To many bots I am out

Proof, or stop whining. Nobody is interested in your juvenile tantrums.

using your standard

That’s what happens when you want to live in a system where accusations can be made without evidence.

Thank goodness most people prefer to live in non draconian system where accusations have to be supported by evidence, and the presumption of INNOCENCE are the standard.

Not that I believe in persecuting people for their political beliefs anyway.


Says the one who is ALWAYS whining and crying and throwing tantrums. lol pot meet kettle.


That proves nothing. Sometimes I play a game just for an achievement.

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Exactly. Those people are like they installed the game yesterday and they only whine “I must win every time!1111”.

Grow up; some of us do achievements; it’s easy to do it because Wild and Standard do not share ranking.

Feel free to quote those posts, or admit you’re lying.

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It’s not my problem you don’t understand yourself. Some of us literally play “wrongly” for achievements, and by your logic we would be software lol…

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Then it should be really easy to find the post where I stated this…

or admit you are lying.

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Nice strawman. I said you don’t understand yourself and not that you wrote what I understand about you.

I understand about you that you whine when others play “wrongly” when they may just do achievements lol…

Nope, not what a strawman is. Since you can’t provide any proof that I or anyone else posted:

looks like you made it up. And in case you weren’t aware, this particular lie you’re spamming:

IS actually a strawman.

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Not when I can see how you think without you saying it. You constantly whine and constantly go off topic to personally attack people. It’s self-evident that you are incapable to understand that some of us do achievements on Wild if our main format is Standard or on Standard if our main format is Wild and we EASILY go at least Diamond 10 that way (and all the other ranks before it).

People who claim to read minds are scammers…you know, the kind you frequently talk about reporting.

Time to self report, since you are a scammer. I have never thought:

with or without the ones on the end, in case you were wondering.

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You constantly whine yourself that you must win against “bots”; nobody “reads minds”: you imply constantly that others are bots; you are delusional on that.

Get over it: SOME OF US DO ACHIEVEMENTS [or/and quests].

Some people “not seeing lethal” etc are not necessarily bots unless you see it at the top of Legend or something like that.

Except you, by your own admission:

Time to report yourself, because you are the type of scammer you constantly are on about.

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I “like” how that person has the audacity to speak of logical fallacies,

and every single reply of them is a strawman.

Get over it: not everyone being “odd” is a bot.

from the person spamming

at everything. Literally everything.

Maybe you shouldn’t claim to be a mind reader, on top of lying about people claiming to want to win every game without evidence.

Because THAT is a strawman.

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If you don’t want to be told you spam strawman nonsense,

don’t spam strawman nonsense.

It’s very logical that if you can’t think properly: you’ll do the same logical fallacies repeatedly (it’s HOW it’s supposed to work).

Forum breaking irony:

Clearly, to use one of your go to phrases:

I just dropped the question.

Again, don’t forget to report yourself as a scammer: you can’t read minds, and lied about being able to do so.

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Carni, bro, ignore the above user for your own good. Nothing good comes out with discussing anything with them. Grey rock is the tactic here.

They’ll just bring you down to their level and beat with experience, if you know what I mean

If everyone keeps ignoring them, they’ll grow bored of their behavior

I more or less agree, not so much because my arguments are affected, but because after a point: time we have is limited and it is better to be invested elsewhere.