To many bots I am out

Would it not be more likely a failure in the bot program?


Occam’s razor: the simplest explanation is more likely: if it’s a very low rank (or some kind of rank floor) they might just be doing achievements or trying out stuff.

Also if you had the skill to write a bot: you’d likely not do very obvious mistakes.

It’s not impossible that it’s a cheat but it can be also just goofing around.

Which would be that it’s bots doing the same derpy stuff we’ve seen bots doing for years.


And the simplest explanation is… Carnivore is a moron? When you think people believe your bull****, and always double down on it to the point of insanity (doing the same thing repeatedly expecting a new outcome), I can’t think of another, better, description.


There is a 60 minutes free everyday bot program easy to find and DL… It even says nobody who has used said program has ever been banned.

So sad Blizz so sad.


That’s not an argument, just hate. Try again.

Hearthstone has bots? Are we sure they’re bots and not bad players? I find it hard to believe that this game has a botting issue in it. It’s not possible for it to be as bad as OP makes it.

Is that what I’m seeing with all of these randomly generated names with a color and then an animal? RustViper. LemonLion. MauveScorpion. That kind of thing. None of them emote. None of them will accept friend invites. The decks they’re playing are pretty basic

Been seeing it a lot lately


It is.

The easiest way to tell there’s an issue in the game is to see how much the official response is “WE"VE TAKEN CARE OF IT GUISE” and the company defender response is running damage control or to deny it exists dialed to 11.

And if they are gathered en masse and ramping up the personal attacks, you have hit the flak levels that indicate you are directly over the target.


Can’t write, words can hurts someone :laughing::laughing:

You can tell it’s a bot and exactly what their deck is before they play a card. I had matches with them all through diamond. I usually just close the game and eat the loss because it’s mind numbingly boring to play against.

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Hearthstone is not worth it any more. Yet people still beat their heads against the glass door trying to get out.

Those are just new players following the naming fad. Also thye don’t know what they are doing because they are new.
This is what the apologist will say.


The interesting part is that’s similar to the naming pattern the actiblizz bots were named.

Coincidence? I think not.

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Are you talking to the mirror? Why are you at Hearthstone’s forum, if you are gone from Hearthstone things?

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Oh I go against bots all the time. I’m in standard just got into diamond, I started this month late. They play the same cards over and over its very easy to spot. Once I get to diamond 5 I do not see it as often but I still encounter some.

If someone is at bottom diamond 5, they may try all kinds of random goofy things; they may do achievements; they have XP and that means gold and gold means power in the next expansion you know.

But as I always say: bottoms of ranks and any star bonuses are BAD: have it all free-floating so that a rank more clearly represents skill and doesn’t allow random crap having no rank penalty.

Nah they are easy to spot, they use standard decks. I know what I am seeing. I didn’t ask for your opinion or want it.

Just stating the facts for what I encounter.

LOL k. Like I said just stating what I encounter when I play the game. Are you ok?

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Also about those “certain bots”, do you have a Replay? I’ve heard all kinds of “certain bots” in this forum and never a Replay.