There was an error starting your game. Duels Error

Confirmed removing GOLD CORE cards. I can play with gold cards from new xpac just nothing gold from core. My duels deck is screwed until fix but can otherwise play now.


Same error today when trying to play Constructed Standard.

Removing gold cards fixed the issue.




I can’t alter my deck, so still no fix for this? expansion is live and this is still not working. Yes I have golden and diamond legendary

Removing gold cards and rebuilding my deck completely did not fix this issue. Still getting this error trying to connect to standard mode

Same issue, stuck with duels deck and unable to start game error. I can’t play anything but battlegrounds. No fix yet?

Still having the same issue, been ~3 days already…

I still have same issue and its been 3 days too, even when expansion released. blizz help support is not listening and is unable to retire my run

Same issue here, for both standard and duels

edit: removing gold cards for my standard deck fixed it, duels still bugged

edit again: nevermind its not working again lol

I started having the same problem too immediately after the expansion was dropped, in both standard and duels. Removing gold cards from my standard decks seemed to work, but obviously I can’t do that with the duel deck I built before I realized this was a problem, and I’m not really relishing the idea of losing out on the 150 g I spent on that run

Update: If I play a game with a deck that has no goldens and then back out to do something else (open a deck or accept exp for example), it will give me the same error when I next try to play the game. The only fix I’ve found for this is to switch the gaming mode or restart the client (for example, if I played a standard game successfully before encountering this error, switch to classic and it will work). I haven’t tried wild yet so I don’t know if this only works when you switch between classic and standard or if it will work as a fix no matter what mode you choose. Duels is still not working for me

Duels still broken. Can not play.

I cant play regular ranked matches. Same error, Tried different networks. Frustrating, esp since the expac JUST dropped and its end of the month to finish ladder. Blizz??

So I didn’t copy a deck and still getting the same error, I created a deck from scratch:
Dust Devil
Lightning Bolt
Novice Zapper
Primordial Studies
Chain Lightning
Imprisoned Phoenix
Rockbiter Weapon
Run Dagger
Lava Burst
Tempest’s Fury
Flamewreathed Faceless

Sadly removing the gold from my Hunter’s Deck did not work for me (unless need to remove them from ALL decks). I can live without standard for a couple days as just gotten into doing battle grounds anyway.

Its actually caused by having gold cards in your deck… Fix the limit of gold cards

Also noting this is affecting me, Duels so far (haven’t tested other modes). I did notice that several normal and gold cards had multiple stacks (in some cases, 2 normal stacks and 2 golden stacks) during building. This makes me wonder if there’s perhaps some logic that’s freaking out because the cards are showing up in more stacks then they should?

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I can’t que into wild ranked matches. Says “there was an error starting your game. Please wait a few minutes and try again”

It’s been more than a few minutes

Edit-I can’t play casual either

Edit—read through more of the above comments. I took out the Golden cards and am now able to play

Tried this. NO gold cards in deck at all, removed them all, closed game, closed battle net app, restart, same problem.

Still having the same problem on duels 4 days…

Same error but thing is i didn’t use any deck code, i never used a deck code before.