Tavern Brawl: Say My Name

you just need to get one card wrong, not all are so obvious… thanks GOD they stop this nonsense. I managed to do it by searching on the web for the names… 3 attempts, because of the time limit, and here you go, solved it. But the point is that this is not Tavern … this is a different kind of game I don’t like. If I want a memory game I can download a memory game.


and where is the fun in this? dude? where is the fun? You miss the point. The game is stupid, nothing like Hearthstone… more like Memorystone or webstone

The tavern brawl changes every week, sometimes you’ll like it, sometimes you won’t.
This week they decided to do a brawl dedicated to long time players with a nostalgic appeal for the 10 years anniversary of the game. It won’t suit to all players. Don’t like it don’t play it. Get your free pack and get over it.

There will always be people whinning on tavern brawls for a reason or another. Sometimes because they don’t like co-op brawls. Sometimes because they don’t like PVE brawls. Sometimes because they don’t like random decks. Sometimes because they don’t like set decks. Sometimes because they don’t like custom decks.

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I’ve been playing Hearthstone from almost the beginning. Because of this kind of move, I moved away but always returned because it was a great game. I didn’t like it and it was my honest opinion. Sometimes is ok to just say you were wrong and that’s it. Think about it, even for Tavern Brawl… you can’t play against other users and if you played once most likely you won’t play twice… unless you like memory games.

I never said it was wrong to not like it.
There are plenty of brawls I don’t like and don’t play past the free pack.
But when it’s the case I just say that I don’t like it and why.
But I don’t say as if it was an absolute truth that it is a bad design, a stupid game, that no one likes it, and the majority of players can’t play it (to summ up the posts I’ve replied to here)

Same can be said about every single tavern brawl
Just switch memory game for whatever fits the current brawl

You won’t play twice, unless you like relying on RNG
You won’t play twice, unless you like chess
You won’t play twice, unless you like PVE
You won’t play twice, unless you like co-op
You won’t play twice, unless you like games that end on turn 1


that’s not true. There is a major difference between being able to pick a strategy to play and naming the fracking card … most of the players are using search to find it… that’s why I said what I said. Search on the internet for the name of the card. really? Can you compare this to relying on RNG? I can understand your argument but it’s not the same thing.

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Aside from legendaries that have distinct names, most of the cards you can just deduce the name based on the artwork, effect and theme of the card.
Between that and the other puzzles that are available in the game there’s not that big of a difference.
But I completely understand that a lot of players may not like it. But that doesn’t mean there’s not also a lot of players that enjoy it, and that the mode is entirely trash

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autist :dotted_line_face:

The funny thing is, it was easier the second time with this new account than it was the first. lol did they make it easier?

Then get smarter. It’s a week, for their tenth anniversary.

Not every Tavern Brawl is for everybody. I’ve skipped plenty of them because I didn’t like the concept. BFD.

So far I’ve played it twice and won it twice without needing to look anything up. I wouldn’t have been able to name most of these cards if it was fill-in-the-blank, but it’s multiple choice and process of elimination makes it pretty easy.

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Imma leave this here:

I’m a slow typist and more than 3/4 the time, the set ended or it kicked me out.

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I’ve now tried over 10 times and still only get down to 3 cards at best. Some of those I still don’t know the names of. Maybe for you guys that type fast or have great computers. I’ve played and gotton to Diamond, but even with my memory, its still not fun.

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good idea BAD design :frowning:

If there were only cards to assign that are on the table, even someone who is not autistic or Sheldon Copper could enjoy it…