaining time, you are allowed to.

I don’t get what logic you extracted out of that because nothing I said leads to that.
When you rope, you use your turn’s time for yourself. Your opponent has the same alocated time and is free to use it as well. When you start a game you sign up for that : same time each turn for both players, unless you want less time. Don’t blame your opponent for making the most of it when you don’t.
When you concede, you end the game for both players.
When you quit, you end the game for yourself, but not for your opponent.
There’s nothing similar between quitting and roping. Please elaborate if that’s what you think because there’s no connection so far.

Does it mean every ropper thinks about future turns ? Of course not, there are players with bad sportsmanship that just want to piss people off. But they are on equal ground with you.
I don’t know in what world you play to have people ropping you every turn but it sounds like that sucks and I can understand that.
I may encounter a rude rope every 10 games, and just for a turn or 2 but that’s it.

Its permanent i immediatly sent an appeal waiting for reply i was toxic in what i did i admit to that but im not a bot i even told u on forums i was so upset i conceded games before they started i do sometimes out of annoyance close the game and not concede.

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You guys entered a pointless discussion which is misleading.

Noone ever got banned for exiting the app instead of conceding. How do you prove someone did that instead of getting dc-ed like I do at least 3-5 times every day? You don’t.

And that’s why for sure Aerthis wasn’t banned because he quit the game out of tilt, whatever he may think.

So yeah, you’re allowed to do that, although it’s unfair towards your opponent. People do it all the time. If you banned everyone who does that, you’d be left with a portion of the playerbase.

You have people who have emergency intervention jobs like firefighters, they receive an emergency message if they play Hearthstone, they will be forced to concede the game to quickly intervene, on their return banned > blizzard the business of shame.

I play alot of hs more then the average person i dont work atm so i play alot of games i dont need to bot as i get alot of exp from ranked.

I am baffled by this im not the type to not admit when im wrong u guys can tell that by how i am ive made multiple posts admitting that im negative and then i apologise this ban made zero sense im not a bot its a massive mistake.

I never said you botted, bro

I only said you didn’t get banned because you ragequit xD Everyone does that from time to time

I did it alot and conceded alot of games so idk if that struck them as weird il be honest i didnt enjoy the meta and i got severly tilted but at least i know not to do this again.

Il add you on my temporary account.

I’m also on a temporary account because my main was silenced for no reason xD Customer service only told me I was reported by “multiple users” but refused to provide chat logs which caused the sanction.

The sanction was entirely unjustified, since I only talk to 1-2 close friends on chat and they didn’t report me.

It’ll get unsilenced in 2 days

Whatever is going on, it’s something much more complicated and sinister. People are getting sanctioned for no reason and it’s been going on for weeks if not months.