this whole thing with rewards track is total fail from the beginning and this changes you are planing to do are nothing…why did you even had a need to replace a bad system that was before this with worse one? true positive change would be if you just bring back the old system and THE MOST IMPORTANT - BRING BACK 10 GOLD FOR 3 WINS!!!
And when you’re planing to do some “changes” than NERF DEMON HUNTER already 'cause it is awfully OP and it is making everything worst than it is already! start doing something positive for your players not just for your wallets!
I think it’s a bit too late, I used to play hearthstone nonstop and loved new expansion but ruining how rewards worked killed this game for me. it’s extremely rare to see me log on now and when I do it’s to play 1 maybe 2 battlegrounds
Appreciate the changes.
I’m mostly playing ranked for fun (bronze-gold level) and I’ve had to re-roll some of the weekly quests 3-4 times until I get a quest I like to do.
I like the quests which does not force a specific play mode, and corrupt 50 cards is, well if the reward was 3times the current and adding half-way reward points it would feel more like something one can do it over a full week.
Overall I like the new quest reward system way more, the old win 3 get 10 gold was completely useless for me and it didn’t feel like any reward, it was more like you have just wasted 1-2h, here you have 10 gold.
Idea, one could add a chance to get a bonus in addition to completing a weekly or daily quest. It would be like playing puzzle box and having a god-luck roll
Hey Blizzard why not fix bug back card MISSING [SAMSUNG GALAXY] why notfix
Blizzard it mean problem issue 1 month
I can adapt to a new system. As a matter of fact, i appreciate the efforts to improve the game without butchering the current content.
One thing though. I should be lvl 30 after the lag clears. Will the changes to the track be retroactive? On the xp point of view and the rewards i already claimed.
How about nerfing some cards like Tickatus instead of worry about improving reward tracking system.
You would rather have Tickatus nerfed? A card that doesn’t get played because Warlocks are dead before turn 8 (the earliest you can play a corrupted Tickatus without discounts?)
Tickatus does not need a nerf. Demon Hunter on the other hand could do with a power cut
its going get nerf whatever you like it or not and I can’t wait until it happens.
The devs already confirmed that the changes are retroactive, so you’ll find yourself ahead a few levels once the reward track updates.
What makes you say this?
When will you apologise for lying?
Let me remind you that this was definitely not miscommunication. This was intended. You knew what you were doing.
befor you got that for just logging in 3 quest that all 3 give 3 packs and then you get a lgendary
I appreciate everyone complaining that the system isn’t good enough so that I have to grind way less.
any sources for this claim?
The real question is - When is soon?? I have play 50 corrupt cards this week. Make it before Monday please.
Won’t be until next week, most likely Tuesday (since that’s the date for the packs + 500 gold).
Thank you - very happy that I can play on my own schedule and do not have to plan around high XP events!!!
because everyone is sick and tried of watching their deck get destroyed by this card. Already I had match with lock who used that card 3x. I don’t like it and I know its going get nerf bat soon.
Thanks. Re-rolled the corrupt card quest.
블리자드에는 하루에 3시간이상 플레이해본 사람이 없나? 하루에 2팩씩 삿는데 이제는 2,3일에 2팩 사고있다. 3승 10골드제를 없앤건 오래된 유저들을 기만하는 행위나 다름없다. 3승 10골드제와 보상의 길 시스템 두가지를 모두 시행하면 안되는 이유라도 있나? 그냥 돈벌라고 발악하는걸로 밖에 보이지 않는다. 가장 이상적인 것은 보상의 길과 업적 시스템이 보너스의 의미를 가지면서기존의 3승 10골드제를 유지하는 것이다. 위의 패치노트는 새로운 시스템을 추가해놓고 반응이 좋지않으니 괜히 이상한 방식으로 뒷수습하는 느낌이다. 이렇게 조금씩 패치하는 이유는 한번의 패치로 많은 변화를 주는것이 감당되지않아서 그런건가? 커뮤니티에서 매일같이 보상의 길을 개편하라고 아우성을 치는데, 겨우 퀘스트 달성조건과 경험치, 소량의 골드 뿐인가? 애초에 그 정도 패치를 해야됬다고 생각하지 않나? 유저들과 소통하겠다고 적어놓고 정작 유저들이 하는 말에 대한 직접적인 답변은 매우 부족하다. 요즘들어 빠르게 긍정적인 패치를 하는 듯 해서 굉장히 좋게보고있었는데, 갑자기 이상한 패치를 하는 것 같아 짜증이 난다.