The New Reward System SUCKS

I am just gonna use some autoclicker with 3 positions - one to start a game, 2nd to confirm mulligan and 3rd one to end a turn. Start the loop, go to bed - profit.

Maybe they shouldn’t have made a free to play game? Not my problem that I am not spending money on a digital card game where there is no resell value, at least MTGO has second hand market.

Or you could just rope…

Arena still can give rewards of 5 gold :slight_smile:

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Based on that scandal in August, we’d be better off starting a GoFundMe for Blizzard staff than trusting Blizzard to share the wealth from buying Microtransactions. Record profits, barely paying over minimum wage to staff like Customer Service.

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you cant rope for 8 hours in a row :smiley:

It’s tough for people to adjust when they’re getting rewarded everyday in small increments to then only getting rewards less often.

I’ve noticed some achievements award xp (the ones with the silver chests) that also seem to be worth a bit.

I wonder if Blizz was expecting everyone to chase those to because I’ve seen little discussion about them just ‘system sux’

yep hating it over here also. around before the expansion dropped i was playing more and more arena (cause i found it fun more than battlegrounds and rated), and now, i dont want to have to jump through three hoops which are on fire, preform a triple summersault, and some other stuff in order to play one arena run.


Yup. Duel achievements and achievement regarding the upcoming set.

So start loving to play duel and invest in the new set if you want to progress.

This also means that people will start to progress faster along the xp track once the new set is playable.

I’ve been wondering this as it seems there’s a fair bit of xp just ‘waiting’ to be collected if you play various modes/themes/cards/decks/heroes.

It appears a double-edged sword as wanting your players to try different things is good but forcing them (or missing out on rewards) is bad.

I’ve said this in a few threads now but they should think of more organic ways to nudge people to try different modes (xp bonus for mode for example) then they can play what they want whilst still trying the mode.

I think there’s a healthy 12,500 XP locked behind increasingly demanding duels achievements.

A ‘pro tip’ by Iksar.

12,500 xp is not a small amount. I believe they should have equivalent opportunities in other game modes because not everyone cares for duels.

I suppose it’s their way of keeping it ‘spicy’…

But the whole point of this obtuse system is to force people to play how Blizzard wants them to play.


Blizzard issues a public statement in response to player feedback.

I agree completely. Blizzard really dropped the ball here. in my opinion there were people in Blizzard that knew how this would affect the play and they didn’t care. This is all about earning more money from players.

This will turn hearthstone into pay to win game more so then it ever has been before…

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More evidence that Team 5 intends to keep lying and has no intention of rectifying their flawed greedy system that kicks F2P where it hurts.


It’s their way of keeping it stingy.
You either play what they want or you get nothing.

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Spent an hour playing, in that time i played 4 tavern brawls and 3 matches in casual, also completed 2x 1000XP daily quests. Didnt get a level lol. and im not even far on the track (level 19). Things will only get worse. Great new rewards system we got there.


Team 5 sucked all of the fun and satisfaction out of the game. We are now working towards nothing and We collect nothing.
The rewards track is so slow and cheap that there is no real incentive to play. Play all day and you get nothing, so why bother?


So far I have been on Level 19 for 2 days. I generally log in the evenings and knock out the daily and play a few games. Last night I played for a couple of hours because I was testing out new decks and stuff. Aside from the XP from the daily quest my XP hardly budged.

So far it looks like Team5’s claim that you’ll get “experience for just playing” is a laughable exaggeration. Whatever XP they are giving out for playing games is only a tiny, almost imperceptible pittance.


My problem is Blizz wants to tell people how to play. They want to force people to play the way they want. Not only in Hearthstone, but also in WOW.
I like to create new decks based on different card types or other things, and play in casual for fun, not for ranking. In the old system, it is OK. But now, there is no any experience when you are playing casual games. (Yes, you can play casual to finish daily and weekly tasks, but playing casual games not provide any exp compared with ranking games. It forces me to play ranking or duels due to experience which is everything now. I hate that.
I am playing games for fun and relax, I don’t think I can play this for much longer. The reason I play hearthstone is I have been a big fan of WOW from very beginning. I don’t have time for WOW, and now I am just a casual player of hearthstone. Sad…

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