There was an error starting your game. Duels Error

Hey there! I’m here to join the bugged Duels gang. Still can’t start a game.

Same issue here, standard and duels are not working. Removing the gold cards did not solve the issue at all

they just dont care enough, its been 4 days since many of us cant play. surely we re not getting duels back soon. at least ull make lots of money from this expansion

Got eror in wild too. I can only play aviana malygos deck out of my 7 decks. Hope you will repeair this blizzard i spent lot of money on you

P. S. maybe try to make S pen work again if possible

Here to join the train… every game mode aside Battlegrounds is bugged can’t play after release, please fix. (no idea what a game code is lol, never used them)

Same issues, and I haven’t used any deck codes.

havent used deck codes either and i cant play

Waited till after the 3/30 go live as you suggested and can confirm along with all the others adding to this and other threads that the Duels problem still persists.

update: I can play decks that I had made before the expansion release but any new deck I make gets this error.

I can seem to play matches without getting the error after I hit the “switch account” in the option and re-login my account info then head to play a match right away. Worth a try for others.

Same error here. Im trying to play Wild.

Same error here, on all playstyles I tried, but ONLY on mage, for some reason, all other classes work fine

Why am I still getting this error. You were down for maintenance…did you not fix whatever is causing this?

Hey everyone,

This should be resolved now. Is anyone still experiencing “There was an error starting your game” specifically in Duels mode? If so please let us know.

Hi, Yes, the issue is still there - same error when trying to duel, nothing changed.

I can only play Battlegrounds. All other game modes display the error message.

I was playing in duels, finished the first game now I can play because of this error.
And obviously I can’t delete my deck because I already played a game.

Hello there? No one from blizzard there? I guess My best bet at this point is to retire and the money I payed to join is something like a donation to blizzard? Or a overpriced pack… great stuff…

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Thanks for linking it, the problem is since 2 weeks and blocks the hole modus.
Also it’s not completing the 12:0 round what is additionally really frustrating, I hope you also find a solution for this.