Tyrande, oh where oh where: Cont'd

I mean, unless, except, of course…you use the easily accessible search feature that’s been here since the new forums were launched…or perhaps the multiple times it’s been linked here (which link back to the original post), just a thought. Even on the old forums, finding something wasn’t that hard…unless someone didn’t actually know how to internet. Nice try though!

Also, I see you’re back to the insult track instead of actually offering anything substantive.

Compared to other information on the forums, it is difficult to find. There’s no sticky, and unlike the Reddit Q&A’s, they have the requests for questions and the Q&A on the same thread. You might argue that makes it easier, but unless people read through the thread (and why would they?) they might miss the fact that there are dev answers there.

Don’t dish 'em if you can’t take 'em, kiddo.

Typing in a search function is hard?

Whether it’s Tyrande, squelch, arena, or whatever your issue of choice is the internet provides a handy search function to filter key words to enable someone who doesn’t want to read the entire Q&A to find their particular issue of choice…although if they “don’t want to read the thread” why are they on a text based forum to begin with? The pictures aren’t that great…

To answer your obvious question, one reads Q&A threads to get answers to questions about a particular topic. In this case, hearthstone. Also, I would point out that no one could “miss” the fact there are dev answers there when they (the devs) announced that this was their thread, they would be there, and such answers about the game would be provided in that very thread.

This proves you aren’t discussing the topic in good faith and are just here to provide false information if you are trying to mislead people on something so obvious as an official Q&A thread. I’d point out that such behavior is against the rules for the thread and coc, but it’s clear that doesn’t matter to you and others here to cause trouble at this point.

Pointing out you are engaging in a certain behavior isn’t an insult. But once again you can’t resist engaging in the same behavior you’ve been doing of late rather than offering anything substantive.

What about comparing someone’s statements to those of the propaganda ministry for one of fiction’s most famous totalitarian regimes? Does that count as an insult? Because it sure looks like that to me.

Not when you’re engaging in deliberate disinformation and telling outright lies. The search function isn’t hard to use, the gold text and the questions they are answering are posted with each response (not to mention it’s really hard to miss the gold text, and only they have it), and even the thread is titled: “Rise of Shadows Q&A - April 22, 2019.” If you don’t want your posts given that level of comparison, don’t strive for that level of disinformation.

It’s not a lie that most people in the community don’t access the forums.

It’s not a lie that people can’t find the info on Tyrande easily (otherwise why do we see threads like these?).

It’s not a lie that you were misusing the Newspeak terms you quoted early, since nothing I said in your quoted text was false. Forums in general (and these forums in particular) are not where most Hearthstone players go to get news and interact with the community/devs. That’s what Reddit, Twitter, and sites like Hearthpwn are for. And given that the majority of Hearthstone users don’t seem to use the forums, it’s not outlandish to suggest that one minor item in a six month old Q&A might not be well known. It certainly doesn’t rise to the level of outright propaganda, unless you’ve gone seriously off the deep end.

PS: you’re welcome for the bumps to the thread, btw.

Now you claim to speak for “most people in the community?” Pray tell, where di you get this information? Are you an actiblizz employee with inside information on the company data? If not, speaking on their behalf is a violation of coc.

You are making a false equivalence fallacy. By your logic, multiple threads about any topic = “info can’t be found easily” which is patently false. Once again, you are claiming to speak for more people than yourself…unless you actually polled every single creator of those threads and they said “I couldn’t find the Tyrande thread, so I made my own!” But we know you didn’t, otherwise you would have supplied that data in the first place.

Let’s break this down (again):

It was responded to almost instantly in the same thread, and posted about here. No doubt you’ll quibble over semantics on “well known” but goal post shifting not allowed. I was seen in a thread of over sixty thousand views on that threat alone, not counting the dissemination elsewhere and reposts of selected quotes on this site and elsewhere. First falsehood.

Two part falsehood: first, it is an issue for everyone in countries that didn’t get to participate in the promotion first time around because they were intentionally excluded from the promotion. The devs themselves have noted this was an issue and if those numbers weren’t significant, they wouldn’t have made it a point to address it on multiple occasions here and elsewhere. Second part, people are aware of it, because this thread has been on front page of the forums pretty much every day for the past few years (since the topic was created). It had a sticky (briefly) and was then part of the “frequently asked questions” sticky for a considerable amount of time. Someone could probably view the stats for the old thread, but as of this post, this thread currently has nearly thirteen thousand views, links to three separate threads and comes up in nearly every Q&A here and elsewhere that hearthstone has. Falsehood two and three.

