To many bots I am out

I do not record my games. Like I said its what I encounter when I play, why does that bother you so much? I make one comment and sheesh I must be wrong cause YOU say so…

Just leave me alone and go harass someone else.

Oh we asked for a Replay of the “definite bots”, and it’s supposedly harassment.

I guess “harassment” for that person is literally others existing.

I just wanted you to stop focusing on me.

I made one statement of what I encounter when I play the game. Which seems to have triggered you for some reason.

I have nothing to prove to you. Its what I see with my own eyes. I do not care if you, some random person in a game forum believes.

But I am allowed to speak my truth of what I see. I notice lots of others seeing the same thing as me. So idk what to tell you.

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The game is flooded with bots. This is known.

Until recently, actiblizz was openly flooding the game with their own bots, until the outcry…and they dumped them all in the new player experience.

The number of threads on this issue shows there is still a significant issue with botting, in spite of the actiblizz “mission accomplished” threads.


You will have to forgive Carnicore that are what we call little piglets without their mothers you know what.

They are also nothing more than a TROLL. (guess that gets them off or something)…

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Botting is something Blizzard probably figures is A Good Thing. After all, more bots makes it appear as if there are more players. So they can tell Shareholders that the game is getting more “players” now.

Thanks, I was starting to realize they must be a troll. I got sucked in for a minute there.

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What are you talking about. I’m a person. Leave your dehumanizing and calling actual persons “animals/trolls/things” for groups who belong in the past century.

[And that was the same attacker who whined for “Harassment” when the “Harassment” was exclusively disagreeing on something on Hearthstone only.]

[Maybe take a very good look in the mirror again before calling people “Harassers”.]

In a forum with active and quick moderation, that comment would be a permanent ban in minutes, unless the moderators in that forum believed in ideologies who belong in the past century.

So would running around accusing people of being scammers without evidence, and what you used to call people on a regular basis.


You are either part of the scam operation, or naive, if you don’t see that spamming YouTube links for farming clicks for Google’s monetization is their goal; they were multiple accounts having identical behavior and posting links to the exact same YouTube channel; they were obviously using AI too in part because they started accusing those supporting them instead of me so they can’t even program their AI right.

The Blizzard moderator who took a look at it started banning them.

So you’re also disagreeing with the Blizzard moderator here.

asking for evidence means I’m “one of them.”

Are they in the scammers in the room with you right now?

How would you know they were banned? Only the account holder would know what action was taken. So unless you were the person posting on those accounts (an interesting admission), then the only thing any of us would see as an outsider is posts disappearing.

People disagree with the company all the time. The recent “bot” bans that leave the bots untouched and banned real people are a great example. I know you’re actively posting on threads with some of those people from here, so I know you know what I’m posting about.

And as we know since they introduced the new system, the mass flagging gets stuff taken down because the automated system hides it, and the so called “employee checks” rubber stamp what the automated system does.

This was a concern when the new system was previewed in the old forums, and sure enough, became a thing when it was rolled out.

Anyone could mass flag your post that I’m currently replying to for any reason, it would be hidden by the system, and would get rubber stamped by the mods. And if you were really unlucky, you’d get actioned as well.

Which is why they told us when the new forums opened NOT to use flags in place of the removed dislike feature. AND that abusing the report features was now a violation of the coc.

But, since they don’t actually action people who abuse the report feature…this abuse goes unchecked.

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Nice strawman. I said “or naive” and you deleted it. It’s easy to “win” an argument over the internet when you talk to an imaginary person isn’t it?

An actual person at Blizzard told me they looked at it and dealt with them (you think it’s a coincidence that most of them are gone?).

Go whine to them if you can’t handle the truth.

Asking for evidence isn’t a strawman either. Nor is it “naïve.” At some point, you’ll face an accusation, and you’ll want evidence of the claim before people accept it as fact. At least, any reasonable person would.

Except they don’t talk about actions taken against other players. Period. So for you to claim you had a conversation with:

and told you:

either means this is 100% fiction, or they violated company policy to share details of actions against multiple accounts. It doesn’t pass the smell test.

They are not players. They are scammers doing YouTube-click-farming. Of course Blizzard are allowed to say “we dealt with the problem”.

The real question here is: why do you support the YouTube-click-farmers?

It’s either naive or part of their operation of YouTube-click-farming.

No, not any more than they would be allowed to share any actions taken against yours or any other posters’ accounts here.

how you have inside information about multiple accounts getting banned (when it is against policy to share that information). Not:


Because it isn’t coming from actiblizz.

Interesting how you get real defensive when this is brought up, just like when evidence was asked for last time that you failed to provide.

“Insider information”. The forum just has less spam, and Blizzard literally told me they looked into the problem of YouTube-click-farmers in the forum.

Sorry you got offended that Blizzard dealt with a scamming operation of YouTube-click-farming.

Go whine to Blizzard: “how dare you that you said you dealt with YouTube-click-farmers!”.

from the person who gets really upset when evidence is asked for.


since they can’t share specific actions taken against other accounts.

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Bobba, I think we should use the Occam’s Razor that Carnivore loves so much.
They claim they have insider Blizzard information. The simplest explanation is - they are
Blizzard emloyee. Isn’t it?

It would also explain all the pro company propaganda they spread all over the forums. Just part of the job.


Perhaps Carnivore is a MAGA as they do not believe in FACTS or EVIDENCE and when shown said facts or Evidence they just CALL it a SCAM and move on.

Carnivore is just a pre-tween with daddy;s credit card.

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