Tavern Brawl: Say My Name

It was fun however I have missed out a few years so knew only about 80% of cards every time, googled the rest, got pack. Thank you!

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It’s a guessing where we can look on Google to find the answers. I mean, I get it isn’t the run of the mill Brawl against opponents or in some cases AI, but you can easily complete this one whether by knowledge alone or a simple search on the internet.

Also, turns out it completes a part of one of the “???” achievements, so you’re getting more for you’re time if you don’t have it.


Sooo those saying to simply “Google the card names” are admitting to cheating the tavern brawl to win? Isn’t that against TOS? Would be a shame if there was to be reports of rampant cheating. Real shame.

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It has a time limit so it is not so easy to just google it… you need a basic knowledge atleast. :slight_smile:


My memory serves me well, done it twice without needing to look up anything. I wouldn’t remember every card off the top of my head but it was easy to eliminate unsuitable names of cards. Might do it a few more times.


Don’t know what you mean. Got it on the first try.


You can Google the 20 cards names, with some errors, in a few minutes without reaching the time limit, all on a single screen of a computer
There’s absolutely no knowledge required when using that method


Eh, it can’t be done, at least I can’t do it.
No time limit. Yes
With the right number of cards in your hand and creatures on the table. Yes


I guess its a place for no life hs hardcore players to flex how much time they wasted on this game


I’m sure they won’t do it in Blizzard itself.

literally took me less than a minute


What flex is there in just typing the names in a search bar ?
Unless you’re a slow writter, have severe dyslexia, or are bad at recognizing images, any one can complete that brawl in the alocated 5 minutes if they really want to
I made the demonstration in english (which I only play in since a few months ago) but I can redo it in any language of your choice that uses the same alphabet if you think I cheated by already knowing the names of the cards

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Yeah, exactly, bad vision, dyslexia etc, and overall - using google search for a game mode is bad design

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A game mode where you create your deck is bad design
A game mode where you create your deck is good design
A game mode where you get a random deck is bad design
A game mode where you get a random deck is good design
A game mode where you get a set deck is bad design
A game mode where you get a set deck is good design
A PVE game mode is bad design
A PVE game mode is good design
An anniversary event that feels off for some people is bad design
An anniversary event that rewards and pleases long-time players is good design

That’s just a matter of subjective opinion

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This game mode is specifically for people who no-life farmed hs, that’s all. And for google players. I think it’s bad design.
What you wrote is mental gymnastic


I played the game, not in english, for years.
I only play the game in english since a few months.
I barely know 20% of english names and yet have been able to complete it in 4 tries just by guessing some names based on the artworks.
I’m sorry you feel that way but your thinking does not represent the global appreciation of this event.
It’s only fair that you can express what you think about it, especially when you precise it’s only your thinking. That doesn’t mean that players that don’t share your point of view deserve to be trashtalked.

There’s nothing complex in what I wrote, it’s just switching point of views to illustrate the definition of subjectiveness.
Being able to understand the point of view of others often helps in a daily basis


mental gymnastics pl (plural only) Difficult and complex logical thought processes, especially when performed effortlessly . To cope with these mental gymnastics we apply various ways of simplifying and reducing the information. (derogatory) Inventive, complex arguments used to justify what is otherwise unjustifiable.

Congrats, you’re able to copy/paste
Now is time to read
What is difficult and complex in my message ?
Whats is unjustifiable in a delibarate game mode design choice ?

You completely ignored my take and post things that means nothing to justify your point

BTW, they turned brawl mode off to rework it. So… we were right, you were wrong

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What take have I ignored ?
You just claim it is a bad design I replied to that

I said it is subjective and gave examples of subjectiveness, what relation do you not see between my posts ?

Where does it reads that they are planning on reworking it ?

So did you. You are accusing me of mental gymnastic by shoving a definition to my face. That definition doesn’t apply to the situation and I ask you why you think it does. Still waiting for an explanation