Clearly, you don’t realize where this discussion is taking place: the Tyrande thread. This has been the awareness campaign. We have been here for years, and as previously mentioned, enough of a presence for team 5 to keep reminding everyone that Tyrande hasn’t been forgotten and they will bring her back. Which finally culminated in the last Q&A promise with the definitive time table. They gave this promise in front of the entire hearthstone community, so the “awareness” is already out there as well as the implications for not only this but any other promise they fail to deliver on. Falsehood number four.

Any time a developer makes a promise and doesn’t deliver, their credibility takes a hit. That’s common sense, and human nature to not trust people who habitually make dishonest statements. To claim that anyone could break such a promise (a second time, no less) with zero repurcussions to their credibility is incredibility naïve and does not bear out with how player’s across the industry have responded when devs don’t deliver on their word. Falsehood number five.

And that’s just from your first post on this most recent exchange. I could go on to your outlandish stuff about search functions being hard, your “why would people read a Q&A” nonsense, the devs’ posts in those threads being “difficult to find,” and so on.

All of which show you are spreading outright lies and disinformation on this topic, and the hearthstone forums in general.


Facts speak for themselves, and so do you.

If Tyrande ever comes back, then i hope it wouldn’t be a twich prime reward cause only american players can obtain her.


This. Though they’ve opened it up a bit since the last time, it’s still price wise and region lock out wise a barrier for a lot of their global playerbase. Neither should it be locked behind some pre-release paywall, or something else equally block-ish to every country that gets messed over big time by actiblizz’s currency conversion policies.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: a long “Tyrande will be available here from X to X dates. Log in and get her for free, no matter where you are in the universe.”

Should be how this goes down. Announced at least once month in advance, reminders at the two week and one week mark. One last reminder two weeks before the end of the promotion. Then she either goes into the shop as another $10 hero and/or gets put into the quest rotation and pops up every so often so new players down the line also have a shot at getting her as well (and anyone who plays who is in a coma, pocket dimension, etc during the return period).

Everyone wins. We give team 5 a pat on the back, and we all ride off into the sunset from the thread.

Of course someone still reminds them about the other year of the mammoth stuff they still said they’d bring back…but that’s another thread.

I salute you, sir. However, I think we should not be bumping this thread too often like the mistakes I did before. Be careful!


Hey Blizzard. New Anduin portrait that can be earned by getting 1000 wins is cool, but it doesn’t look like promised Tyrande to me. Three months left. Did you lie to us again?


They have promised Tyrande will be available to everyone in the year of Mammoth. You know, that year, which rotated out 2 years ago by now.
Here we are, Q4 in 2019… looking for a hero skin from 2016. Whole 3 years have been passed away since it was exclusively released to USA users because Blizzard is a USA company. My apologise to live in EU = Also known as the Unknown region. :slight_smile:


…and still no updates. They are really pushing this until the last minute, aren’t they? Or, as I suspected they are going to pull a “hearthstone year” on us.


You can get Tyrande with Blizzcon 2019 ticket…

Tyrande as a skin for Symmetra in OW…:hushed:

Oh my god. I had a mini-heart attack that Tyrande was only going to be made available again with a BlizzCon ticket. Just an OW skin. Which must mean she’s coming soon right?


Awww, how cute was that? Seeing an OW promotion as a hint? I’d rather think that as a polite refuse from Blizzard, isn’t it?

Hopefully you’re ok now. But this is not a good sign. It must’ve been caused by illusions… let’s fix that.

Do you know what the word “illusion” means? You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

Obviously, the hero skin for ow is real, therefore it can’t be an illusion. Obviously, the promise for Tyrande’s return is real because it has been linked many times here…that can’t be an illusion.

I realize you’re desperate to troll people (once again in violation of the coc and the specific rules for this thread…and once again speaking for actiblizz), but you may want to brush up on what words actually mean since you keep throwing them around.

And before you say “them not keeping that promise is the illusion” or something similar, that would be dishonesty. That’s not an illusion either, that would also be something tangible.

