The New Reward System SUCKS

blizzard SUCK! there was literally nothing wrong with 10 gold per 3 wins.

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why don’t you wine and dine them, i don’t care about blizz devs, they should be fired or imprisoned if anything!

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Remember this is not a AAA title, no major graphics, very basic ui, basically zero settings. Consider the perspective on efforts over a new modern release, the margin is wide, yet they’re approach is one that sees gains over most AAA, because this is ascosiated with gambling and has that appeal.

It’s amazing to watch really. Alot of people ask why they dont support the long running community and their efforts, they let go with wow for the money and instant leveling without a care to your personal investments, its akin to the government spending all your super annuation on a company car.

I’d imagine it’s why the staff slowly diminished and get consistantly replaced, one hand washes the other. They may say “if it’s so bad then why does it work?”, consensus, study people long enough and you can work around them, even mould them over time into a new sitting.

Mind my overtured thoughts, the world seems to be getting more careless, and I despise the fact they we are treated as frogs in a pot of slow boiling water unable to see the hazards ahead. Be wary people, slow and gradual changes kneed you into new shapes, stay firm.

Not everybody wants to play Ranked buddy.


I was one of the first to say that new system could become quickly boring and disheartening.

Players are on a high the first day because of the achievements and multiple quests moving the XP bar fast in the low levels BUT!

Soon enough like you said, when they will notice they can at most get around 1500 XP per day and that is not even enough to gain a single level… It is gonna get mehhhhh very fast.

In the old system, i was only doing my daily quest and enough games to get my 100 Gold and buy a pack everyday.

With the new system, i know that some days i will have to play knowing i will not earn anything that day but some XP.

Thrill Factor down to 0.


No initiative to win (no 10 gold for 3 wins), no thrill.

Very bad system.

You do get XP per match though.

I did the math! With my average play time and completing every quest, I will loose 4,000 gold per expansion with the new system.

AND I will need to buy more packs when they release the small expansion of 35 new cards.
AND I did the math as if we were getting 100 gold for each level. We all know we don’t. We will get crappy packs we don’t even need and it’s another way to scam us.

So I’m going to loose wayyy more than 4,000 gold…Dust is less valuable than gold and ACTIVISION know it.

Edit : They lied to us. Why do you guys think we get XP now? In order to hide the gold gain per wins so we are less aware of the scam. I’m a programmer in real life and when I started I had crappy job. I did had to help develop paywall to get more money for the compagny. It smell like it and more importantly it TASTE like it.

I have a nice job at the moment tho.


Only part of your post I disagree with. Dust is slightly more valuable than gold after 30 or 40 packs opened.


I fall on the other side of that opinion.

This gives players a degree of progress even if they wind up having a bad run or day, simply for engaging with the game. You can meme it up all you want and while you might forsake some of that win bonus (however much it is) you still have time-played XP given to you.

System rewards needs work for sure, but I actually approve of the idea behind XP and its baseline functionality.

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Every card you get with gold is one less you need dust for. That’s why getting cards with gold is more valueable than with dust.

My bad!
I always thought that dust was less valuable than gold, thanks for letting me know that fact :slight_smile:

I never said you shouldn’t.

I mean they should just add the old 10 gold for 3 wins back to the system and cap it to 50 per day (or 400 per week) if they feel 100 would be too much.

No one cares about ‘time-played exp’.

We want gold…which the old system actually enabled us to obtain to stay relevant each expansion.

No one wants a bunch of random garbage and less gold with an increased need for gold.

The devs lied, you can quote them and it was blatantly untrue as it stands.

You seem awfully keen on defending corporate greed, whatever floats your boat.

Celeston’s math on Twitter doesn’t change anything because it omits relevant variables.

You don’t have to be a mathematician to recognize that the average dedicated player will earn less gold per expansion.

Again, this doesn’t even factor in the massive grind it takes to get less. Toss in a zillion random game modes that you don’t want to be shoehorned into doing or other things that ‘exp-lock’ you…

This reward system sucks and they knew about it, it’s why they omitted any transparency until the actual release date while swearing up and down that it would be an improvement.


Almost every post I’ve made on the matter has lambasted Blizz for breaking their promise to uphold earnable raw gold. Stop selectively reading and you might see that.

Time-earned XP matters in the sense that even if you didn’t win, you made progress in terms of earning resources while playing. That’s a good thing, and probably the only good thing that’s come out of this.

I was going to say that you literally have to work harder to find me mentioning this without also mentioning that resources rewards still need to be tuned way up to match previous time:gold ratios, but you actually ommited in your quote, the part where I mentioning that the system still needs to be adjusted.

It’s okay to acknowledge the things the system got right in my opinion, while still holding Blizz responsible for breaking their promise in regards to earnable gold totals per expansion cycle.

What’s not cool is taking out a chunk of what I say for a quote, then reacting to it as if I’m taking a different stance entirely.


What I “like” the most out of it is Celestalon’s own calculation, of a very dedicated player who would play HS on average 5h every day, so in the ballpark of dedicated HS streamers. That would grant lvl 116.

Imagine not getting lvl 150 even while maintaining average game time of 5 hours for an entire expansion. That’s just crazy. The hypothetical lvl 150 is there only for someone to notice they could in theory get almost 20k gold total and think “well that seems okay, no need to check if this is actually physically doable without losing job and sanity”.

Bots seem to be actually incentivized by this system, which is somewhat ironic given that previous system of 10g/3win was capped at 100g per day to disincentivize botting for gold.


You’d have to play over 13 hrs every day for all four months straight to hit level 150. They did say that they’ll be introducing a daily cap to address botting, but it would have to be more than 13.71 hours because otherwise it’ll make level 150 literally unattainable.

Also, J Alexander (a streamer) did a mathematical write-up since he plays approximately 5 hrs each day, which shows him missing about 3,000 gold each expansion compared to the old system.

He would’ve put it up on Celestalon’s post, but Cel has him blocked on Twitter lol


Source on this, please.

Source for the XP cap:

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Good stuff, thank you.

XP bots are to flourish in the new system.