Good stuff.
- This does NOT address the problem with a LACK OF INCREMENTAL GOLD GENERATION.
Specifically, that 10g increments are missing. Everything is in multiples of 100 or 150 (and now 50g post level 51).
It’s a VERY big deal to not be able to grind 10g to get the next pack or play the next Arena/Heroic Duels/etc.
I don’t log in anymore, other than to do the dailies. I never used to play like this. There’s just no incentive to do anything else.
- Wish you pointed out the Tavern Brawl not counting Quests was a BUG FIX–rather than trying to pass it off as a “new” incentive.
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For me it is the other way round: I used to do mainly the dailies but little more. Now I think “oh I could just play one more game…” and suddenly another hour is gone.
The 10 gold/three wins never meant much for me (not being a good player might be the reason). But getting exp for playing? Helps a lot.
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It wasn’t a bug though. It was very much an intended change.
Its full of one post people because thats how bad the changes were it stirred up even the plebs to complain
Says a person with 3 posts… ok
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New system of quest and rewards is a system that guarenee u can never even try to play for free. so no buy less oo sorry i maen way less cards/gold or packs to even try making more than 1 deck u might like to play. So sorry to see only a Poor upgrade in the reward system and think that make us happy. Lay it back with the old system that gave u guaranteed 1 pack every 2 day’s with the gold quest rewards.
make it possible for less monny to play or kee playing the game plz blizzard or must the rich become even richer ?
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It’s unfair, disgusting and not motivating to have to play weekly missions on Battlegrounds, Taverns and things not all players like; @blizzard you should only create weekly missions more accessible to EVERYBODY, and also consider not offering weekly hard quests such as “play 50 corrupt” cards…50!!! unless u have a lot of free time, you will need hours to achieve this. I’m planning to leave this game due to this new unfair system of rewards , missions, etc…let’s see if @blizzard can make this more appealing to everyone, even to those who do not have much time to play.
I agree with WingedKagout and Sariel. Whenever I try to play a ranked game it just sits there waiting for an opponent for minutes; barely anyone plays ranked. The quest requiring you to win ranked games should be removed all together.
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Well I’m upset we who ordered the expensive expansion ($80?) didn’t get the dang $20 season pass or whatever you all call it. That’s some BS. Also, why even pay for a pass if all you get is xp and lame hero backs? Even though you guys are clearly basing this pass off of games like Fortnite… the least you could do is provide the first season free while you screw it up and figure it out.
still way too less rewarding blizz. fix it dont minior update it
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Muy bien las mejoras, aunque yo también creo aún hay varias cosas que se pueden hacer. 
Juego hearthstone desde 2016 , casi todos los días para ganarme mis recompenzas. Como muchos casi nunca jugaba con ranking, me frustraba mucho perder y retroceder tanto. Arena sigo sin jugar, soy muy mala para hacer los mazos. Perooo estoy contenta con todas las nuevas posibilidades de juego que hay y eso se agradece mucho y por lo mismo yo también estoy de acuerdo en que en lugar de obligar a jugar con ranking y ganar 5 deberían de subir a ganar 10 en cualquier modalidad de modos, de taberna y ranking.
Otro punto importante, es que jugar es un placer, un momento de recreación y diversión y aunque era poco el oro que se ganaba con ganar 3partidas y obtener 10 de oro, podía acumular 100 moneditas en dos días (a parte de las misiones), y yo no soy de jugar agro. Pero me motivaba ver que mis moneditas se incrementaban. Yo propondría que ganar cada 3 partidas te de x puntos de experiencia que ayuden a subir en el mapa lo que era el equivalente en el sistema anterior.
Otro punto es el polvo arcano, sigue siendo muuuuuuuuy bajo. Y sigue siendo muy dificil obtener legendarias en los sobres, y ahora casi simposible crearlas con polvo.
Yo estoy super contenta con el juego, me gusta mucho, y creo que lo siguen haciendo muy bien. Pero también estoy de acuerdo en que los precios de los paquetes en estos tiempos son una locura. Al principio si que invertía en el juego, hubo un par de expanciones que compré y obtenías todas las cartas, y el precio era muy accesible. Creo que volvería a invertir una pequeña cantidad en cada expansión si los precios fueran razonables. Pero pagar 80€ en una expansión
es una locura, y por 3 al año? Eso ya está fuera de la realidad de la mayoría de los que jugamos.
Pero como siempre, estoy agradecida de saber que los creadores de hearthstone escuchan a los jugadores y ojalá sigan con las mejoras!
Saludos y buen día a todos!!!
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the ranked mode is really not that bad, in my experience about 1/4 of the people you play against in those first 5 games will just leave right when the match starts and alot of the games are easer then quick play.
Make daily quests also give you gold, like MtG Arena does. Do that, and most complaints will be fixed. Well, you also need 10 gold per 3 wins back. Otherwise, what is the point of playing once you finish quests?
I do not usually post here and I know I’m a week late but wanted to thank Blizzard and the Hearthstone team for the QOL changes being rolled out to the new Rewards Track system. As someone who has been active in HS since the very start, I have seen a lot of decisions made – bad or good – and this seems to be one of the good decisions.
I play mostly Wild Ranked and don’t go into the other modes much (except Duels and the occasional Brawl) and am looking forward to the changes. I think I’m currently level 34 so this will be interesting to see how it works out.
If I could request only one minor change, it would be to reinstate the Gold rewards for each 3 games won. With the ever-changing Wild metas and continuous launch of new cards, the deconstruct/construct cost for decks is ramping up much faster than it used to, and I find myself having to buy way more packs than I used to just to get enough dust to play on meta or counterdeck the meta.
Thank you for keeping Hearthstone fun (for me, at least, I can’t speak for anyone but.)
It’s not about the difficulty, it’s about forcing players to play a game-mode they really, really don’t like. There are lots of Arena / BG / Duels players who simply do not want to play Ranked - and Blizzard has to frickin’ respect that!
Seriously, the “win 5 games” a month to get the cardback already was a chore for me - i did it, but i did not have fun with it. And now Blizzards wants to force me to win 5 games a week instead of a month if i want to get the most of the new reward system?!? Why, just why Blizzard! Stop forcing me to play game-modes i don’t want to play!
At least make it “play 5 games of ranked”, then all the little Timmys can at least play some crazy never-work-out combo decks instead of being forced to play whatever-stupid-aggro-deck-is-currently-the-strongest!
I just completed my daily quest and the 3 weekly quests that came out today and haven’t even progressed a single level.
Now I have to wait a week for new quests to make any meaningful progress. And I’m not even at level 40 yet. I can just imagine what the grind to level 50 will be like.
Feels bad man.
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It’s not getting nerfed this patch, apparently.
I agree. Maybe they could have then kept it at 7 games if they really want people to play Ranked, I dunno.
So many entitled kids in the forum. They made things better, small improvements. What did you expect? 50 card packs as compensation for the time you had to spend sucking your momma’s breasts cause Blizzard was so, so mean to you? Gimme a break. Stop hating all the god damn time. Get a job and some friends.
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