We get it, you’re done with the topic (beyond trolling those who want Tyrande back and to troll those of us trying to hold team 5 to their word). But it works counter to your purposes because you literally bump the thread every time you come here to do so. Thanks for that by the way, because you continue to help our cause, even if you are here to troll us.

Illusion. noun: a false idea or belief.

Ha! Caught one!

Edit Oct 02 2019 UTC 04:06
I’ll try not to bump this thread so all of my responses will be here:
First of all, illusion - the false ideology of believing Tyrande (and to an extent, all exclusive items) should come back, regardless of Blizzard’s response.

Secondly, I think what you are saying is repetitive, why don’t you just write: refer to post #(insert post # here)? That’d save you lots of time.

Something I actually learned from your posts:

  1. Not bumping this thread is a good thing to do.
  2. Define words to help English Language Learners.
  3. All posters are equal but some posters are more equal than others.

Side note: players be like: bUt WhAt OP SaId WaS nOt RiGhT!!! and starts arguing all. over. again. How fun was that?

Edit Oct 02 2019 UTC 10:11

I like the way you reply every single time anyone who has a different opinion in long tedious paragraphs. Yet people hardly finish reading them because they don’t have time.

I know that you seem desperate regarding to this thread’s topic, and once again I appreciate the effort when you reply to my thoughts: you will always be here right? Nonetheless, your righteousness, the community’s belief and the very establishment of this thread are flawed.

no proper bibliography? lame.

Edit Oct 02 2019 UTC 15:56
The word “trolling” is being abused here. A word that is meant to call a person who attempts the community integrity by posting upsetting, extraneous and inflammatory messages. (The obvious word to describe those who want Tyrande). You used it extensively on me and that is not correct. Moreover, people who attempt to ignore my messages are afraid to face the truth, which is…(you know what I mean).
To summarize: my intention is clear(but not disclosable for safety reasons) and I hope everyone can enjoy a Tyrande-less Hearthstone.

It is beyond tiresome to report every other 350 posts in this thread because of the erroneous information they are trying to address to the general public. I’m helping and you guys think I’m trolling.

Edit Oct 02 2019 UTC 23:45
Many of you are hinting that I’m spreading erronerous information: I am not. You are more than welcome to check whatever Blizzard says on their official webpage, and apparently all decision-making will be done internally at Blizzard HQ.

I’m here to tell everyone that it is morally wrong to allow exclusive items (such as Tyrande) to come back. The reasoning is clear and is easily comprehensible by anyone above age 5.

Baiting? More like the moment of epiphany for me.

There will be no more “baiting” if everyone is the angler.

Once again, not even cited. Let’s go with the official definition:

Definition of illusion

1a(1) : a misleading image presented to the vision : optical illusion
(2) : something that deceives or misleads intellectually
b(1) : perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature
(2) : hallucination sense 1
(3) : a pattern capable of reversible perspective
2a(1) : the state or fact of being intellectually deceived or misled : misapprehension
(2) : an instance of such deception
b obsolete : the action of deceiving
3 : a fine plain transparent bobbinet or tulle usually made of silk and used for veils, trimmings, and dresses

Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/illusion

So, either the first part something that is an optical illusion that deceives the senses…nope. Second part, something that intellectually deceives or misled…nope. The only posts that actually applies to is yours. You have been posting false information, speaking for the devs/actiblizz on more than one occasion (including your most recent reappearance), and your repeating lies about other people’s “delusions/illusions.”

At least you admit you are baiting, which Is also against coc and the rules for this thread.

Along with more of the trolling:

Don’t put this on me, you said this to your fellow trolling buddy earlier upthread:

I was pointing out that if you actually believed that, you wouldn’t keep doing it, even if it was to troll everyone here.

Once again, mods? Care to actually do something about the people in here who flagrantly violate coc and the stated rules for this thread? If anyone else here kept repeatedly speaking on behalf of the company, trolled others with name calling, etc they would have been actioned by now. But repeat offenders (not singling anyone out here, there are more than one) have continued to show up and troll this thread, despite the coc and the stated rules posted by the blue from the old forums. Your silence and refusal to act only serves to embolden these trolls to further harass and stifle the discussion here, which was clearly stated by the blue in the last thread to not be the intent of team 5.

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