There’s no such thing.
By the way, here and in some other quoted passages this guy sounds just like forum… apologists — both clueless and pro-company.
Yeah, about that — ‘conspiracy theories’ in general and those involving evil mega-corporations in particular, that is — check out the full post below:
When looking this up, mostly for the DuPont case as an example — they have blatantly lied about it for decades — I also came across another… character referring to a ‘standard variance’ (it’s not a thing, not a term, just a meaningless word salad, like banana phlegm, farthing flymum). What have I just said about this guy sounding just like those forum shills?
PS For those with short memory spans: compare with ‘random variance’ above.
I might be taking the phrase out of context a bit (can’t be bothered to open the original post), but no matter.
If you mean RNG manipulation in general, this statement is just blatantly false, I’ve written about it, for brevity, I’m gonna leave just the key reference here one more time:
What do they say in such cases, 'nuff said? In other words, ‘I bear no responsibilities for whatever lies I say here’. Or the guy just has got no clue about what’s going on there.
By the way, those forum types don’t officially work for Blizz, either.
Yeah, when you’re absent for a year and find your wife pregnant upon your return, it’s probably Darwinian spontaneous life generation — anything’s possible, it’s probably just an ‘RNG event’, right? Right? There’s nO eViDeNcE that an adulter might have taken place, such a mad conspiracy theory must be ‘unequivocally false’.
Yeah, like it’s not their subsidiary. This isn’t even funny.
Ah, another believer in the magic of so-called ‘MMR’… Or shoud I say, ‘Here we are again…’?
You probably don’t understand it well enough.
What do they call it, a self-illustrating example?
Yeah, like card tricks haven’t been performed by sharpers. No, never in recorded history. See no evil…
Ha-ha, nice!
Well, that’s almost ‘Bingo!’. One small detail: that guy doesn’t have the gall to openly admit working for Blizzard officially.